A Criminological Analysis on Burglary Related Environmental Factors in Sri Lanka


With the birth and growth of criminology related sub discipline, ‘environmental criminology’ or in other words, crime designated ecological perspective has gained a wide acceptance among the criminology academia. As a consequent, the immediate surrounding of an individual has been identified as a criminogenic factor. Criminology has been specifically focusing on the characteristics of offenders as well as offences and has been somewhat disregarding the criminogenic spatial factors of crime. Focusing and identifying the designated burglary related ecological factors have been the prime intention of this criminological research study. Thus, a purposive sample of 57 crime scenes under burglary has been observed during a period of two years (2017-2019) within the Western Province of Sri Lanka. Data were retrieved by using qualitative methodology. The research revealed three types of environmental factors linked with the burglary crime scenes namely, natural, built, and social. The built and social eco factors have been main criminogenic features in urban and semi-urban spaces. Specifically, weather, land usage and location could be identified as burglary related environmental factors. Apart from natural environmental factors, architectural and landscape features were recognized as associated-built environmental factors with housebreak. As this is a pioneering research study connected to the environmental aspect of crimes, the study has filled the existing research gap from the Sri Lankan perspective. Measures in controlling and preventing crime can be achieved through the management of environmental elements and using environmental designing with the advanced technology.DOI: http://doi.org/10.31357/fhss/vjhss.v06i01.0

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