230 research outputs found

    People's Deputy: Mecys M. Laurinkus

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    This repository item contains a single article of the Publication Series, papers in areas of particular scholarly interest published from 1989 to 1996 by the Boston University Institute for the Study of Conflict, Ideology, and Policy. The volume this article belongs to is titled "Soviet People's Deputies speak"

    Test 1157: John Deere 2630 and 2640 Diesel

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    EXPLANATION OF TEST REPORT GENERAL CONDITIONS East tractor is a production model equipped for common usage. Power consuming accessories can be disconnected only when it is convenient for the operator to do so in practice. Additional weight can be added as ballast if the manufacturer regularly supplies it for sale. The static tire loads and the inflation pressures muse conform to recommendations in the Tire Standards published by the Society of Automotive Engineers. PREPARATION FOR PERFORMANCE RUNS The engine crank case is drained and refilled with a measured amount of new oil conforming to specifications in the operator’s manual. The fuel used and the maintenance operations must also conform to the published information delivered with the tractor. The tractor is then limbered-up for 1 hour on drawbar work in accordance with the manufacturers published recommendations. The manufacturer’s representative is present to make appropriate decisions regarding mechanical adjustments. The tractor is equipped with approximately the amount of added ballast that is used during maximum drawbar tests. The tire tread-bar height must be at least 65% of new tread height prior to the maximum power run. BELT OR POWER TAKE-OFF PERFORMANCE Maximum Power and Fuel Consumption. The manufacturer’s representative makes carburetor, fuel pump, ignition and governor control settings which remain unchanged throughout tall subsequent runs. The governor and the manually operated governor control lever is set to provide the high-idle speed specified by the manufacturer for maximum power. Maximum power is measured by connecting the belt pulley or the power take-off to a dynamometer. The dynamometer load is then gradually increased until the engine is operating at the rated speed specified by the manufacturer for maximum power. The corresponding fuel consumption is measured. Varying Power and Fuel Consumption. Six different horsepower levels are used to show corresponding fuel consumption rates and how the governor causes the engine to react to the following changes in dynamometer load: 85% of the dynamometer torque at maximum power; minimum dynamometer torque, ½ the 85% torque; maximum power; ¼ and ¾ of the 85% torque. Since at tractor is generally subjected to varying loads the average of the results in this test serve well for predicting the fuel consumption of a tractor in general usage. DRAWBAR PERFORMANCE All engine adjustments are the same as those used in the belt or power take-off tests. If the manufacturer specifies a different rated crankshaft speed for drawbar operations, then the position of the manually operated governor control is changed to provide the high-idle speed specified by the manufacturer in the operating instructions. Varying Power and Fuel Consumption With Ballast. The varying power runs are made to show the effect of speed-control devices (engine governor, automatic transmissions, etc.) on horsepower, speed and fuel consumption. These runs are made around the entire test course with has two 180 degree turns with a minimum radius of 50 feet. The drawbar pull is set at 3 different levels as follows: (1) as near to the pull a maximum power as possible and still have the tractor maintain the travel speed at maximum horsepower on the straight sections of the test course; (2) 75% of the pull at maximum power; and (3) 50% of the pull at maximum power. Prior to 1958, fuel consumption data (10 hour test) were shown only for the pull obtained at maximum power for tractors having torque converters and at 75% of the pull obtained at maximum power for gear-type tractors. Maximum Power With Ballast. Maximum power is measured on straight level sections of the test course. Data are shown for not more that 12 different gears or travel speeds. Some gears or travel speeds may be omitted because of high slippage of the traction members or because the travel speed may exceed the safe-limit for the test course. The maximum safe speed for the Nebraska Test course has been set at 15 miles per hour. The slippage limits have been set at 15% and 7% for pneumatic tires and steel tracks or lugs, respectively. Higher slippage gives widely varying results. Maximum Power Without Ballast. All added ballast is removed from the tractor. The maximum drawbar power of the tractor is determined by the same procedure used for getting maximum power with ballast. The gear (or travel speed) is the same as that used in the 10-hours test. Varying Power and Travel Speed With Ballast. Travel speeds corresponding to drawbar pulls beyond the maximum power range are obtained to show the “lugging ability” of the tractor. The run starts with the pull at maximum power; then additional drawbar pull is applied to cause decreasing speeds. The run is ended by one of three conditions; (1) maximum pull is obtained, (2) the maximum slippage limit is reached, or (3) some other operating limit is reached

    Por la senda revolucionaria 60 Aniversario del Partido Comunista de El Salvador

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    El libro “Por la senda revolucionaria”, también corresponde a la participación que Schafik Hándal, Secretario General del Partido Comunista de El Salvador, PCS, tuvo en la jornada conmemorativa del 60 Aniversario del PCS en 1990; en el que se abrió un proceso de debate de reflexión de toda la militancia del PCS para encarar los retos de la década de los años noventa, para elaborar la posición del Partido, sus ideas y su línea frente a los cambios que conmovieron al mundo a finales del siglo veinte

    La integración familiar para la prevención del maltrato infantil.

