189 research outputs found


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    Várias propriedades sintáticas e semânticas de todo N, chamadas bare universal phrase (BUP), e todos(s) o(s) N(s), defined universal phrase (DUP), podem ser explicadas atribuindo-se uma estrutura semântica a cada sintagma quantificacional. Se nossa proposta semântica estiver correta, torna-se incorreta a afirmação de Peres (1992) de que a presença do artigo definido no sintagma quantificacional é nula. As estruturas semânticas atribuídas a BUP e DUP justificam a hipótese de que todo N não é um quantificador. Tal hipótese encontra ressonância na proposição de Negrão (2002), que afirma ser todo N um indefinido, no sentido de Heim. As análises de Dayal (1998) e Saeboe (2001) acerca de any são usadas para mostrar que todo N é um universal, não um indedinido. Além disso, trata-se de um modal. A discussão a respeito da generalização de Enç é feita para demonstrar que, uma vez que se considere todo como quantificador como a melhor solução, tal generalização deverá ser revista. Nossa proposta é a de manter a distinção entre a distinção entre quantificação e especificidade. A especificidade é dada pela presença do artigo definido. O quantificador propriamente dito expressa quantificação. Tal proposta abre a possibilidade de uma classe de quantificadores não-específicos (talvez modais), dos quais todo N é um exemplo central. Abstract Several syntactic and semantic properties of todo N, named bare universal phrase (BUP), and todo(s) o(s) N(s), defined universal phrase (DUP), may be explained by attributing to each quantifier phrase a semantic structure. If our semantic proposal is correct, then Peress (1992) claim that the presence of the definite article in the quantifier phrase is vacuous is not right. The semantic structures attributed to BUP and DUP lead to the hypothesis that todo N was not a quantifier. Such a hypothesis finds resonance in Negrãos proporal (2002) that claims that todo N is an indefinite in Heims sense. Dayals (1998) and Saeboes (2001) analyses of any are used to show that todo N is a universal, not an indefinite. Moreover it is a modal. The discussion of Ençs generalization is brought up in order to show that if considering todo as a quantifier is a better solution, then Ençs generalization needs to be revised. Our proposal is to keep apart quantification from specificity. Specificity is given by the presence of the definite article. The quantifier itself expresses quantification. Such a proposal opens up the possibility of a class of non-specific (perhaps modal) quantifiers, of which todo N is a central example

    From roots to DPs, Brazilian Portuguese and English: a model theoretical approach to language variation

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    The paper develops Pires de Oliveira’s (2020, in press) model theoretical approach to Brazilian Portuguese (BrP) and English. BrP and English are number marking languages, ie when n is first projected, little-n, [n0[X]], where X is a non-categorized root, it is projected as a predicate, (Chierchia 2010, 2014, in press). The proposal distinguishes the denotation of n0 from the denotation of a plurality of atoms.  The nominal n0 denotes a part-whole non-atomic lattice (Rothstein 2010, 2017). In English, atomicity is mandatory immediately after n0:  n1 is projected, generating [n1 [AtP [n0 [X]]]. This predicts no Bare Singulars in argument position in English, mass interpretation via coercion, and also that nominal root [n0 [X]] surfaces in English when AtP is not projected, as in compounds. In BrP, [n0 [X]] surfaces in argument position, because AtP is not mandatory after little-n. This is the bifurcation separating these two types of languages. The absence of grammatical atomicity, leads to under-specification of mass and count. Thus, the Bare Singular is neither mass nor count. Atomicity is induced by the “determiner”, understood in a broad sense: plural inflection, the definite article, some quantifiers. It explores an unitarist approach to the nominal phrase in BrP and proposes a non-canonical derivation.  The conclusion explores variation in number marking languages

