234 research outputs found

    The human and mammalian cerebrum scale by computational power and information resistance

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    The cerebrum of mammals spans a vast range of sizes and yet has a very regular structure. The amount of folding of the cortical surface and the proportion of white matter gradually increase with size, but the underlying mechanisms remain elusive. Here, two laws are derived to fully explain these cerebral scaling relations. The first law holds that the long-range information flow in the cerebrum is determined by the total cortical surface (i.e., the number of neurons) and the increasing information resistance of long-range connections. Despite having just one free parameter, the first law fits the mammalian cerebrum better than any existing function, both across species and within humans. According to the second law, the white matter volume scales, with a few minor corrections, to the cortical surface area. It follows from the first law that large cerebrums have much local processing and little global information flow. Moreover, paradoxically, a further increase in long-range connections would decrease the efficiency of information flow.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures; 3 supplement

    An ancestral axial twist explains the contralateral forebrain and the optic chiasm in vertebrates

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    Among the best-known facts of the brain are the contralateral visual, auditory, sensational, and motor mappings in the forebrain. How and why did these evolve? The few theories to this question provide functional answers, such as better networks for visuomotor control. However, these theories contradict the data, as discussed here. Instead we propose that a 90-deg left-turn around the body-axis evolved in a common ancestor of all vertebrates. Compensatory migrations of the tissues during development restore body symmetry. Eyes, nostrils and forebrain compensate in the direction of the turn, whereas more caudal structures migrate in the opposite direction. As a result of these opposite migrations the forebrain becomes crossed and inverted with respect to the rest of the nervous system. We show that these compensatory migratory movements can indeed be observed in the zebrafish (Danio rerio) and the chick (Gallus gallus). With a model we show how the axial twist hypothesis predicts that an optic chiasm should develop on the ventral side of the brain, whereas the olfactory tract should be uncrossed. In addition, the hypothesis explains the decussation of the trochlear nerve, why olfaction is non-crossed, why the cerebellar hemispheres represent the ipsilateral bodyside, why in sharks the forebrain halves each represent the ipsilateral eye, why the heart and other inner organs are asymmetric in the body. Due to the poor fossil record, the possible evolutionary scenarios remain speculative. Molecular evidence does support the hypothesis. The findings may throw new insight on the problematic structure of the forebrain.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures. A small correction is made (May 2014): see footnote

    Visuomotor delays when hitting running spiders.

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    In general, information about the environment (for instance a target) is not instantaneously available for the nervous system. A minimal delay for visual information to affect the movement of the hand is about 110 ms. However, if the movement of a target is predictable, humans can pursue it with zero delay. To make this prediction, information about the speed of the target is necessary. Our results show that this information is used with a delay of about 200 ms. We discuss that oculomotor efference is a likely source of information for this prediction

    Perception of biological motion from size-invariant body representations

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    The visual recognition of action is one of the socially most important and computationally demanding capacities of the human visual system. It combines visual shape recognition with complex non-rigid motion perception. Action presented as a point-light animation is a striking visual experience for anyone who sees it for the first time. Information about the shape and posture of the human body is sparse in point-light animations, but it is essential for action recognition. In the posturo-temporal filter model of biological motion perception posture information is picked up by visual neurons tuned to the form of the human body before body motion is calculated. We tested whether point-light stimuli are processed through posture recognition of the human body form by using a typical feature of form recognition, namely size invariance. We constructed a point-light stimulus that can only be perceived through a size-invariant mechanism. This stimulus changes rapidly in size from one image to the next. It thus disrupts continuity of early visuo-spatial properties but maintains continuity of the body posture representation. Despite this massive manipulation at the visuo-spatial level, size-changing point-light figures are spontaneously recognized by naive observers, and support discrimination of human body motion

    Independent control of acceleration and direction of the hand when hitting moving targets

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    Human subjects were asked to hit moving targets as quickly as they could. Nevertheless the speed with which the subjects moved toward identical stimuli differed between trials. We examined whether the subjects compensated for a lower initial acceleration by aiming further ahead of the target. We found that the initial acceleration of the hand and its initial direction were hardly correlated. Thus subjects did not aim further ahead when they hit more slowly. This supports our earlier suggestion that the acceleration of the hand and the direction in which it moves are controlled separately

    The control of interceptive arm movements

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    In this thesis we addressed the strategies that normal human subjects employ t o make rapid interceptive movements. In the planning and continuous control of such movements, sensory information of very different modalities has to be integrated rapidly and accurately, and has to be translated into useful movements of the hand. We addressed the problem both with and without a model. With the mass-spring model we wanted to test whether such a model gives a valid description for both manipulations of the equilibrium point and of the endpoint (chapters 2, 6 and 7; cf. Fig. 1.1). In using a mass-spring model, we supposed that subjects used one single strategy for the sensory-motor control throughout an experiment (stable control). In chapter 5 we tested the validity of this assumption of stable control. Finally we specifically addressed the question whether –and if so, how– people use velocity information (rather than only position information) to guide their action (chapters 3, 4 and 6)

