10 research outputs found

    Image Analysis For Characterization The Activities Of Dairy Cows Inside The Confinement Housing [análise De Imagens Para A Caracterização Das Atividades De Vacas Leiteiras Dentro Do Galpão De Confinamento]

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    Today's animal production need the use of information technology and automation in the animal's rearing environment in order to analyze their interference both in the production and animal welfare. The objective of this research was to compare the efficiency of two methodologies of image analysis for evaluating the presence of dairy cows in specific places in the confinement shed. The experiment was done in a commercial farm and the cows were monitored by six cameras. Two ways of analyzing the presence of the cows in the pre- selected places (bedding, drinker and feeder) were used: images analyzed as seen in the computer screen (T1), and automatically by the software developed for capturing the images of the cows in the freestall shed (T2). The attendance data were analyzed using the technique of the principal component analysis and to compare the two methods, it was applied the Student t - test with 95% reliability for the mean count of the presence of cows in each studied area. No significant difference between the methods was found, and both methods were efficient for registering the presence of cows in the activities.31610361043Barbosa Filho, J.A.D., Silva, I.J.O., Silva, M.A.N., Silva, C.J.M., Avaliação dos comportamentos de aves poedeiras utilizando sequência de imagens (2007) Engenharia Agrícola, Jaboticabal, 27 (1), pp. 93-99. , http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0100-69162007000100002&lng=en&nrm=iso, Disponivel em:Acesso em: 7 ago. 2010Bokkers, E.A.M., Effects of interaction between humans and domesticated animals (2006), pp. 31-41. , In: HASSINK, J.VANDIJK, M. Farming for health. Wageningen: Wageningen University and Research Centre, cap 3Cangara, O., Leroyaeroya, T., Guarinob, M., Vrankena, E., Fallonc, R., Lenehanc, J., Meed, J., Berckmansa, D., Automatic real-time monitoring of locomotion and posture behaviour of pregnant cows prior o calving using online image analysis (2008) Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Amsterdam, 64, pp. 53-60Costa, M.J.R., Broom, D.M., Consistency of side choice in the milking parlour by Holstein-Friesian cows and its relationship with their reactivity and milk yield (2001) Applied Animal Behaviour Science, Bristol, 70 (3), pp. 177-186Frazzi, E., Calamari, L., Calegari, F., Stefanini, L., Behavior of dairy cows in response to different barn cooling systems (2000) Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, 43 (2), pp. 387-394(2004), MINITAB. Statistical Software, version 14. Cd-ROMMüller, R., Schrader, L.A., new method to measure behavioral activity levels in dairy cows (2005) Applied Animal Behaviour Science, Bristol, 83 (4), pp. 247-258Noldus, L.P.J.J., Trienes, R.J.H., Hendriksen, A.H., Jansen, H., Jansen, R.G., The Observer Video-Pro: New software for the collection, management, and presentation of time-structured data from videotapes and digital media files (2000) Behavior Research Methods, Instruments and Computers, Amsterdam, 32 (1), pp. 197-206O'Connell, N.E., Ferris, C.P., Patterson, D.C., Mayne, C.S., Effect of feed barrier design and feed space allowance on performance and behavioural parameters in dairy cows (2010) Applied Animal Behaviour Science, Bristol, 127, pp. 20-27Palmer, R.W., Wagner-Storch, A.M., Cow preference for different freestall bases in pens with different stocking rates (2003), pp. 155-164. , In: INTERNATIONAL DAIRY HOUSING, 5., Fort Worth. Proceedings. Fort Worth: American Society of Agricultural EngineersPereira, D.F., Nääs, I.A., Romanini, C.B., Salgado, D.D., Pereira, G.O.T., Indicadores de bem-estar baseados em reações comportamentais de matrizes pesadas (2005) Engenharia Agrícola, Jaboticabal, 25 (2), pp. 308-314. , http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0100-69162005000200003&lng=pt&nrm=iso, Disponivel em: Acesso em: 07 ago. 2010Perissinotto, M., Moura, D.J., Cruz, V.F., Souza, S.R.L., Lima, K.A.O., Mendes, A.S., Conforto térmico de bovinos leiteiros confinados em clima subtropical e mediterrâneo pela análise de parâmetros fisiológicos, utilizando a teoria dos conjuntos fuzzy (2009) Ciência Rural, Santa Maria, 39 (5), pp. 1.492-1.498Rousing, T., Wemelsfelder, F., Qualitative assessment of social behaviour of dairy cows housed in loose housing systems (2006) Applied Animal Behaviour Science, Bristol, 101, pp. 40-53Sariego, J.C.L., http://paginas.terra.com.br/educacao/sariego/o_estudo_do_comportamento.htm, O que é Etologia? Online Disponivel em:Acesso em 29 abr. 2005Schutz, K.E., Rogers, A.R., Cox, N.R., Tucker, C.B., Dairy cows prefer shade that offers greater protection against solar radiation in summer: Shade use, behaviour, and body temperature (2009) Applied Animal Behaviour Science, Bristol, 116, pp. 28-34Schwager, M., Anderson, D.M., Butler, Z., Rus, D., Robust classification of animal tracking data (2007) Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Amsterdam, 56 (1), pp. 46-59Teixeira, D.L., Hötzel, M.J., Machado Filho, L.C., Designing better water troughs 2 (2006) Surface area and height, but not depth, influence dairy cows' preference. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, Bristol, 96 (1-2), pp. 169-175Trevisan, N.B., Quadros, F.L.F., Silva, A.C.F., Bandinelli, D.G., Martins, C.E.N., Simões, L.F.C., Maixner, A.R., Pires, D.R.F., Comportamento ingestivo de novilhos de corte em pastagem de aveia-preta e azevém com níveis distintos de folhas verdes (2004) Ciência Rural, Santa Maria, 34 (5), pp. 1.543-1.54

