22 research outputs found

    Precarização do emprego em um hospital público de Sergipe: um estudo de caso com profissionais da enfermagem

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    A precarização do trabalho revela-se uma tendência que atinge os trabalhadores em vários segmentos profissionais, sendo imprescindível sua identificação para definição de estratégias adequadas ao combate de situações prejudiciais ao indivíduo no ambiente laboral. Este trabalho prestou-se a investigar a percepção de precarização do emprego junto ao corpo de enfermagem de um hospital público do Estado de Sergipe, uma vez que esses profissionais são essenciais na prestação de serviços de saúde e estão expostos a uma organização do trabalho que exige grande esforço físico e emocional. Para tanto, realizou-se nova validação da medida Inventário de Precarização Laboral (IPREL), o que permitiu a identificação da magnitude e preponderância das dimensões da precarização do emprego para o público-alvo pesquisado. O instrumento foi aplicado em 279 profissionais de enfermagem (enfermeiros, auxiliares e técnicos de enfermagem) apresentando índices psicométricos adequados quanto à validade e confiabilidade. A partir de Análise Fatorial de Eixos Principais, rotação oblíqua Promax, foram extraídos 2 fatores (Higiene Ocupacional e Justiça: α= 0,87; Relações de Trabalho: α= 0,67) que explicam 19,09% da variância dos dados. Os escores médios demonstram que os trabalhadores de enfermagem pouco vivenciam condições de trabalho adequadas e seguras e percepção de justiça nas relações estabelecidas no trabalho (M = 1,5; DP = 0,52), ainda que acusem razoável ocorrência, por parte da organização empregadora, de práticas de gestão de pessoas voltadas ao reconhecimento profissional, à participação nas tomadas de decisões e à observação das obrigações trabalhistas remuneratórias (M = 2,0; DP = 0,51). Os escores de precarização do emprego encontrados neste hospital público apontam para um quadro mais crítico referente às condições materiais de trabalho e relações de equidade, ainda que não tenha sido completamente satisfatório o indicador que versa sobre as práticas e políticas de gestão de pessoas, sinalizando a necessidade de melhorias corretivas neste cenário organizacional.Florianópolis, S

    Effects of Gender, Sterilization, and Environment on the Spatial Distribution of Free-Roaming Dogs: An Intervention Study in an Urban Setting.

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    Information concerning the factors affecting the circulation and distribution of free-roaming dogs is crucial in developing control actions and limiting the spread of zoonoses. The present study analyzes the influence of gender, sterilization, and environment on the spatial distribution of free-roaming dogs in urban settings. Animals were captured/recaptured in seven consecutive morning sampling efforts conducted at 2-monthly intervals in control and intervention areas in a medium-size town in southeastern Brazil. Capture locations were georeferenced and captured animals were microchipped before being released at their original capture sites. Dogs captured in the intervention area were subjected additionally to surgical sterilization prior to release. Home range (HR) areas were calculated by applying the minimum convex polygon method to dogs that had been captured at least three times. Land coverage zones were determined from satellite images and overlaid on maps of the study areas along with the locations of 22 commercial food outlets. HR areas showed a global mean of 448 m2 and a median of 28 m2, values that were smaller than those reported previously for dogs in rural regions. The median HR of females (64.m2) was higher than that of males (15 m2), while median HRs of animals in the control and intervention areas were similar (27 and 28.5 m2, respectively). Variability of HR was high, although animals with small HRs predominated. Free-roaming dogs grouped primarily in urbanized and transitional regions, and their spatial distribution was positively correlated with locations of commercial food outlets. While sterilization did not influence HR size, the search for food was a key factor in determining mobility and spatial aggregation of free-roaming dogs. Our findings are pertinent in understanding the ecology of free-roaming dogs in urban environments and will be applicable to strategies aimed at promoting animal welfare and preventing the dissemination of zoonoses

    O câncer e a criança: um impacto familiar

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    The aim of this work is a bibliographic review concerning the children living with cancer and their family, in order to identify the themes that have been already studied and to understand the impact on the family during the phases of childhood cancer. The information acquisition was based on documents from the Ministry of Health and on scientific studies available on the following databases: the Google Scholar, the Health virtual Library, the Scielo, the CAPES Journals, the MEDLINE, the LILACS and the Cochrane. The choice of the documents and journals was mainly justified by its link with the childhood health theme. The systematic of the studies research covered the period from 1999 to 2015. The keywords used for the research’s strategy were: childhood health, childhood cancer, family caregivers and grief. The results were presented in three themes: childhood cancer impact on the family, adaptation process of the family facing the sickness and the mourning regarding the death of the sick child. The review enabled to identify the need for special follow-up of the person, which is in direct contact with the child, usually the mother, since the moment of the diagnostic, until after the death.O objetivo desse estudo é revisar a literatura relativa à criança com câncer e sua família, a fim de identificar temas que têm sido pesquisados, e compreender o impacto causado na família durante as fases do câncer infantil. O levantamento de dados foi embasado em documentos do Ministério da Saúde e em trabalhos científicos disponibilizados no Google Acadêmico, Biblioteca virtual da Saúde, Scielo, Periodicos Capes, MEDLINE, LILACS e Cochrane. A escolha dos documentos e periódicos se deu pela sua relação com os temas Saúde da criança. A busca sistematizada de trabalhos abrangeram o período de 1999 a 2015. A estratégia de busca desse referencial utilizou as seguintes palavras-chave: Saúde da Criança, Câncer Infantil, Cuidadores Familiares e Luto. Os resultados foram apresentados em três temas: impacto do câncer infantil na familiar; processo de adaptação da família diante da doença e o luto diante da morte da criança. A revisão demonstrou que uma necessidade de acompanhamento especial a pessoa em contato direto com a criança, geralmente a mãe, desde o momento do diagnostico, e até após a morte

    The Influence of Community Feeders and Commercial Food Outlets on the Spatial Distribution of Free-Roaming Dogs—A Photographic Capture and Recapture Study

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    Understanding the distribution of dogs in the environment is relevant for establishing human and animal health actions. In the present study, we analyzed the influence of community feeders and commercial food outlets on the spatial distribution of free-roaming dogs in an urban area of a municipality in Southeast Brazil. The dogs were identified via photographic capture and recapture performed over five sampling efforts. The spatial densities of dogs were determined using the Kernel method. Spatial correlations between the distribution of free-roaming dogs and the locations of community feeders and commercial food outlets were analyzed using the K function. During the study, 1207 captures/recaptures were performed encompassing 554 dogs, the majority (62.6%) of which were males. Agglomerations of male and female dogs were observed in the areas where food was present. Positive spatial autocorrelations were detected between the distribution of dogs and food sources. The median distances between dogs and community feeders or commercial food outlets were 1.2 and 1.4 km, respectively, and the difference between these two was statistically significant. The presence of community feeders and food outlets demonstrates the influence of human activity, on the spatial distribution of free-roaming dogs. These results will be useful for developing strategies aimed at the improvement of animal welfare and the prevention of zoonoses