45 research outputs found

    Microtubule nucleation from the fibrous corona by LIC1-pericentrin promotes chromosome congression

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    Error-free chromosome segregation in mitosis and meiosis relies on the assembly of a microtubule-based spindle that interacts with kinetochores to guide chromosomes to the cell equator before segregation in anaphase. Microtubules sprout from nucleation sites such as centrosomes, but kinetochores can also promote microtubule formation. It is unclear, however, how kinetochore-derived microtubules are generated and what their role is in chromosome segregation. Here, we show that the transient outer-kinetochore meshwork known as the fibrous corona serves as an autonomous microtubule nucleation platform. The fibrous corona is essential for the nucleation of kinetochore-derived microtubules, and when dissociated from the core kinetochore, it retains microtubule nucleation capacity. Nucleation relies on a fibrous-corona-bound pool of the LIC1 subunit of the dynein motor complex, which interacts with the γ-tubulin-tethering protein pericentrin (PCNT). PCNT is essential for microtubule nucleation from fibrous coronas, and in centrosome-depleted cells, where nearly all mitotic nucleation occurs at fibrous coronas, chromosome congression is fully dependent on PCNT. We further show that chromosomes in bovine oocytes, which naturally lack centrosomes, have highly expanded fibrous coronas that drive chromosome-derived microtubule nucleation. Preventing fibrous corona expansion in these cells impairs chromosome congression and causes spindle assembly defects. Our results show that fibrous coronas are autonomous microtubule-organizing centers that are important for spindle assembly, which may be especially relevant in acentrosomal cells such as oocytes

    Microtubule nucleation from the fibrous corona by LIC1-pericentrin promotes chromosome congression

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    Error-free chromosome segregation in mitosis and meiosis relies on the assembly of a microtubule-based spindle that interacts with kinetochores to guide chromosomes to the cell equator before segregation in anaphase. Microtubules sprout from nucleation sites such as centrosomes, but kinetochores can also promote microtubule formation. It is unclear, however, how kinetochore-derived microtubules are generated and what their role is in chromosome segregation. Here, we show that the transient outer-kinetochore meshwork known as the fibrous corona serves as an autonomous microtubule nucleation platform. The fibrous corona is essential for the nucleation of kinetochore-derived microtubules, and when dissociated from the core kinetochore, it retains microtubule nucleation capacity. Nucleation relies on a fibrous-corona-bound pool of the LIC1 subunit of the dynein motor complex, which interacts with the γ-tubulin-tethering protein pericentrin (PCNT). PCNT is essential for microtubule nucleation from fibrous coronas, and in centrosome-depleted cells, where nearly all mitotic nucleation occurs at fibrous coronas, chromosome congression is fully dependent on PCNT. We further show that chromosomes in bovine oocytes, which naturally lack centrosomes, have highly expanded fibrous coronas that drive chromosome-derived microtubule nucleation. Preventing fibrous corona expansion in these cells impairs chromosome congression and causes spindle assembly defects. Our results show that fibrous coronas are autonomous microtubule-organizing centers that are important for spindle assembly, which may be especially relevant in acentrosomal cells such as oocytes

    In Vitro-Produced Equine Blastocysts Exhibit Greater Dispersal and Intermingling of Inner Cell Mass Cells than In Vivo Embryos

