8,765 research outputs found

    Lexicographic choice functions without archimedeanicity

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    We investigate the connection between choice functions and lexicographic probabilities, by means of the convexity axiom considered by Seidenfeld, Schervisch and Kadane (2010) but without imposing any Archimedean condition. We show that lexicographic probabilities are related to a particular type of sets of desirable gambles, and investigate the properties of the coherent choice function this induces via maximality. Finally, we show that the convexity axiom is necessary but not sufficient for a coherent choice function to be the infimum of a class of lexicographic ones

    Madagascar - Mission de formulation d'un Programme de Lutte Antiacridienne à court, moyen et long termes.

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    Relata os resultados da Missão à Madagascar, visando a formulação de um Projeto de Luta Antiacrediana em conjunto com a FAO.bitstream/item/105449/1/1279.pd

    Direct absorption imaging of ultracold polar molecules

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    We demonstrate a scheme for direct absorption imaging of an ultracold ground-state polar molecular gas near quantum degeneracy. A challenge in imaging molecules is the lack of closed optical cycling transitions. Our technique relies on photon shot-noise limited absorption imaging on a strong bound-bound molecular transition. We present a systematic characterization of this imaging technique. Using this technique combined with time-of-flight (TOF) expansion, we demonstrate the capability to determine momentum and spatial distributions for the molecular gas. We anticipate that this imaging technique will be a powerful tool for studying molecular quantum gases.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    The conservation of energy-momentum and the mass for the graviton

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    In this work we give special attention to the bimetric theory of gravitation with massive gravitons proposed by Visser in 1998. In his theory, a prior background metric is necessary to take in account the massive term. Although in the great part of the astrophysical studies the Minkowski metric is the best choice to the background metric, it is not possible to consider this metric in cosmology. In order to keep the Minkowski metric as background in this case, we suggest an interpretation of the energy-momentum conservation in Visser's theory, which is in accordance with the equivalence principle and recovers naturally the special relativity in the absence of gravitational sources. Although we do not present a general proof of our hypothesis we show its validity in the simple case of a plane and dust-dominated universe, in which the `massive term' appears like an extra contribution for the energy density.Comment: 9 pages, accepted for publishing in GR

    Estimativa dos impactos econômicos decorrentes da perspectiva de introdução DO Huanglongbing (HLB) no estado da Bahia.

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    O huanglongbing (HLB), comumente chamada de greening é considerado, na atualidade, a pior e mais devastadora doença que acomete os citros em nível mundial, sendo considerada como uma das causas da redução do parque industrial citrícola em diversos países dos continentes asiático e africano (BOVÉ, 2006). Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus, Candidatus Liberibacter africanus e Candidatus Liberibacter americanos são as três espécies das bactérias gram-negativas associadas ao HLB (BOVÉ et al., 2008)

    Agronomic and chemical characterization of soybean genotypes for human consumption.

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    Soybean (Glycine max (L) Merrill) presents a high level of good quality protein and lipids that consist mainly of unsaturated fatty acids. It also has considerable amounts of B complex vitamins and minerals such as iron, potassium and magnesium (Carrão-Panizzi, 1987). In addition to these good nutritional characteristics, soybean for human consumption should have a sweet, nut-like flavor, pale colored seeds (tegument, hilum and cotyledon) and suitable seed size for use as food (Destro, 1991; Vello, 1992). This research was carried out to describe the agronomic and chemical characteristics of food-type soybean genotypes for later use as cultivars or in crosses. Seventy-two soybean genotypes were used in the study, and the agronomic quantitative, qualitative and chemical traits of the grains were assessed, including mineral composition, oil, protein, carbohydrates and ash contents. The results showed that there was great genetic diversity among the genotypes studied for all the agronomic characteristics assessed. The F 82-5782 genotype was outstanding, presenting yield compatible with commercial exploitation as well as large seeds. The Mikawashima genotype presented the highest carbohydrate contents, while the Toffumame II genotype showed the greatest P contents and was also among the six genotypes that presented the greatest K, Ca, Mg, S, Zn, Mn and protein values. These genotypes can be used as cultivars or in breeding programs to solve specific problems of nutrient shortage due to genetic traits

    Reflexões para uma pecuária mais sustentável.

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    A instituição das Contribuições Nacionalmente Determinadas (NDCs) representou substancial progresso para o alcance de uma economia de baixo carbono, pois isso oficializou compromissos, outrora voluntários, dos países em desenvolvimento em acordos climáticos internacionais.Ponto de vista