    Brazilian Bare Phrases and Referentiality: Evidences from an Experiment

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    This paper experimentally investigates the denotation of the bare singulars (BS) and bare plural noun phrases (BP) in Brazilian Portuguese (BrP). The first section reviews two theories concerning the semantics of the bare nouns in BrP: the count theory according to which bare nouns are countable (plural sums); and the mass theory, which proposes that there is a difference between these bare nouns, since only the BP is a count noun. The second section presents the experiment. It explores the relation between the semantics of BSs and BPs in a mass context. 64 participants were asked to perform quantity judgments (on number, volume, both number and volume or none) in a comprehension task. The task relied on visual and hearing information. The results show that BSs allow preferentially comparison by volume scales, though they accept the count reading. The presence of the plural morpheme ([-s]) only allows quantity judgments based on number. Thus, the experiment failed to support the count hypothesis that BSs are number neutral (SCHMITT; MUNN, 1999; MUNN; SCHMITT, 2005; MÜLLER, 2002), and corroborates Pires de Oliveira & Rothstein's (2011) mass hypothesis. Relying on Rothstein & Pires de Oliveira (in press), we propose that the morpho-syntactic plural mark imposes counting and that the cardinal reading of the BS is derived from measuring.

    Brazilian Bare Nouns in Comparatives: Experimental Evidence for Non-Contextual Dependency

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    This is an empirical investigation into the volume interpretation attested for the Bare Singular (BS) in Brazilian Portuguese (BrP) in previous studies (e.g.: Beviláqua e Pires de Oliveira, 2014). The issue is whether it is contextually dependent, as argued by Lima & Gomes (2016) and Beviláqua et al (2016). The results indicate that besides a cardinal reading, the volume interpretation is significantly associated with the BS, independently of the context. The BP is normally compared by the number of individuals, however the BP accepted some volume judgments in the biased context. We conclude that the results about the BS shows that its volume reading is not contextually dependent, contradicting Lima & Gomes (2016) and Beviláqua et al.’s (2016) prediction. We criticize Rothstein & Pires de Oliveira’s (2016) explanation for the behavior of the BS; the authors treat it as flexible nouns in English (Rothstein & Pires de Oliveira (2016)). However, English flexible nouns in a mass context do not allow the cardinal reading. We suggest that the BS is under-determined because it denotes the kind

    Uma história dos nominais nus: o português brasileiro e as línguas indígenas brasileiras

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    Seguindo metodologicamente Partee (2005) e Ilari (2018), o artigo conta uma história dos nominais nus de dentro da Semântica Formal das Línguas Naturais. Esse programa de pesquisa em semântica das línguas naturais inicia na década de 70 no contexto do programa gerativo e em conversa estreita com a filosofia da linguagem ordinária (Partee 2005, 2014, Kratzer 2020, 2021). A história dos nominais nus Dogs bark começa com Carlson (1977). De lá para cá houve uma explosão de conhecimento sobre os sistemas nominais através das línguas, impulsionado em grande parte pelos Parâmetros Semânticos: o parâmetro do nome (Chierchia 1998), o parâmetro do número (Chierchia 2010, 2015) e o parâmetro dos numerais (Chierchia 2021). As pesquisas sobre os nominais nus no PB, em especial sobre o Singular Nu como em Cachorro late (Ferreira no prelo), foco deste artigo, e mais ainda sobre as línguas indígenas brasileiras são fundamentais nessa história (Lima 2014; Lima e Rothstein 2020) que desemboca em questões sobre cognição e gramática,  na década de 20 no século 21 (Rothstein 2021, Chierchia 2021). O artigo mostra a importância da pesquisa nacional para a semântica contemporânea.


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    A discussão sobre o quantificador todo em sentenças do Português Brasileiro (doravante PB) com SN definido singular na posição de sujeito, como em O menino tá todo triste, visa descrever uma particularidade semântica do PB e utilizá-la para esclarecer e questionar a pertinência da distinção formulada inicialmente por Partee (1995) entre quantificação-A e quantificação-D. A tese central é de que a distinção é pertinente porque a semântica do todo-A e do todo-D não é a mesma. Abstract The paper discusses the quantifier todo in Brazilian Portuguese (PB from now on) sentences which are composed out of a defined singular nominal phrase in subject position, as in O menino tá todo triste. It aims at clarifying and questioning the necessity of the distinction, formulated by Partee (1995), between A quantifier and D quantifier, and concludes that such a distinction is pertinent because the semantics of todo-A is not the same as the semantics of todo-D