31,719 research outputs found

    The impact of inappropriate soil management on river water quality: a case study in the Kurundu Oya Sub-catchment of the Upper Mahaweli Catchment, Sri Lanka

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    The results of many studies have revealed that intensive farming on steep slopes, coupled with over application of fertilizers and accumulation of nutrients in downstream water bodies due to soil erosion, have contributed to environmental hazards in the Upper Mahaweli Catchment Area (UMCA) of Sri Lanka. The encroachment of riparian zones for exotic vegetable cultivation has aggravated this situation. In view of this, a study was conducted in the Kurundu Oya catchment, a micro-catchment of the UMCA, to investigate the soil management practices within the farming systems and their impacts on river water quality. Three villages were selected along the Kurundu Oya: Mahakudugala, Kumbalgamuwa and Batagolla. The study consisted of a survey of 150 households in 2007 and 2008, to gather information on the characteristics of householders and on soil management practices. A soil survey was carried out to analyze the soil fertility of farmlands. Water quality parameters were measured periodically in different sections of a selected stream. The results revealed that nearly 50 % of the riparian zones in the upper catchment of the Kurundu Oya stream are encroached to cultivate potato and other exotic vegetables. In addition, it was observed that over application of fertilizers on the vegetable plots was causing nutrient accumulation and the plots also recorded high levels of phosphorous (P) (above 75 ppm). Results of the water quality analysis showed that nitrate and available P levels were within the standard limits, but nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N) levels were close to the upper level of the standard limit. Therefore, in order to minimize water pollution, it is strongly recommended that fertilizer application is based on soil tests. In addition, encroachment of sensitive lands has to be addressed. Priority should be given to strengthening institutional capacity in order to facilitate the implementation of existing environmental legislation.Length: pp.49-60Soil managementSoil degradationCatchment areasErosionSedimentationWater pollutionFertilizer applicationNitrogenVegetable growing

    Household water security through stored rainwater and consumer acceptability: a case study of the Anuradhapura District

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    Rainwater harvesting has increased in popularity in Sri Lanka over the past two decades due to the number of water supply projects funded by the government and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The stored rainwater can provide accessible, reliable, timely and adequate supplies of water to households but there are uncertainties as to safety, in terms of water quality, and consumer acceptability. A study was, therefore, conducted in the Anuradhapura District, in the dry zone, to assess consumer acceptability of stored rainwater for household purposes and to conduct rainwater quality tests in a laboratory. The majority of households in Anuradhapura meet their drinking water requirements from protected wells (59.6 %). Prior to the project, people greatly preferred open wells as a source of domestic water, followed by tubewells, because they believed that water in open wells is of good quality and drinkable. However, stored rainwater has become the priority source now, especially through roof rainwater harvesting (RRWH), which is used during the dry periods. The study revealed that more than 85 % of households use stored rainwater for drinking although some have concerns over the quality and only drink it after boiling. The easy accessibility of water and the assurance by the project team that it is of good quality are the main reasons that people are willing to drink it. The acceptability of stored rainwater for consumption was very high in water-scarce areas and with the increasing distance to the nearest and alternative sources of good-quality water. Of those who felt that they had adequate water, 84 % of the sample households found it adequate in the wet season but only 21 % in the dry season. Water quality analysis revealed that the chemical and physical quality of stored rainwater is within the acceptable range with respect to Sri Lankan Standards, SLS: 614, for potable water quality (SLIS 1983). Other domestic water sources exceeded standards for electrical conductivity, total alkalinity, hardness, ammonium nitrogen, fluorides and total iron. However, stored rainwater was of lower biological quality than other domestic water sources.Length: pp.87-97Domestic waterWater securityWater harvestingWater qualityRural areasCase studies

    Características raciais de ovinos da raça Morada Nova e seus impactos sobre o descarte involuntário de animais: resultados preliminares.

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    Resumo: Objetivou-se com esse trabalho, verificar a existência de associação entre os caracteres raciais de ovinos da raça Morada Nova e sua conseqüência no descarte involuntário dos animais. Utilizou se dados descritores de pigmentação do espelho nasal e dos cascos, cor da pelagem, criptorquidismo (unilateral ou bilateral) e presença de chifre. O banco continha informações de 181 animais, sendo 91 fêmeas e 90 machos. Apenas 45,3% dos animais apresentavam mais de 50% de cascos e espelho nasal pigmentados. Não foi observado nenhum animal de pelagem preta de casco e espelho nasal despigmentado. Observou-se que 22,22% dos machos apresentavam chifres (ou rudimento) e não apresentavam criptorquidismo, enquanto 16,67% dos machos não apresentam chifres, entretanto, eram criptorquídicos. Observou-se pelo teste qui-quadrado que a associação entre a pigmentação do espelho nasal e a pigmentação dos cascos foi significativa (P<0,05). Os resultados indicam a necessidade de uma reavaliação no padrão da raça Morada Nova, de forma a permitir que haja seleção para características de interesse econômico que não as raciais. Contudo, esses resultados são preliminares e estudos mais aprofundados com outros rebanhos são necessários para inferências mais conclusivas. Phenotypics Characteristics on Morada Nova Breed Sheep. Abstract: The aim of this study was to examine the association between racial characters in Morada Nova hair sheep breedand its consequence in involuntary culling of animals. Data from pigmentation of the muzzle and the hoof, coat color, cryptorchid (unilateral or bilateral) and presence of horns. Data from 181 animals, 91 females and 90 males were used. Only 45.3% of animals showed more than 50% of hoofs and muzzle pigmented. All black coat animals had hoofs and muzzle pigmented. it was found that 22.22% of males had horns (or rudiments) and had no cryptorchid while 16.67% of the males had absence of horns and were cryptorchidism. Therefore, the association between the pigmentation of the muzzle and the pigmentation of the hoofs was significant (P <0.05). The results indicate the need for a reassessment in the pattern of Morada Nova breed to allow that the selection for traits of economic interest and not racial. However, these results are preliminary and more depth studies with other flocks are necessary for more conclusive inferences