    Spinal lordosis optimizes the requirements for a stable erect posture

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Lordosis is the bending of the lumbar spine that gives the vertebral column of humans its characteristic ventrally convex curvature. Infants develop lordosis around the time when they acquire bipedal locomotion. Even macaques develop a lordosis when they are trained to walk bipedally. The aim of this study was to investigate why humans and some animals develop a lumbar lordosis while learning to walk bipedally.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We developed a musculoskeletal model of the lumbar spine, that includes an asymmetric, dorsally shifted location of the spinal column in the body, realistic moment arms, and physiological cross-sectional areas (PCSA) of the muscles as well as realistic force-length and force-velocity relationships. The model was used to analyze the stability of an upright body posture. According to our results, lordosis reduces the local joint torques necessary for an equilibrium of the vertebral column during an erect posture. At the same time lordosis increases the demands on the global muscles to provide stability.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We conclude that the development of a spinal lordosis is a compromise between the stability requirements of an erect posture and the necessity of torque equilibria at each spinal segment.</p

    A computational model unifies apparently contradictory findings concerning phantom pain

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    Amputation often leads to painful phantom sensations, whose pathogenesis is still unclear. Supported by experimental findings, an explanatory model has been proposed that identifies maladaptive reorganization of the primary somatosensory cortex (S1) as a cause of phantom pain. However, it was recently found that BOLD activity during voluntary movements of the phantom positively correlates with phantom pain rating, giving rise to a model of persistent representation. In the present study, we develop a physiologically realistic, computational model to resolve the conflicting findings. Simulations yielded that both the amount of reorganization and the level of cortical activity during phantom movements were enhanced in a scenario with strong phantom pain as compared to a scenario with weak phantom pain. These results suggest that phantom pain, maladaptive reorganization, and persistent representation may all be caused by the same underlying mechanism, which is driven by an abnormally enhanced spontaneous activity of deafferented nociceptive channels

    Impairments of Biological Motion Perception in Congenital Prosopagnosia

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    Prosopagnosia is a deficit in recognizing people from their faces. Acquired prosopagnosia results after brain damage, developmental or congenital prosopagnosia (CP) is not caused by brain lesion, but has presumably been present from early childhood onwards. Since other sensory, perceptual, and cognitive abilities are largely spared, CP is considered to be a stimulus-specific deficit, limited to face processing. Given that recent behavioral and imaging studies indicate a close relationship of face and biological-motion perception in healthy adults, we hypothesized that biological motion processing should be impaired in CP. Five individuals with CP and ten matched healthy controls were tested with diverse biological-motion stimuli and tasks. Four of the CP individuals showed severe deficits in biological-motion processing, while one performed within the lower range of the controls. A discriminant analysis classified all participants correctly with a very high probability for each participant. These findings demonstrate that in CP, impaired perception of faces can be accompanied by impaired biological-motion perception. We discuss implications for dedicated and shared mechanisms involved in the perception of faces and biological motion

    Optimization reduces knee-joint forces during walking and squatting: Validating the inverse dynamics approach for full body movements on instrumented knee prostheses

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    Due to the redundancy of our motor system, movements can be performed in many ways. While multiple motor control strategies can all lead to the desired behavior, they result in different joint and muscle forces. This creates opportunities to explore this redundancy, e.g., for pain avoidance or reducing the risk of further injury. To assess the effect of different motor control optimization strategies, a direct measurement of muscle and joint forces is desirable, but problematic for medical and ethical reasons. Computational modeling might provide a solution by calculating approximations of these forces. In this study, we used a full-body computational musculoskeletal model to (1) predict forces measured in knee prostheses during walking and squatting and (2) to study the effect of different motor control strategies (i.e., minimizing joint force vs. muscle activation) on the joint load and prediction error. We found that musculoskeletal models can accurately predict knee joint forces with an RMSE of <0.5 BW in the superior direction and about 0.1 BW in the medial and anterior directions. Generally, minimization of joint forces produced the best predictions. Furthermore, minimizing muscle activation resulted in maximum knee forces of about 4 BW for walking and 2.5 BW for squatting. Minimizing joint forces resulted in maximum knee forces of 2.25 BW and 2.12 BW, i.e., a reduction of 44% and 15%, respectively. Thus, changing the muscular coordination strategy can strongly affect knee joint forces. Patients with a knee prosthesis may adapt their neuromuscular activation to reduce joint forces during locomotion.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure