6,467 research outputs found

    Type I superconductivity in the Dirac semimetal PdTe2

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    The superconductor PdTe2_2 was recently classified as a Type II Dirac semimetal, and advocated to be an improved platform for topological superconductivity. Here we report magnetic and transport measurements conducted to determine the nature of the superconducting phase. Surprisingly, we find that PdTe2_2 is a Type I superconductor with Tc=1.64T_c = 1.64 K and a critical field μ0Hc(0)=13.6\mu_0 H_c (0) = 13.6 mT. Our crystals also exhibit the intermediate state as demonstrated by the differential paramagnetic effect. For H>HcH > H_c we observe superconductivity of the surface sheath. This calls for a close examination of superconductivity in PdTe2_2 in view of the presence of topological surface states.Comment: 5 page

    Weak magnetism phenomena in heavy-fermion superconductors: selected μ\muSR studies

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    The behavior of the so-called weak moment antiferromagnetic states, observed in the heavy-fermion superconductors UPt3_3 and URu2_2Si2_2, is discussed in view of recent μ\muSR results obtained as function of control parameters like chemical substitution and external pressure. In UPt3_3, the Pd substitution for Pt reveals the dynamical character of the weak moment order. On the other hand, μ\muSR measurements performed on samples in which Th substitutes U suggest that crystallographic disorder on the magnetic sites deeply affects the fluctuation timescale. In URu2_2Si2_2, a phase separation between the so-called hidden order state, present at ambient pressure, and an antiferromagnetic state, occurring under pressure, is observed. In view of the pressure-temperature phase diagram obtained by μ\muSR, it is deduced that the respective order parameters have different symmetries.Comment: To appear in: J. Phys.: Cond. Matte

    Muon spin rotation study of the topological superconductor SrxBi2Se3

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    We report transverse-field (TF) muon spin rotation experiments on single crystals of the topological superconductor Srx_xBi2_2Se3_3 with nominal concentrations x=0.15x=0.15 and 0.180.18 (Tc∼3T_c \sim 3 K). The TF spectra (B=10B= 10 mT), measured after cooling to below TcT_c in field, did not show any additional damping of the muon precession signal due to the flux line lattice within the experimental uncertainty. This puts a lower bound on the magnetic penetration depth λ≥2.3 μ\lambda \geq 2.3 ~\mum. However, when we induce disorder in the vortex lattice by changing the magnetic field below TcT_c a sizeable damping rate is obtained for T→0T \rightarrow 0. The data provide microscopic evidence for a superconducting volume fraction of ∼70 %\sim 70~ \% in the x=0.18x=0.18 crystal and thus bulk superconductivity.Comment: 6 pages, includes 4 figure

    Might EPR particles communicate through a wormhole?

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    We consider the two-particle wave function of an Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen system, given by a two dimensional relativistic scalar field model. The Bohm-de Broglie interpretation is applied and the quantum potential is viewed as modifying the Minkowski geometry. In this way an effective metric, which is analogous to a black hole metric in some limited region, is obtained in one case and a particular metric with singularities appears in the other case, opening the possibility, following Holland, of interpreting the EPR correlations as being originated by an effective wormhole geometry, through which the physical signals can propagate.Comment: Corrected version, to appears in EP

    Surface water sanitation and biomass production in a large constructed wetland in the Netherlands

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    In Western-Europe, agricultural practices have contributed to environmental problems such as eutrophication of surface and ground water, flooding, drought and desiccation of surrounding natural habitats. Solutions that reduce the impact of these problems are urgently needed. Common reed (Phragmites australis) is capable of sanitizing surface water and may function as green energy source because of its high productivity. Here, the results of an experiment in a constructed wetland in the Netherlands are presented where two different sanitation treatments were compared. Depending on the residence time and volume per unit area, reed is capable to reduce the total amount of nitrogen in the water with average efficiencies from 32 to 47% and the total amount of phosphorous with 27–45%. Although biomass production still varies largely between different parts of the constructed wetland, a rapid increase in biomass was observed since planting. Constructed wetlands with reed provide opportunities to improve water quality and reed produces enough biomass to serve as green energy source. Moreover, these wetlands also function as a flood water reservoir and are possibly advantageous for biodiversity. The optimal moment of reed harvesting depends on the goal of the owner. This moment should be chosen wisely, as it may have consequences for reed filter regeneration, biomass production, biodiversity, methane emission and water sanitation efficiency