    Thermal Comfort On Subtropical And Mediterranean Climate Analyzing Some Physiological Data Through Fuzzy Theory [conforto Térmico De Bovinos Leiteiros Confinados Em Clima Subtropical E Mediterrâneo Pela Análise De Parâmetros Fisiológicos Utilizando A Teoria Dos Conjuntos Fuzzy]

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    The objective of this study was to model and evaluate, through fuzzy logic, the level of thermal comfort experienced by housed animals as a function of their physiologic variables of rectal temperature (RT) and breath rate (BR), and setting their critical thresholds. The database was setup using two distinct environments: Subtropical climate (São Pedro area, Brazil) and mediterranean climate (Évora area, Portugal). Holstein cows temperature and breath rates were obtained in order to build a physiologic parameters database. meteorological data of environment temperature and air relative humidity were obtained for physical analysis during a 24 hours interval every 30 minutes. Data minning techniques were used for the initial data analysis aiming to build a decision making three and the further construction of rule database. For that, the computational program WEKA® was used. The results obtained were applied for the fuzzy logic application, using the Fuzzy Logic Toolbox do MATLAB® 6.1 software, according to AMENDOLA et al. (2005b). The use of this tool allowed the establishment of thermal comfort parameters for total confined Holsteins cows.39514921498Amendola, M., Análise matemática de condições de conforto térmico para avicultura usando a teoria dos conjuntos fuzzy (2004) Biomatemática, 14 (1), pp. 87-92Amendola, M., Using fuzzy sets theory to analyze environmental conditions in order to improve the milk production (2006) Congresso Nacional de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional-CNMAC, 1, pp. 1-1. , Campinas, SP, Anais... Campinas: CNMAC-2006Alves, S.P., (2006) Uso da zootecnia de precisão na avaliação do bem-estar bioclimático de aves poedeiras em diferentes sistemas de criação, , 128f. Tese (Doutorado em Física do Ambiente Agrícola) - Curso de Pós-graduação em Física do Ambiente Agrícola. Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", Universidade de São PauloAmendola, M., Using fuzzy sets theory to analyse environmental conditions in order to improve animal productivity (2005) World Congress on Computation in Agriculture, 1, pp. 1-8. , In: 4., 2005a, Vila Real. Proceedings... Vila Real: UEVORAAmendola, M., (2005) Manual do uso da teoria dos conjuntos Fuzzy no MATLAB 6.5, p. 46. , http://www.ime.unicamp.br/laeciocb/manual_fuzzy_matlab.pdf, Campinas: UNICAMP, FEAGRI & IMECC, Capturado em 4 mai, 2007. Online. Disponível em:Brunassi, L.A., Teste de um sistema fuzzy de identificação de estro em uma fazenda comercial de vacas leiteiras (2006) Simpósio de Construções Rurais e Ambientes Protegidos, SIMCRA 2006, , In: Campinas, SP, Anais? Campinas: FEAGRI/UNICAMP, 1 CDChapman, P., (2007) Step-by-Step Data Mining Guide, , http://www.crisp-dm.org/CRISPWP-0800.pdf, CRISP-DM 1.0, 2000. 78p. Capturado em 10 Abr, Online. Disponível em:Chiarini, A.M., Uso da lógica fuzzy para o desenvolvimento de um modelo padrão de avaliação do ambiente de maternidade de suínos (2006) Simpósio de Construções Rurais e Ambientes Protegidos, SIMCRA 2006, , In: Campinas, SP, Anais? Campinas: FEAGRI/UNICAMP, 1 CDGates, R.S., (2006) Fuzzy Control Simulation of Plant and Animal Environments, p. 24. , http://www.bae.uky.edu/gates/freebies/ASAE99/, In: ASAE ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL MEETING, 1999, Toronto, Canada. Capturado em 10 Nov, Online. Disponível em: capetaHahn, G.L., Cattle respiration rate as a function of ambient temperature (1997) Transactions of American Society of Agricultural Engineering, 40, pp. 97-121Mandani, E.H., Advances in the linguistic syntesis of fuzzy controllers (1976) International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 8 (6), pp. 669-678Martello, L.S., (2006) Interação animal-ambiente: Efeito do ambiente climático sobre as respostas fisiológicas e produtivas de vacas Holandesas em free-stall, , 113f. Tese (Doutorado em Qualidade e Produtividade Animal) - Curso de Pós-graduação em Zootecnia.,Faculdade de Zootecnia e Engenharia de Alimentos, Universidade de São PauloMota, L.S., (1997) Adaptação e interação genótipo-ambiente em vacas leiteiras, , 69f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciências) - Curso de Pós-graduação em Biologia Comparada, Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São PauloOliveira, H.L., Estimated thermal comfort condition for layers according to fuzzy theory (2005) Engenharia Agrícola, 25 (2), pp. 300-307Owada, A.N., Nääs, I.A., Utilização da lógica fuzzy para avaliação do bem-estar de frangos de corte (2006) Anais., , In: SIMPÓSIO DE CONSTRUÇÕES RURAIS E AMBIENTES PROTEGIDOS, SIMCRA 2006, Campinas. SP., Campinas: FEAGRI/UNICAMP, 1 CDPandorfi, H., Uso da tecnologia da informação para análise de sinais e padrões com ênfase no conforto e bem-estar de matrizes suínas gestantes (2006) Anais., , In: REUNIÃO ANUAL DA SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE ZOOTECNIA, 43., 2006, João Pessoa, PB, João Pessoa: SBZ, 1 CDPerissinotto, M., (2003) Avaliação da eficiência produtiva e energética de sistemas de climatização em galpões tipo freestall para confinamento de gado leiteiro, , 140f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Física do Ambiente Agrícola) - Curso de Pós-graduação em Física do Ambiente Agrícola. Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", Universidade de São PauloSantos, R.C., Nääs, I.A., Utilização da lógica fuzzy para a simulação do estro de bovino leiteiro exposto a diferentes valores de temperatura e UR (2006) Anais., , In: SIMPÓSIO DE CONSTRUÇÕES RURAIS E AMBIENTES PROTEGIDOS, 2006, Campinas, SP, Campinas: FEAGRI/UNICAMP, 1 CDThom, E.C., The discomfort index (1959) Weatherwise, 12, pp. 57-59Watanabe, B.M., Análise das condições de conforto de frangos de corte utilizando a teoria dos conjuntos fuzzy (2005) Anais., , In: WORKSHOP DA PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO DA FEAGRI/UNICAMP, 5., 2005, Campinas, SP, Campinas, FEAGRI/UNICAMP, 1 C

    Effects Of Trimming On Dairy Cattle Hoof Weight Bearing Surfaces And Pressure Distributions [efeito Do Casqueamento Na Distribuição De Pressões E Suporte De Peso Na Superfície Dos Cascos De Vacas Leiteiras]

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    Claw lameness can be associated to biomechanical factors caused by unbalanced pressure distribution under the hooves when cows are confined in modern dairy operations with hard concrete flooring. In the present study, an original claw subdivision 4 was slightly modified to differentiate between the anterior (typical sole lesion spot) and posterior portions of the medial sole, and to emphasize the maximum pressures applied only on the area of contact without including the total area within these regions during midstance. The results, obtained showed significance (p < 0.044) for the interaction among Group, Leg and region (G*L*R). It was observed that the rear portion of the claws (heels) on the hind limb of untrimmed cows, are more stressed than the heel region on trimmed cows (23 % versus 16.72% of total pressure applied on the claw for untrimmed and trimmed respectively). The typical sole lesion spot pressures were increased slightly on trimmed cows as compared to untrimmed (20.20% versus 15.9%). The front feet presented differences in pressure concentration on the lateral sole between both groups (29% versus 23.25% for untrimmed versus trimmed respectively). It was concluded that, although the differences were small (5%) changes in pressure concentration, untrimmed cows stress more the sole lateral as compared to trimmed on the front feet, and on the rear feet, they stress more the heel region whereas trimmed cows tend to have a slight better balance among regions. Conversely, when cows are trimmed, the typical sole lesion spot concentrates more pressure than the heel itself (20.20% versus 16.72% respectively) and may favor the occurrence of sole ulcers.434518525Raven, E.T., (1989) Cattle foot care and claw trimming, pp. 19-33. , Ipswich, UK: Farming PressShearer, J.K., Van Amstel, S.R., (2000) Manual for the master hoof care technician program, pp. 6-14. , University of Florida-Gainesville, FL: Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences-College of Veterinary MedicineShearer, J.K., (2003) Large animal clinical sciences, , Veterinary Medicine School, University of Florida. Gainesville, FL, personal communicationCarvalho, V.R.C., (2004) Effects of trimming on dairy cattle hoof weight bearing surfaces and pressure distributions during the stance phase, , Tese (Doutorado)-University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, 2004Manske, T., Hultgren, J., Bergsten, C., The effect of claw trimming on the hoof health of swedish dairy cattle (2002) Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 54, pp. 113-12