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    In vitro production (IVP) of equine embryos is increasingly popular in clinical practice but suffers from higher incidences of early embryonic loss and monozygotic twin development than transfer of in vivo derived (IVD) embryos. Early embryo development is classically characterized by two cell fate decisions: (1) first, trophectoderm (TE) cells differentiate from inner cell mass (ICM); (2) second, the ICM segregates into epiblast (EPI) and primitive endoderm (PE). This study examined the influence of embryo type (IVD versus IVP), developmental stage or speed, and culture environment (in vitro versus in vivo) on the expression of the cell lineage markers, CDX-2 (TE), SOX-2 (EPI) and GATA-6 (PE). The numbers and distribution of cells expressing the three lineage markers were evaluated in day 7 IVD early blastocysts ( n = 3) and blastocysts ( n = 3), and in IVP embryos first identified as blastocysts after 7 (fast development, n = 5) or 9 (slow development, n = 9) days. Furthermore, day 7 IVP blastocysts were examined after additional culture for 2 days either in vitro ( n = 5) or in vivo (after transfer into recipient mares, n = 3). In IVD early blastocysts, SOX-2 positive cells were encircled by GATA-6 positive cells in the ICM, with SOX-2 co-expression in some presumed PE cells. In IVD blastocysts, SOX-2 expression was exclusive to the compacted presumptive EPI, while GATA-6 and CDX-2 expression were consistent with PE and TE specification, respectively. In IVP blastocysts, SOX-2 and GATA-6 positive cells were intermingled and relatively dispersed, and co-expression of SOX-2 or GATA-6 was evident in some CDX-2 positive TE cells. IVP blastocysts had lower TE and total cell numbers than IVD blastocysts and displayed larger mean inter-EPI cell distances; these features were more pronounced in slower-developing IVP blastocysts. Transferring IVP blastocysts into recipient mares led to the compaction of SOX-2 positive cells into a presumptive EPI, whereas extended in vitro culture did not. In conclusion, IVP equine embryos have a poorly compacted ICM with intermingled EPI and PE cells; features accentuated in slowly developing embryos but remedied by transfer to a recipient mare

    Parental genomes segregate into distinct blastomeres during multipolar zygotic divisions leading to mixoploid and chimeric blastocysts

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    BACKGROUND: During normal zygotic division, two haploid parental genomes replicate, unite and segregate into two biparental diploid blastomeres. RESULTS: Contrary to this fundamental biological tenet, we demonstrate here that parental genomes can segregate to distinct blastomeres during the zygotic division resulting in haploid or uniparental diploid and polyploid cells, a phenomenon coined heterogoneic division. By mapping the genomic landscape of 82 blastomeres from 25 bovine zygotes, we show that multipolar zygotic division is a tell-tale of whole-genome segregation errors. Based on the haplotypes and live-imaging of zygotic divisions, we demonstrate that various combinations of androgenetic, gynogenetic, diploid, and polyploid blastomeres arise via distinct parental genome segregation errors including the formation of additional paternal, private parental, or tripolar spindles, or by extrusion of paternal genomes. Hence, we provide evidence that private parental spindles, if failing to congress before anaphase, can lead to whole-genome segregation errors. In addition, anuclear blastomeres are common, indicating that cytokinesis can be uncoupled from karyokinesis. Dissociation of blastocyst-stage embryos further demonstrates that whole-genome segregation errors might lead to mixoploid or chimeric development in both human and cow. Yet, following multipolar zygotic division, fewer embryos reach the blastocyst stage and diploidization occurs frequently indicating that alternatively, blastomeres with genome-wide errors resulting from whole-genome segregation errors can be selected against or contribute to embryonic arrest. CONCLUSIONS: Heterogoneic zygotic division provides an overarching paradigm for the development of mixoploid and chimeric individuals and moles and can be an important cause of embryonic and fetal arrest following natural conception or IVF

    “Parental genomes segregate into distinct blastomeres during multipolar zygotic divisions leading to mixoploid and chimeric blastocysts” (GBIO-D-22-00145)

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    Image files used to store microscopy live-imaging data of bovine embryos directly cleaving into 3-4 blastomeres. The files named as following are Nikon NIS-Elements ND2 image file format (z stacks time-laps): VideoS2_3A.nd2 VideoS3_3B.nd2 VideoS4_3C.nd2 VideoS6_3E.nd2 The files named as following are Tiff format files (time laps of max projections of the two different channels for mCherry and eGFP) Cam_Long_00000_PROJ_ch0 Cam_Long_00000_PROJ_ch1 Cam_Long_00001_PROJ_ch0 Cam_Long_00001_PROJ_ch1 etc

    Asynchronous embryo transfer followed by comparative transcriptomic analysis of conceptus membranes and endometrium identifies processes important to the establishment of equine pregnancy

