3,322 research outputs found

    Short communications: Bat-hunting behaviour of the Dark Chanting Goshawk Melierax metabates

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    The conservation of energy-momentum and the mass for the graviton

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    In this work we give special attention to the bimetric theory of gravitation with massive gravitons proposed by Visser in 1998. In his theory, a prior background metric is necessary to take in account the massive term. Although in the great part of the astrophysical studies the Minkowski metric is the best choice to the background metric, it is not possible to consider this metric in cosmology. In order to keep the Minkowski metric as background in this case, we suggest an interpretation of the energy-momentum conservation in Visser's theory, which is in accordance with the equivalence principle and recovers naturally the special relativity in the absence of gravitational sources. Although we do not present a general proof of our hypothesis we show its validity in the simple case of a plane and dust-dominated universe, in which the `massive term' appears like an extra contribution for the energy density.Comment: 9 pages, accepted for publishing in GR

    Wormhole geometries supported by a nonminimal curvature-matter coupling

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    Wormhole geometries in curvature-matter coupled modified gravity are explored, by considering an explicit nonminimal coupling between an arbitrary function of the scalar curvature, R, and the Lagrangian density of matter. It is the effective stress-energy tensor containing the coupling between matter and the higher order curvature derivatives that is responsible for the null energy condition violation, and consequently for supporting the respective wormhole geometries. The general restrictions imposed by the null energy condition violation are presented in the presence of a nonminimal R-matter coupling. Furthermore, obtaining exact solutions to the gravitational field equations is extremely difficult due to the nonlinearity of the equations, although the problem is mathematically well-defined. Thus, we outline several approaches for finding wormhole solutions, and deduce an exact solution by considering a linear R nonmiminal curvature-matter coupling and by considering an explicit monotonically decreasing function for the energy density. Although it is difficult to find exact solutions of matter threading the wormhole satisfying the energy conditions at the throat, an exact solution is found where the nonminimal coupling does indeed minimize the violation of the null energy condition of normal matter at the throat.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures. V2: 9 pages, error and typos corrected; discussion and references added; to appear in PR

    Superconductivity in heavy-fermion U(Pt,Pd)3 and its interplay with magnetism

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    The effect of Pd doping on the superconducting phase diagram of the unconventional superconductor UPt3 has been measured by (magneto)resistance, specific heat, thermal expansion and magnetostriction. Experiments on single- and polycrystalline U(Pt1-xPdx)3 for x<= 0.006 show that the superconducting transition temperatures of the A phase, Tc+, and of the B phase, Tc-, both decrease, while the splitting DTc increases at a rate of 0.30(2)K/at.%Pd. We find that DTc(x) correlates with an increase of the weak magnetic moment m(x) upon Pd doping. This provides further evidence for Ginzburg-Landau scenarios with magnetism as the symmetry breaking field, i.e. the 2D E representation and the 1D odd parity model. Only for small splittings DTc is proportional to m^2(Tc+) (DTc<= 0.05 K) as predicted. The results at larger splittings call for Ginzburg-Landau expansions beyond 4th order. The tetracritical point in the B-T plane persists till at least x= 0.002 for B perpendicular to c, while it is rapidly suppressed for B||c. Upon alloying the A and B phases gain stability at the expense of the C phase.Comment: 25 pages text (PS), 8 pages with 14 figures (PS), submitted to Phys.Rev.

    "Cosmological" quasiparticle production in harmonically trapped superfluid gases

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    We show that a variety of cosmologically motivated effective quasiparticle space-times can be produced in harmonically trapped superfluid Bose and Fermi gases. We study the analogue of cosmological particle production in these effective space-times, induced by trapping potentials and coupling constants possessing an arbitrary time dependence. The WKB probabilities for phonon creation from the superfluid vacuum are calculated, and an experimental procedure to detect quasiparticle production by measuring density-density correlation functions is proposed.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure; references updated, as published in Physical Review

    Kondo hybridisation and the origin of metallic states at the (001) surface of SmB6

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    SmB6, a well-known Kondo insulator, has been proposed to be an ideal topological insulator with states of topological character located in a clean, bulk electronic gap, namely the Kondo hybridisation gap. Seeing as the Kondo gap arises from many body electronic correlations, this would place SmB6 at the head of a new material class: topological Kondo insulators. Here, for the first time, we show that the k-space characteristics of the Kondo hybridisation process is the key to unravelling the origin of the two types of metallic states observed directly by ARPES in the electronic band structure of SmB6(001). One group of these states is essentially of bulk origin, and cuts the Fermi level due to the position of the chemical potential 20 meV above the lowest lying 5d-4f hybridisation zone. The other metallic state is more enigmatic, being weak in intensity, but represents a good candidate for a topological surface state. However, before this claim can be substantiated by an unequivocal measurement of its massless dispersion relation, our data raises the bar in terms of the ARPES resolution required, as we show there to be a strong renormalisation of the hybridisation gaps by a factor 2-3 compared to theory, following from the knowledge of the true position of the chemical potential and a careful comparison with the predictions from recent LDA+Gutzwiler calculations. All in all, these key pieces of evidence act as triangulation markers, providing a detailed description of the electronic landscape in SmB6, pointing the way for future, ultrahigh resolution ARPES experiments to achieve a direct measurement of the Dirac cones in the first topological Kondo insulator.Comment: 9 pages, 4 Figures and supplementary material (including Movies and CORPES13 "best prize" poster

    Analog gravity from field theory normal modes?

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    We demonstrate that the emergence of a curved spacetime ``effective Lorentzian geometry'' is a common and generic result of linearizing a field theory around some non-trivial background. This investigation is motivated by considering the large number of ``analog models'' of general relativity that have recently been developed based on condensed matter physics, and asking whether there is something more fundamental going on. Indeed, linearization of a classical field theory (a field theoretic ``normal mode analysis'') results in fluctuations whose propagation is governed by a Lorentzian-signature curved spacetime ``effective metric''. For a single scalar field, this procedure results in a unique effective metric, which is quite sufficient for simulating kinematic aspects of general relativity (up to and including Hawking radiation). Quantizing the linearized fluctuations, the one-loop effective action contains a term proportional to the Einstein--Hilbert action, suggesting that while classical physics is responsible for generating an ``effective geometry'', quantum physics can be argued to induce an ``effective dynamics''. The situation is strongly reminiscent of Sakharov's ``induced gravity'' scenario, and suggests that Einstein gravity is an emergent low-energy long-distance phenomenon that is insensitive to the details of the high-energy short-distance physics. (We mean this in the same sense that hydrodynamics is a long-distance emergent phenomenon, many of whose predictions are insensitive to the short-distance cutoff implicit in molecular dynamics.)Comment: Revtex 4 (beta 5); 12 pages in single-column forma