    A Criminological Analysis on Burglary Related Environmental Factors in Sri Lanka

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    With the birth and growth of criminology related sub discipline, ‘environmental criminology’ or in other words, crime designated ecological perspective has gained a wide acceptance among the criminology academia. As a consequent, the immediate surrounding of an individual has been identified as a criminogenic factor. Criminology has been specifically focusing on the characteristics of offenders as well as offences and has been somewhat disregarding the criminogenic spatial factors of crime. Focusing and identifying the designated burglary related ecological factors have been the prime intention of this criminological research study. Thus, a purposive sample of 57 crime scenes under burglary has been observed during a period of two years (2017-2019) within the Western Province of Sri Lanka. Data were retrieved by using qualitative methodology. The research revealed three types of environmental factors linked with the burglary crime scenes namely, natural, built, and social. The built and social eco factors have been main criminogenic features in urban and semi-urban spaces. Specifically, weather, land usage and location could be identified as burglary related environmental factors. Apart from natural environmental factors, architectural and landscape features were recognized as associated-built environmental factors with housebreak. As this is a pioneering research study connected to the environmental aspect of crimes, the study has filled the existing research gap from the Sri Lankan perspective. Measures in controlling and preventing crime can be achieved through the management of environmental elements and using environmental designing with the advanced technology.DOI: http://doi.org/10.31357/fhss/vjhss.v06i01.0

    Comparação de métodos de estimativa da evapotranspiração de referência para Esperantina - PI.

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    O objetivo do trabalho foi comparar e avaliar o desempenho de métodos de estimativa de evapotranspiração de referência em relação ao método Penman-Monteith/FAO, visando proporcionar à região de Esperantina-PI, informações básicas para a estimativa da ETo. Os dados meteorológicos foram obtidos na estação meteorológica convencional do INMET, entre o período de 01/01/2008 à 31/12/2012 ,especificamente da unidade situada em Esperantina, PI, com latitude 03º54'06", longitude 42º14'01" W e altitude media de 59 m. Os dados obtidos foram divididos em dois períodos distintos: período seco (15/07) e período chuvoso (15/02). Os métodos de estimativa da evapotranspiração de referência utilizados foram os de Makking (MK), Jensen-Haise (JH), Priestley-Taylor (PT), Hargreaves-Samani (HS), Camargo (CA) e Ivanov (IVN), descritos em comparação ao método de Penman-Monteih (PM). Foram realizados cálculos de erro padrão de estimativa, dos coeficientes de determinação, correlação, o índice de Willmott e o coeficiente de desempenho entre os métodos avaliados e o padrão. Os métodos de Jensen-Haise, Priestley-Taylor e Makking apresentaram desempenho ótimo para os dois períodos estudados, quando comparados ao de Penman- Monteith, demonstrando que estes podem ser utilizados como uma alternativa para a estimativa da ETo no município de Esperantina-PI.CONBEA 2014

    Influência da cultivar de morangueiro sobre as populações do ácaro-rajado e do predador Neosiulus californicus.

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    Este traalho teve por objetivo determinar a influência de diferentes cultivares de morangueiro sobre as populações do ácaro predador Neoseiulus californicus (Phytoseiidae) e do ácaro-rajado (Tetranychus urticae), em cultivo orgânico de morangueiro.Resumo expandido

    Desinfestação de explantes caulinares de umbu-cajazeira por hipoclorito de sódio e bicloreto de mercúrio.

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    O umbu-cajazeira é uma espécie do gênero Spondias resultante do cruzamento natural entre a cajazeira (Spondias mombin) e o umbuzeiro (Spondias tuberosa). Assim como a cajazeira e o umbuzeiro, é uma fruteira tropical que apresenta grandes perspectivas de inserção no mercado interno e externo de frutas exóticas. A diversidade genética em populações nativas de umbu-cajazeira presentes no Nordeste do Brasil é ampla, porém, encontra-se ameaçada por um processo indiscriminado de exploração das áreas de ocorrência das mesmas, particularmente, pela prática de formação de pastagens, comprometendo a preservação desse patrimônio genético de valor incalculável