11 research outputs found

    Serum carotenoids, alpha-tocopherol, and lung function among Dutch elderly

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    Antioxidant vitamins (provitamins) may protect against loss of lung function over time. We studied the association between serum carotenoids (-carotene, -carotene, lycopene, -cryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin, and lutein), -tocopherol, and lung function among noninstitutionalized Dutch elderly age 65 to 85 yr (n = 528). Multiple linear regression analysis was performed with FEV1 or FVC as dependent variables and serum levels of antioxidants in quintiles as independent variables. We adjusted for age, gender, height, and pack-years of smoking. Subjects in the fifth quintile of serum -carotene had a 195 ml (95␌onfidence interval [95␌I]: 40 to 351 ml) higher and those in the fifth quintile of -carotene had a 257 ml (95␌I: 99 to 414 ml) higher FEV1 compared with subjects in the first quintile of these carotenoids. Significant (p < 0.05) positive trends were observed between -carotene, -carotene, lycopene, and FEV1 and between -carotene, -carotene, and FVC. Subjects in the highest quintile of the other carotenoids or -tocopherol did not have significantly higher FEV1 or FVC compared with subjects in the first quintile of these antioxidants. In conclusion, this study shows that from the six major serum carotenoids and -tocopherol studied, particularly -carotene, -carotene, and lycopene were positively associated with lung function in the elderly and may be considered as candidates for further investigations. Grievink L, de Waart FG, Schouten EG, Kok FJ. Serum carotenoids, -tocopherol, and lung function among Dutch elderly

    Leefwijze, gezondheid en medische consumptie van zelfstandig wonende ouderen

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    Serum carotenoids, alpha-tocopherol, and lung function among Dutch elderly

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    Antioxidant vitamins (provitamins) may protect against loss of lung function over time. We studied the association between serum carotenoids (-carotene, -carotene, lycopene, -cryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin, and lutein), -tocopherol, and lung function among noninstitutionalized Dutch elderly age 65 to 85 yr (n = 528). Multiple linear regression analysis was performed with FEV1 or FVC as dependent variables and serum levels of antioxidants in quintiles as independent variables. We adjusted for age, gender, height, and pack-years of smoking. Subjects in the fifth quintile of serum -carotene had a 195 ml (95␌onfidence interval [95␌I]: 40 to 351 ml) higher and those in the fifth quintile of -carotene had a 257 ml (95␌I: 99 to 414 ml) higher FEV1 compared with subjects in the first quintile of these carotenoids. Significant (p < 0.05) positive trends were observed between -carotene, -carotene, lycopene, and FEV1 and between -carotene, -carotene, and FVC. Subjects in the highest quintile of the other carotenoids or -tocopherol did not have significantly higher FEV1 or FVC compared with subjects in the first quintile of these antioxidants. In conclusion, this study shows that from the six major serum carotenoids and -tocopherol studied, particularly -carotene, -carotene, and lycopene were positively associated with lung function in the elderly and may be considered as candidates for further investigations. Grievink L, de Waart FG, Schouten EG, Kok FJ. Serum carotenoids, -tocopherol, and lung function among Dutch elderly