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    Preimplantation horse conceptuses require nutrients and signals from histotroph, the composition of which is regulated by luteal progesterone and conceptus-secreted factors. To distinguish progesterone and conceptus effects we shortened the period of endometrial progesterone-priming by asynchronous embryo transfer. Day 8 embryos were transferred to synchronous (day 8) or asynchronous (day 3) recipients, and RNA sequencing was performed on endometrium and conceptuses recovered 6 and 11 days later (embryo days 14 and 19). Asynchrony resulted in many more differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in conceptus membranes (3473) than endometrium (715). Gene ontology analysis identified upregulation in biological processes related to organogenesis and preventing apoptosis in synchronous conceptuses on day 14, and in cell adhesion and migration on day 19. Asynchrony also resulted in large numbers of DEGs related to 'extracellular exosome'. In endometrium, genes involved in immunity, the inflammatory response, and apoptosis regulation were upregulated during synchronous pregnancy and, again, many genes related to extracellular exosome were differentially expressed. Interestingly, only 14 genes were differentially expressed in endometrium recovered 6 days after synchronous versus 11 days after asynchronous transfer (day 14 recipient in both). Among these, KNG1 and IGFBP3 were consistently upregulated in synchronous endometrium. Furthermore bradykinin, an active peptide cleaved from KNG1, stimulated prostaglandin release by cultured trophectoderm cells. The horse conceptus thus responds to a negatively asynchronous uterus by extensively adjusting its transcriptome, whereas the endometrial transcriptome is modified only subtly by a more advanced conceptus

    Asynchronous Embryo Transfer Followed by Comparative Transcriptomic Analysis of Conceptus Membranes and Endometrium Identifies Processes Important to the Establishment of Equine Pregnancy

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    Preimplantation horse conceptuses require nutrients and signals from histotroph, the composition of which is regulated by luteal progesterone and conceptus-secreted factors. To distinguish progesterone and conceptus effects we shortened the period of endometrial progesterone-priming by asynchronous embryo transfer. Day 8 embryos were transferred to synchronous (day 8) or asynchronous (day 3) recipients, and RNA sequencing was performed on endometrium and conceptuses recovered 6 and 11 days later (embryo days 14 and 19). Asynchrony resulted in many more differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in conceptus membranes (3473) than endometrium (715). Gene ontology analysis identified upregulation in biological processes related to organogenesis and preventing apoptosis in synchronous conceptuses on day 14, and in cell adhesion and migration on day 19. Asynchrony also resulted in large numbers of DEGs related to ‘extracellular exosome’. In endometrium, genes involved in immunity, the inflammatory response, and apoptosis regulation were upregulated during synchronous pregnancy and, again, many genes related to extracellular exosome were differentially expressed. Interestingly, only 14 genes were differentially expressed in endometrium recovered 6 days after synchronous versus 11 days after asynchronous transfer (day 14 recipient in both). Among these, KNG1 and IGFBP3 were consistently upregulated in synchronous endometrium. Furthermore bradykinin, an active peptide cleaved from KNG1, stimulated prostaglandin release by cultured trophectoderm cells. The horse conceptus thus responds to a negatively asynchronous uterus by extensively adjusting its transcriptome, whereas the endometrial transcriptome is modified only subtly by a more advanced conceptus

    Expression of glucose transporters in the endometrium and early conceptus membranes of the horse

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    INTRODUCTION: Glucose is the primary energy substrate for early conceptus development and, for the first 40 days of gestation, the equine conceptus depends solely on glucose available in the histotroph; thereafter, histotrophic glucose provision continues to support transport across the definitive placenta. METHODS: To investigate glucose provision routes during early equine pregnancy we examined expression of glucose transporters in conceptus membranes and endometrium recovered on days 7, 14, 21 and 28 after ovulation. To further differentiate the contributions of maternal progesterone priming and conceptus-endometrium crosstalk in regulating glucose transporter expression, day 8 embryos were transferred to recipient mares on day 8 (synchronous) or day 3 (asynchronous) after ovulation; conceptuses and endometrium were recovered 6 or 11 days later. RESULTS: The glucose transporters SLC2A1, 2A3, 2A4, 2A8, 2A10 and 5A1 were expressed in equine endometrium. In conceptus membranes, expression of SLC2A1-3, 2A5, 2A8, 2A10, 5A1 and 5A11 increased from day 14, and SLC2A1 protein was highly abundant on the apical trophectodermal membrane and in the endoderm. Asynchronous embryo transfer (ET) resulted in reduced SLC2A1 expression in both the endometrium and conceptus membranes. DISCUSSION: A wide range of glucose transporters are expressed in the pre-implantation equine conceptus and endometrium, presumably to ensure adequate glucose provision to the developing embryo. Endometrial expression of SLC2A1 appears to be regulated by a combination of progesterone-priming and conceptus signalling, and its delayed upregulation after asynchronous ET may contribute to the observed delay in conceptus development

