2,551 research outputs found


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    La ricerca ha ad oggetto l’analisi della testimonianza, in materia di vas, contenuta in Varro, De ling. lat. 6.74. Secondo l’autore, per descrivere l’antico vas Varrone aveva impiegato una definizione utile a descrivere il garante del vadimonium, l’adpromissor che assicurava la comparizione del convenuto in giudizio, aggiungendo la propria promissio (adpromissio) a quella prestata (vadimonium) dallo stesso convenuto. La ragione di tale equiparazione tra le due figure era costituita dal fatto che lo sviluppo storico aveva determinato la trasformazione del vas, nel suo stadio ultimo, proprio nel garante del vadimonium. Nella seconda parte del testo Varrone aveva inteso prospettare due esempi, in due campi diversi, processuale e negoziale, di uno stadio di tale sviluppo storico, quello che aveva determinato il passaggio dal vas come status al vas come sponsor. Nell’impiego in campo processuale, cui si riferisce la parte centrale del testo, tale stadio aveva portato all’emersione della figura del vadimonium e, con essa, grazie all’impiego della adpromissio, di quella del c.d. garante del vadimonium. Il vas era diventato il garante del vadimonium. Nel campo negoziale della venditio di publica praedia, cui si riferisce la parte finale della testimonianza, tale stadio determinò il venir meno dell’impiego dei vades. Non fu più obbligatorio per i compratori di publica praedia dare vadem per garantire il pagamento del pretium

    P. Col. VII, 175: Aspetti giuridici di un verbale d’udienza.

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    This study provides the full text of the P. Col. VII. 175 translated into Italian, concerning the transcript of a hearing conducted in front of Arsinoite’s σύνδικος in A.D. 339, and known in the field of doctrine as it cites a Constantine’s constitution regarding the longissimi temporis praescriptio. After reconstructing the trial and the early events preceding the lawsuit, defining the trial roles and detecting the nature of action and the reason why it was filed, the author has analysed the different juridical profiles of the text such as the evidence of the judicial function of the dell’ἐπάρχος τῆς Αἰγύπτου; the judgemental function of the σύνδικος and the difficulty of identifying him as the defensor civitatis; the probable reference to calumnia actoris; the nature of the constitution; the awkward reconstruction of the text and its identification with the lex costantiniana mentioned in C.7.39.2 pr

    Polishing Knowledge: A Study of Marble and Granite Processing

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    The aim of this article is to understand the work situations and highlight aspects of the knowledge invested by workers when performing marble and granite processing activities. The survey is qualitative and was based on the reality of a small industrial company that deals with processing activities. The case study was based on theoretical and analytical ergology tools by analyzing the organizational documents and safety and health standards that regulate activity. It involved conducting individual interviews with nine workers, organizing a focus group with these workers, and directly observing work for four months while recording a field notebook. The workers’ experiences in the renormalization of working processes, or the introduction of improvements guided by singular aspects of the local work organization, were identified. The workers, through use of oneself, place more importance on meeting deadlines and production targets than on their own safety. Worker competency is directly related to the professional training obtained on the job and is associated with working experience in the absence of an a priori formal education. This article contributes to the field of organizational studies and human resource management because there is a lack of studies on workers from this field that describe the competencies used in actual work. Thus it may guide theoretical and practical management aspects in such working environments and small businesses regarding safer work organization


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    La ricerca si incentra sull' interpretazione di due testimonianze, D. e D., in matera di indiduazione del criterio di determinazione della litis aestimatio nell'actio in rem a tutela del diritto di pegno. L'autore dimostra che, a partire dalla piena eta' classica e certamente con Ulpiano, il valore della cosa pignorata ed il valore del credito garantito non furono mai alternativamente considerati idonei a fungere da criteri di determinazione della litis aestimatio a seconda delle diverse circostanze nelle quali l'azione fosse stata esperita. Il criterio fu sempre costituito dal valore del credito garantito. Un'eventuale maggiorazione rispetto a tale valore si sarebbe potuta ottenere nel caso in cui, in sede di arbitrium de restituendo, nella valutazione del danneggiamento causato dal terzo possessore della cosa, si fosse ravvisato un concorso colposo del creditore pignoratizio. In questo caso sarebbe stato considerato meritevole di tutela l'interesse del creditore pignoratizio ad essere indennizato anche in misura che coprisse tale responsabilita' , di cui avrebbe dovuto render conto al debitore pignoratizio in sede di actio pigneraticia in personam

    Sulle tracce di un’antica prassi: la c.d. cessione della moglie

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    This essay analyzes the evidence which allows us to glimpse the traces of an archaic practice of wife ceding and its development to the late Republican age. The sources which recount the episode of the ceding of Marcia and Livia Drusilla and a passage of the so-called Laudatio Turiae, with special reference to lines 35-36 and the proposed integration of Mommsen liberi [communes] are analyzed. In relation to such integration the Author analyzes Aug. De Bono Coniugali 15. 17 which she ascribes to the ancient biblical practices, criticizing the attribution of the expression “liberi communes” to the Roman law. Finally the Author suggests a hypothesis on the value of the expression koinonìa paidon in relation to the ceding of wifes in the archaic age

    Smoking Cessation in Mice Does Not Switch off Persistent Lung Inflammation and Does Not Restore the Expression of HDAC2 and SIRT1

