736 research outputs found

    Spatial Complex Network Analysis and Accessibility Indicators: the Case of Municipal Commuting in Sardinia, Italy

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    In this paper a contribution is presented with respect to accessibility indicators modelling for commuters moving through the municipalities of Sardinia, in Italy. In this case, spatial complex network analysis is integrated into the construction of accessibility measures: one of the most relevant outcomes of the first tool –the detection of shortest road paths and distances- is adopted as an input for the second in modelling accessibility indicators. Instead of Euclidean distances often adopted in the literature, shortest road distances are chosen, as commuting implies movements that are usually repeated daily and very likely subjected, even unconsciously, to space and time minimization strategies. In particular, two commuter accessibility indicators are constructed according to approaches based on a travel cost and a spatial interaction model with impedance function calibrated in exponential and in power form. The accessibility indicators are confronted each other and with relevant socio-economic and infrastructure characteristics of Sardinia. In addition, they are described, with respect to their spatial distribution and their different implications, when adopted in decision-making and planning. The travel cost based accessibility indicator has a municipal spatial distribution strongly influenced by the main road infrastructure of the Island. By contrast, spatial interaction model based accessibility indicators are more reliable, with respect to their capacity to confirm a leading socio-economic role of the municipalities comprehended in the metropolitan area of the capital town Cagliari

    La progettazione degli edifici zootecnici: il metodo. Le funzioni. Gli standards dimensionali. I lavori complementari.

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    This study, effected by the author's own original method reports on the principle aspects of planning shelters for animal farming. It develops in particular the themes related to the functions to be given to the various shelters, the numerical standards to be employed for size - that is in relation to the major dynamic and static activities which will have to be performed on a farm. In distinct order of priority are the ac tivities which the plan must coordinate and check: the breeding of animals; equipment; emplomees proof of the success of the method lies in the livestock factor and the activities to be performed as they are the first priorities. Even more important is the fact that they are related to the materials for and the tecniques used in the constructions

    L'insegnamento di costruzioni rurali e di topografia nelle facoltà agrarie: le problematiche connesse con l'edilizia agricola e zootecnica.

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    La complessità ed il continuo aggiornamento dei programmi, il tempo limitato per svolgerli, le nuove competenze professionali dei dottori agronomi e forestali sono alcuni degli aspetti che destano non poche perplessità sulla scelta degli argomenti da approfondire e sune mod31ità da seguire nell'insegnamento delle diverse discipline. A tali problematiche fa riferimento la presente relazione presentata al Seminario per docenti italiani del novembre 1976 presso la sede di Reggio Emilia dell'Università di Bologna

    Schemi edilizi materiali e tecniche costruttive per ricoveri ovini in Sardegna

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    In a limited area of the Mediterranean, Sardinia, in which the farming of sheep is moving towards the modern method of permanently rearing them in shelters, thus giving way to an organised and rational structure. The author has written this report on the plans of these buildings, the materials (both traditional and new) used for their construction

    The structure of Inter-Urban traffic: A weighted network analysis

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    We study the structure of the network representing the interurban commuting traffic of the Sardinia region, Italy, which amounts to 375 municipalities and 1,600,000 inhabitants. We use a weighted network representation where vertices correspond to towns and the edges to the actual commuting flows among those. We characterize quantitatively both the topological and weighted properties of the resulting network. Interestingly, the statistical properties of commuting traffic exhibit complex features and non-trivial relations with the underlying topology. We characterize quantitatively the traffic backbone among large cities and we give evidences for a very high heterogeneity of the commuter flows around large cities. We also discuss the interplay between the topological and dynamical properties of the network as well as their relation with socio-demographic variables such as population and monthly income. This analysis may be useful at various stages in environmental planning and provides analytical tools for a wide spectrum of applications ranging from impact evaluation to decision-making and planning support.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures, 4 tables; 1 missing ref added and minor revision

    The GIS Architecture Elements for the Coastal Areas Along the Adriatic Sea

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    The study of the national and cross-border Adriatic coastal areas will be approached by using an interdisciplinary method. A comparative reading will focus on an analysis of the main variations undergone by the area and will try to define all the elements involved in those areas where a conflicting presence exists between high quality environmental factors on the one hand and anthropological aggression on the other. In this paper we present the aim of the GES.S.TER. project, that is the creation of a protocol for territorial analysis – namely the G.I.S.A.E. Adriatic (Geographical Information System for Activities along the Coast). The Project is financed by the Interreg IIIA Programme Adriatic Cross Border from 2004 to 2007 (prof. Donatella Cialdea is the Head of GESS.S.TER.). Moreover the Project will be a case-study analysed by the GISIG - Geographical Information Systems International Group. The areas covered by the project include the national Adriatic coast, in particular the coastal area of Molise, and the cross-border coasts of Albania and Croatia (both partners in the project). In the definition of the characteristics that a territorial information system of aid to the GES.S.TER project should have, the parameters for the collection of data and for the reordering of the information, which was already in our possession, have been established. Another necessary step has been that of revising and coordinating the existing sources, keeping in mind that the final purpose of the system is to define the objective landscape qualities, we find ourselves having to face the problem of combining, and consequently, comparing, information coming from different sources. Five resource systems have been selected: physical-environmental; landscape-visual; historical-cultural; agricultural-productive; Demographic-tourism. A further source of information comes from the analysis carried out during the drawing up of the Vast Area Environmental Landscape Territorial Plans and we have defined the criteria for the selection of the indicators. These indicators will be useful for an evaluation of transformations through time of the territories, in order to prepare the documents for the strategic environmental assessment procedures too.

    Modeling commuting systems through a complex network analysis: a study of the Italian islands of Sardinia and Sicily

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    This study analyzes the inter-municipal commuting systems of the Italian islands of Sardinia and Sicily, employing weighted network analysis technique. Based on the results obtained for the Sardinian commuting network, the network analysis is used to identify similarities and dissimilarities between the two systems

    Le Intersezioni a raso nella progettazione delle strade: caratteristiche, configurazione, dimensionamento

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    Among the elements that constitute roads, a very important role is represented by the intersections with other thoroughfares. The Authors have suggested some solutions, for example "flat cross roads" and they have demonstrated the characteristics, the elements and the planimetrical configuration of them