    Superconductivity under pressure in the Dirac semimetal PdTe2

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    The Dirac semimetal PdTe2_2 was recently reported to be a type-I superconductor (Tc=T_c = 1.64 K, μ0Hc(0)=13.6\mu_0 H_c (0) = 13.6 mT) with unusual superconductivity of the surface sheath. We here report a high-pressure study, p≤2.5p \leq 2.5 GPa, of the superconducting phase diagram extracted from ac-susceptibility and transport measurements on single crystalline samples. Tc(p)T_c (p) shows a pronounced non-monotonous variation with a maximum Tc=T_c = 1.91 K around 0.91 GPa, followed by a gradual decrease to 1.27 K at 2.5 GPa. The critical field of bulk superconductivity in the limit T→0T \rightarrow 0, Hc(0,p)H_c(0,p), follows a similar trend and consequently the Hc(T,p)H_c(T,p)-curves under pressure collapse on a single curve: Hc(T,p)=Hc(0,p)[1−(T/Tc(p))2]H_c(T,p)=H_c(0,p)[1-(T/T_c(p))^2]. Surface superconductivity is robust under pressure as demonstrated by the large superconducting screening signal that persists for applied dc-fields Ha>HcH_a > H_c. Surprisingly, for p≥1.41p \geq 1.41 GPa the superconducting transition temperature at the surface TcST_c^S is larger than TcT_c of the bulk. Therefore surface superconductivity may possibly have a non-trivial nature and is connected to the topological surface states detected by ARPES. We compare the measured pressure variation of TcT_c with recent results from band structure calculations and discuss the importance of a Van Hove singularity.Comment: manuscript 9 pages with 8 figures + supplemental material 3 pages with 6 figure

    Estimate of halo ellipticity as a function of radius with flexions

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    The cold dark matter theory predicts triaxial dark matter haloes. The radial distribution of halo ellipticity depends on baryonic processes and the nature of dark matter particles (collisionless or collisional). Here we show that we can use lensing flexion ratios to measure the halo ellipticity as a function of radius. We introduce a weight function and study the relationship between the first and second order statistics of flexion ratios, both of which can be used to reduce the bias in the estimate of ellipticity. we perform numerical tests for our method, and demonstrate that it can reduce the bias and determine the halo ellipticity as a function of radius. We also point out that the minimum mean flexion ratio can be used to trace the centres of galaxy clusters.Comment: 9 pages,9 figures, MNRAS accepte

    The Determination of the Homogeneity of a Vitis vinif era L. cv. Cape Riesling Vineyard

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    The value of Principal Component and Stepwise Discriminant analyses in selecting uniform plants for experimental purposes is discussed. Twenty seven variables were taken into account to establish the homogeniety (uniform plants) of 297 Vitis vinifera L. cv. Cape Riesling vines. A detailed study of the relationship and interrelationship of these variables resulted in 208 vines being selected as a uniform population. This selection provides the researcher with the possibility of using single vines as experimental units. However, it must be pointed out that Principal Component and Stepwise Discriminant analyses can only be used as an aid to normal statistical evaluation of experimental results and not as substitute for statistical experimental design

    Growth Characteristics of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Cape Riesling

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    The effect of topping on the growth behaviour of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Cape Riesling vineyard was investigated. Shoot and leaf growth of both topped and untopped vines, can be described as sigmoidal. Shoot (cm) and leaf growth (cm') of the topped vines were significantly more than that of the untopped vines and are attributed to lateral shoot growth. Topping had no effect on bunch development. The development of skin, pulp and seed of both topped and untopped vines expressed as a percentage dry mass per berry can be described by a hyperbolic function for the skin, linear for the pulp and parabolic for the seed
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