872 research outputs found

    The Intergenerational Transmission of Party Preferences in Multiparty Contexts: Examining Parental Socialization Processes in the Netherlands"

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    Research shows that parents have a strong influence on the party preferences of their children. Yet little is known about how such preferences are transmitted in multiparty systems with weak party identification and high electoral volatility. We propose a model of intergenerational transmission that includes both direct effects of parents' party preferences on those of their children, as well as indirect effects through left–right and issue positions. We test this model with original survey data of Dutch adolescents (14–20 years old) and their parents (N = 751 adolescent-parent pairs). We find two paths through which parents exert influence on the party preferences of their adolescent children. On the first path, parental party preferences function as a direct predictor of adolescent party preferences. On the second path, adolescent left–right and issue positions function as a mediator between parental left–right and issue positions and adolescent party preferences, with the effect of left–right positions being stronger than that of issue positions. The frequency with which adolescents discuss political topics with their parents moderates these effects

    Het publieke belang van politieke partijen:eindrapport van de Evaluatie- en Adviescommissie Wet financiering politieke partijen

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    In april 2017 stelde de minister van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties een evaluatie- en adviescommssie in om de sinds maart 2013 geldende Wet financiering politieke partijen te evalueren. In dit rapport doet genoemde commissie verslag van deze opdracht en analyseert daartoe de plaats en functies van politieke partijen in het politieke stelsel
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