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    Once COPD is established, pulmonary lesions can only progress and smoking cessation by itself is not sufficient to switch off persistent lung inflammation. Similarly, in former-smoker mice, neutrophil inflammation persists and lung lesions undergo progressive deterioration. The molecular mechanisms underlying disease progression and the inefficiency of smoking cessation in quenching neutrophilic inflammation were studied in male C57 Bl/6 mice after 6 months of rest from smoking cessation. As compared with the mice that continued to smoke, the former-smoker mice showed reduced expression of histone deacetylases HDAC2 and SIRT1 and marked expression of p-p38 MAPK and p-Ser10. All these factors are involved in corticosteroid insensitivity and in perpetuating inflammation. Former-smoker mice do show persistent lung neutrophilic influx and a high number of macrophages which account for the intense staining in the alveolar structures of neutrophil elastase and MMP-9 (capable of destroying lung scaffolding) and 8-OHdG (marker of oxidative stress). "Alarmins" released from necrotic cells together with these factors can sustain and perpetuate inflammation after smoking cessation. Several factors and mechanisms all together are involved in sustaining and perpetuating inflammation in former-smoker mice. This study suggests that a better control of COPD in humans may be achieved by precise targeting of the various molecular mechanisms associated with different phenotypes of disease by using a cocktail of drug active toward specific molecules

    Spiral drawing analysis with a smart ink pen to identify Parkinson's disease fine motor deficits

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    Introduction: Since the uptake of digitizers, quantitative spiral drawing assessment allowed gaining insight into motor impairments related to Parkinson's disease. However, the reduced naturalness of the gesture and the poor user-friendliness of the data acquisition hamper the adoption of such technologies in the clinical practice. To overcome such limitations, we present a novel smart ink pen for spiral drawing assessment, intending to better characterize Parkinson's disease motor symptoms. The device, used on paper as a normal pen, is enriched with motion and force sensors. Methods: Forty-five indicators were computed from spirals acquired from 29 Parkinsonian patients and 29 age-matched controls. We investigated between-group differences and correlations with clinical scores. We applied machine learning classification models to test the indicators ability to discriminate between groups, with a focus on model interpretability. Results: Compared to control, patients' drawings were characterized by reduced fluency and lower but more variable applied force, while tremor occurrence was reflected in kinematic spectral peaks selectively concentrated in the 4-7 Hz band. The indicators revealed aspects of the disease not captured by simple trace inspection, nor by the clinical scales, which, indeed, correlate moderately. The classification achieved 94.38% accuracy, with indicators related to fluency and power distribution emerging as the most important. Conclusion: Indicators were able to significantly identify Parkinson's disease motor symptoms. Our findings support the introduction of the smart ink pen as a time-efficient tool to juxtapose the clinical assessment with quantitative information, without changing the way the classical examination is performed

    The ground and ionic states of cyclohepta-1,3,5-triene and their relationship to norcaradiene states. New 1H and 13C NMR spectra, and analysis of a new experimental photoelectron spectrum by ab initio methods

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    The strong inter-relationship between cyclohepta-1,3,5-triene (CHT) and norcaradiene (NCD) observed in some reactions, has been extended to include the energy surfaces for some low-lying ionic states. Whilst equilibrium structures of 2A/ symmetry containing the CHT skeleton were routinely found, the structures emerging with 2A// symmetry were found to be NCD ionic states. Surface studies, by variation of the C1 to C6 distance, showed minima for both state symmetries. Curve crossing which occurs in CS symmetry, is avoided by distortion to C1 symmetry. The CHT → NCD structural change is attributed to initial conrotatory closure of the singly occupied molecular orbital. A new synchrotron-based study of the photoelectron spectrum (PES) for CHT up to 25 eV shows little vibrational structure. We have assigned the overall PES up to 17 eV in considerable detail, using a variety of theoretical methods. The vertical ionization energy (VIE) sequence in the PES for CHT ions, is predicted to be: 12A/ < 12A// < 22A/ < 22A//. The calculated lowest ionic state, with lowest vibrational frequency 87 cm-1, leads to a high density of vibrational states. The Franck-Condon (FC) envelopes of the two lowest PES bands have been analysed. The identity of the PES spectrum, as derived from CHT rather than NCD, was demonstrated by 1H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra of the sample; this agrees with the predicted PES spectra of CHT and NCD. The NCD predicted spectrum shows significant differences from CHT.PostprintPostprintPeer reviewe

    The vacuum ultraviolet absorption spectra of norbornadiene : vibrational analysis of the singlet and triplet valence states of norbornadiene by configuration interaction and density functional calculations

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    A synchrotron-based vacuum ultraviolet absorption spectrum (VUV) of norbornadiene (NBD) is reported, and the extensive vibrational structure obtained has been analysed. The previously known 5b13s-Rydberg state has been reinterpreted by comparison with our recent high resolution photoelectron spectral (PES) analysis of the X2B1 ionic state. Additional vibrational detail in the region of this Rydberg state is observed in its VUV spectrum, when compared with the PES 2B1 ionic state; this is attributed to underlying valence state structure in the VUV. Valence and Rydberg state energies have been obtained by configuration interaction (CI) and time dependent density functional theoretical methods (TDDFT). Several low-lying singlet valence states, especially those which arise from ππ* excitations, conventionally termed NV1 to NV4, have been examined in detail. Their Franck-Condon (FC) and Herzberg-Teller (HT) profiles have been investigated and fitted to the VUV spectrum. Estimates of the experimental 00 band positions have been made from these fits. The anomaly of observed UV absorption by the 1A2 state of NBD is attributed to HT effects. Generally the HT components are less than 10% of the FC terms. The calculated 5b13s lowest Rydberg state also shows a low level of HT components. The observed electron impact spectra of NBD have been analysed in detail in terms of triplet states.PostprintPeer reviewe