54 research outputs found

    Implication of Manufacturing Errors on the Layout of Stabilization System and on the Field Quality in a Drift Tube Linac - RF DTL Error Study

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    The field flatness and the layout of the stabilization system in a drift tube linac are strongly dependent on the manufacturing errors that affect the local resonant frequency. In this paper a methodology is presented to study, firstly, the sensitivityof the resonant frequency and of the field flatness to each geometrical parameter of the drift tubes; then a set of tolerances for each parameter is found and a stabilization system layout is defined in order to keep the field flatness within an acceptable limit

    European Spallation Source Lattice Design Status

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    The accelerator of the European Spallation Source (ESS) will deliver 62.5 mA proton beam of 2.0 GeV onto the target, offering an unprecedented beam power of 5 MW. Since the technical design report (TDR) was published in 2013, work has continued to further optimise the accelerator design. We report on the advancements in lattice design optimisations after the TDR to improve performance and flexibility, and reduce cost of the ESS accelerato

    Ocorrência e Morfometria de pontes de miocárdio em cães

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    Foram estudados 30 corações de cães adultos, buscando-se evidenciar a ocorrência das pontes de miocárdio. Os corações foram fixados em solução de formol a 10% tamponada e em seguida dissecados. Pontes de miocárdio foram identificadas em 76,67% dos corações. No total, 32 pontes de miocárdio foram observadas, nas quais a frequência sobre o ramo direito (12,50%) diferiu do ramo esquerdo (87,50%) da artéria coronária. A largura média das pontes de miocárdio foi de 6,092mm. A análise histomorfológica revelou redução da luz arterial com mediana de 53,4% quando comparada ao segmento proximal à ponte de miocárdio


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    A mastite é um processo infeccioso agudo caracterizado pela inflamação da glândula mamária, que modifica o tecido glandular com capacidade de alterar os aspectos físicos e químicos do leite. A doença ocorre devido à toxina, trauma, alergia, doenças metabólicas ou infecciosas, sendo as bactérias os principais causadores desta doença. Em cães é comum no período pós-parto, complicação devido à pseudociese, alta produção de leite, falta de higiene ou microorganismos. Os sintomas podem ser tanto agudo como crônico, sendo que na aguda a glândula mamária apresenta secreção anormal, dor, calor, rubor, depressão, quadros de febre e alterações sistêmicas; em casos crônicos ocorrem nódulos mamários, enrijecimento difuso do parênquima mamário, pontos de necrose com fistulações, e sinais sistêmicos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar um caso clinico de mastite necrosante em cadela, abordando tratamento, sinais clínicos e diagnóstico, devido ser uma afecção rara

    The Insulin Receptor Substrate 1 (Irs1) in Intestinal Epithelial Differentiation and in Colorectal Cancer

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is associated with lifestyle factors that affect insulin/IGF signaling, of which the insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS1) is a key transducer. We investigated expression, localization and pathologic correlations of IRS1 in cancer-uninvolved colonic epithelium, primary CRCs with paired liver metastases and in vitro polarizing Caco2 and HT29 cells. IRS1 mRNA and protein resulted higher, relative to paired mucosa, in adenomas of familial adenomatous polyposis patients and in CRCs that overexpressed c-MYC, ß-catenin, InsRß, and IGF1R. Analysis of IRS1 immunostaining in 24 cases of primary CRC with paired colonic epithelium and hepatic metastasis showed that staining intensity was significantly higher in metastases relative to both primary CRC (P<0.01) and colonic epithelium (P<0.01). Primary and metastatic CRCs, compared to colonic epithelium, contained significantly higher numbers of IRS1-positive cells (P = 0.013 and P = 0.014, respectively). Pathologic correlations in 163 primary CRCs revealed that diffuse IRS1 staining was associated with tumors combining differentiated phenotype and aggressive markers (high Ki67, p53, and ß-catenin). In Caco 2 IRS1 and InsR were maximally expressed after polarization, while IGF1R was highest in pre-polarized cells. No nuclear IRS1 was detected, while, with polarization, phosphorylated IRS1 (pIRS1) shifted from the lateral to the apical plasma membrane and was expressed in surface cells only. In HT29, that carry mutations constitutively activating survival signaling, IRS1 and IGF1R decreased with polarization, while pIRS1 localized in nuclear spots throughout the course. Overall, these data provide evidence that IRS1 is modulated according to CRC differentiation, and support a role of IRS1 in CRC progression and liver metastatization
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