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    Para los estudiantes de la Unidad Educativa Fiscal Mixta Virgilio Drouet Fuentes del cantón Simón Bolívar, le resulta difícil o incómoda la relación que mantiene con sus padres, En el presente proyecto se realiza un estudio minucioso de este problema, proponiendo soluciones al respecto mediante la aplicación de un taller a los padres de familia y estudiantes para relacionarse y fortalecer la relación padres e hijos y prevenir el maltrato infantil. El propósito que se persigue con este estudio es lograr que los padres se integren para así prevenir el maltrato infantil, por lo que la presente investigación se reviste de una gran importancia, que beneficiará a estudiantes, padre de familia, docentes y a toda la comunidad educativa. Si los familiares se integrarán debidamente no hubiera tantos maltratos

    Estudio de las necesidades recreacionales de los habitantes del cantón Milagro y su relación con el turismo en el año 2015.

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    La palabra recreación define a la acción y efecto de recrear. Por lo tanto, puede hacer referencia a crear o producir de nuevo algo. También se refiere a divertir, alegrar o deleitar, en una búsqueda de distracción en medio del trabajo y de las obligaciones cotidianas. El presente proyecto tiene como finalidad llegar a los centros turísticos de recreación para que puedan ofrecer a niños y adultos una opción de descanso, entretenimiento y diversión a través de las diferentes actividades turísticas que puedan ofrecer a los mismos. El descanso se le otorgo, tanto el sentido de compensación a la fatiga producto del trabajo, como el de la respuesta natural a las necesidades filosóficas del organismo que imponen a la necesidad de dormir. Se descansaba para poder recuperar y para compensar el agotamiento que produce el trabajo intelectual o las tensiones emocionales. El ser humano necesita tiempo de ocio o tiempo libre ya que es importante que se encuentre en óptimas condiciones físicas, emocionalmente y mentalmente para que realicen un mejor desempeño en los estudios como en lo laboral. En esta investigación se busca que los centros recreacionales dispongan de variedades actividades turísticas para que así, la demanda turística realice gasto por turismo interno el mismo que favorecerá a nuestra ciudad

    Connaître pour investir

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    Comte de Villeneuve, Statistique du département des Bouches-du-Rhône, t. 1, Marseille, 1821, p. XXVIII-XLIV. … La topographie physique et l’histoire naturelle sont le fonds où doivent s’exercer l’agriculture et l’industrie qui à leur tour alimentent le commerce ; et de leur côté, les institutions politiques et la civilisation tendent presque toujours à s’élever à la hauteur des parties constitutives de la prospérité publique : ainsi, tous ces éléments réunis, concourant à la stabilité et au b..

    Adoption du décret contenu dans le rapport de M. Barnave sur les troubles de Saint-Domingue, lors de la séance du 12 octobre 1790

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    Mirabeau Honoré-Gabriel Riquetti, comte de, Grégoire Baptiste Henri, Abbé, Pétion de Villeneuve Jérome. Adoption du décret contenu dans le rapport de M. Barnave sur les troubles de Saint-Domingue, lors de la séance du 12 octobre 1790. In: Archives Parlementaires de 1787 à 1860 - Première série (1787-1799) Tome XIX - Du 16 septembre au 23 octobre 1790. Paris : Librairie Administrative P. Dupont, 1884. p. 570

    Discussion de l'article 19 du décret sur la régence, lors de la séance du 24 mars 1791

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    Thouret Jacques-Guillaume, Pétion de Villeneuve Jérome, Lameth Charles Malo, comte de. Discussion de l'article 19 du décret sur la régence, lors de la séance du 24 mars 1791. In: Archives Parlementaires de 1787 à 1860 - Première série (1787-1799) Tome XXIV - Du 10 mars 1791 au 12 avril 1791. Paris : Librairie Administrative P. Dupont, 1886. pp. 339-340