    Asynchronous Embryo Transfer Followed by Comparative Transcriptomic Analysis of Conceptus Membranes and Endometrium Identifies Processes Important to the Establishment of Equine Pregnancy

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    Preimplantation horse conceptuses require nutrients and signals from histotroph, the composition of which is regulated by luteal progesterone and conceptus-secreted factors. To distinguish progesterone and conceptus effects we shortened the period of endometrial progesterone-priming by asynchronous embryo transfer. Day 8 embryos were transferred to synchronous (day 8) or asynchronous (day 3) recipients, and RNA sequencing was performed on endometrium and conceptuses recovered 6 and 11 days later (embryo days 14 and 19). Asynchrony resulted in many more differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in conceptus membranes (3473) than endometrium (715). Gene ontology analysis identified upregulation in biological processes related to organogenesis and preventing apoptosis in synchronous conceptuses on day 14, and in cell adhesion and migration on day 19. Asynchrony also resulted in large numbers of DEGs related to 'extracellular exosome'. In endometrium, genes involved in immunity, the inflammatory response, and apoptosis regulation were upregulated during synchronous pregnancy and, again, many genes related to extracellular exosome were differentially expressed. Interestingly, only 14 genes were differentially expressed in endometrium recovered 6 days after synchronous versus 11 days after asynchronous transfer (day 14 recipient in both). Among these, KNG1 and IGFBP3 were consistently upregulated in synchronous endometrium. Furthermore bradykinin, an active peptide cleaved from KNG1, stimulated prostaglandin release by cultured trophectoderm cells. The horse conceptus thus responds to a negatively asynchronous uterus by extensively adjusting its transcriptome, whereas the endometrial transcriptome is modified only subtly by a more advanced conceptus

    Amino acid transporter expression in the endometrium and conceptus membranes during early equine pregnancy

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    Maternally derived amino acids (AA) are essential for early conceptus development, and specific transporters enhance histotrophic AA content during early ruminant pregnancy. In the present study we investigated AA transporter expression in early equine conceptuses and endometrium, during normal pregnancy and after induction of embryo-uterus asynchrony. 'Normal' conceptuses and endometrium were recovered on Days 7, 14, 21 and 28 after ovulation. To investigate asynchrony, Day 8 embryos were transferred to recipient mares on Day 8 or Day 3, and conceptuses were recovered 6 or 11 days later. Endometrial expression of AA transporters solute carrier family 38 member 2 (SLC38A2), solute carrier family 1 members 4 and 5 (SLC1A4 and SLC1A5) increased during early pregnancy, whereas solute carrier family 7 member 8 (SLC7A8), solute carrier family 43 member 2 (SLC43A2) and solute carrier family 7 member 1 (SLC7A1) SLC7A8, SLC43A2 and SLC7A1 expression decreased and the expression of solute carrier family 1 member 1(SLC1A1) and solute carrier family 7 member 2 (SLC7A2) was unaffected. In conceptus membranes, most transporters studied were upregulated, either after Day 14 (solute carrier family 7 member 5 - SLC7A5, SLC38A2, SLC1A4, SLC1A5 and SLC7A1) or Day 21 (SLC43A2 and SLC7A2). Asynchronous ET indicated that endometrial SLC1A5, SLC1A1 and SLC7A8 are primarily regulated by conceptus factors and/or longer exposure to progesterone. In conclusion, AA transporters are expressed in early equine conceptus membranes and endometrium in specific spatiotemporal patterns. Because conceptuses express a wider range of transporters than the endometrium, we speculate that the equine yolk sac has recruited AA transporters to ensure adequate nutrient provision during an unusually long preimplantation period