16 research outputs found

    Down-Regulated NOD2 by Immunosuppressants in Peripheral Blood Cells in Patients with SLE Reduces the Muramyl Dipeptide-Induced IL-10 Production

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    Pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) such as Toll-like receptors are aberrantly expressed of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients, for playing immunopathological roles. basal productions of cytokines (IL-6, IL-8 and IL-10) were significantly increased in immunosuppressant naïve patients and patients with active disease despite immunosuppressants compared with HCs. Upon MDP stimulaiton, relative induction (%) of cytokines (IL-1β) from PBMC was significantly increased in immunosuppressant naïve patients with inactive disease, and patients with active disease despite immunosuppressant treatment compared with HCs. Immunosuppressant usage was associated with a decreased basal production and MDP induced relative induction (%) of IL-10 in patients with inactive disease compared with immunosuppressant naïve patients and HCs.Bacterial exposure may increase the NOD2 expression in monocytes in immunosuppressant naïve SLE patients which can subsequently lead to aberrant activation of PBMCs to produce proinflammatory cytokines, implicating the innate immune response for extracellular pathogens in the immunopathological mechanisms in SLE. Immunosuppressant therapy may downregulate NOD2 expression in CD8+ T lymphocytes, monocytes, and DCs in SLE patients which subsequently IL-10 reduction, contributing towards the regulation of immunopathological mechanisms of SLE, at the expense of increasing risk of bacterial infection

    New Ceramic Design

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    Research Note: Online and Print Newspapers: Their Impact on the Extent of the Perceived Public Agenda

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    j Printed newspapers are known to widen the range of public topics, events and issues their audience is aware of. There are reasons to assume that their online counterparts help increase their audience’s perceived agenda to a lesser extent. The way print newspapers are structured and used is supposed to lure readers into reading stories they may not have been interested in beforehand. Online papers support more activity and control by their users; becoming aware of a narrower range of topics according to one’s individual interests is more plausible. A representative survey of almost 1000 respondents shows it is more complicated than that. Both channels in fact contribute to widening the audience agenda. But whereas online newspapers show this effect only in the highest educated group of society, print newspapers are able to expand the horizon of those whose range of interests is at most average. j Key Words agenda-setting, media effects, newspapers, online newspapers, the Netherland