33 research outputs found

    Impaired Autophagic Clearance with a Gain-of-Function Variant of the Lysosomal Cl−/H+ Exchanger ClC-7

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    ClC-7 is a ubiquitously expressed voltage-gated Cl−/H+ exchanger that critically contributes to lysosomal ion homeostasis. Together with its β-subunit Ostm1, ClC-7 localizes to lysosomes and to the ruffled border of osteoclasts, where it supports the acidification of the resorption lacuna. Loss of ClC-7 or Ostm1 leads to osteopetrosis accompanied by accumulation of storage material in lysosomes and neurodegeneration. Interestingly, not all osteopetrosis-causing CLCN7 mutations from patients are associated with a loss of ion transport. Some rather result in an acceleration of voltage-dependent ClC-7 activation. Recently, a gain-of-function variant, ClC-7Y715C, that yields larger ion currents upon heterologous expression, was identified in two patients with neurodegeneration, organomegaly and albinism. However, neither the patients nor a mouse model that carried the equivalent mutation developed osteopetrosis, although expression of ClC-7Y715C induced the formation of enlarged intracellular vacuoles. Here, we investigated how, in transfected cells with mutant ClC-7, the substitution of this tyrosine impinged on the morphology and function of lysosomes. Combinations of the tyrosine mutation with mutations that either uncouple Cl− from H+ counter-transport or strongly diminish overall ion currents were used to show that increased ClC-7 Cl−/H+ exchange activity is required for the formation of enlarged vacuoles by membrane fusion. Degradation of endocytosed material was reduced in these compartments and resulted in an accumulation of lysosomal storage material. In cells expressing the ClC-7 gain-of-function mutant, autophagic clearance was largely impaired, resulting in a build-up of autophagic material

    Quantitative correlative microscopy reveals the ultrastructural distribution of endogenous endosomal proteins

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    The key endosomal regulators Rab5, EEA1, and APPL1 are frequently applied in fluorescence microscopy to mark early endosomes, whereas Rab7 is used as a marker for late endosomes and lysosomes. However, endogenous levels of these proteins localize poorly in immuno-EM, and systematic studies on their native ultrastructural distributions are lacking. To address this gap, we here present a quantitative, on-section correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM) approach. Using the sensitivity of fluorescence microscopy, we label hundreds of organelles that are subsequently visualized by EM and classified by ultrastructure. We show that Rab5 predominantly marks small, endocytic vesicles and early endosomes. EEA1 colocalizes with Rab5 on early endosomes, but unexpectedly also labels Rab5-negative late endosomes, which are positive for PI(3)P but lack Rab7. APPL1 is restricted to small Rab5-positive, tubulo-vesicular profiles. Rab7 primarily labels late endosomes and lysosomes. These data increase our understanding of the structural-functional organization of the endosomal system and introduce quantitative CLEM as a sensitive alternative for immuno-EM

    Impaired Autophagic Clearance with a Gain-of-Function Variant of the Lysosomal Cl -/H + Exchanger ClC-7.

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    ClC-7 is a ubiquitously expressed voltage-gated Cl -/H + exchanger that critically contributes to lysosomal ion homeostasis. Together with its β-subunit Ostm1, ClC-7 localizes to lysosomes and to the ruffled border of osteoclasts, where it supports the acidification of the resorption lacuna. Loss of ClC-7 or Ostm1 leads to osteopetrosis accompanied by accumulation of storage material in lysosomes and neurodegeneration. Interestingly, not all osteopetrosis-causing CLCN7 mutations from patients are associated with a loss of ion transport. Some rather result in an acceleration of voltage-dependent ClC-7 activation. Recently, a gain-of-function variant, ClC-7 Y715C, that yields larger ion currents upon heterologous expression, was identified in two patients with neurodegeneration, organomegaly and albinism. However, neither the patients nor a mouse model that carried the equivalent mutation developed osteopetrosis, although expression of ClC-7 Y715C induced the formation of enlarged intracellular vacuoles. Here, we investigated how, in transfected cells with mutant ClC-7, the substitution of this tyrosine impinged on the morphology and function of lysosomes. Combinations of the tyrosine mutation with mutations that either uncouple Cl - from H + counter-transport or strongly diminish overall ion currents were used to show that increased ClC-7 Cl -/H + exchange activity is required for the formation of enlarged vacuoles by membrane fusion. Degradation of endocytosed material was reduced in these compartments and resulted in an accumulation of lysosomal storage material. In cells expressing the ClC-7 gain-of-function mutant, autophagic clearance was largely impaired, resulting in a build-up of autophagic material

    Ultrastructural Localization of Endogenous LC3 by On-Section Correlative Light-Electron Microscopy

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    The visualization of autophagic organelles at the ultrastructural level by electron microscopy (EM) is essential to establish their identity and reveal details that are important for understanding the autophagic process. However, EM methods often lack molecular information, obstructing the correlation of ultrastructural information obtained by EM to fluorescence microscopy-based localization of specific autophagy proteins. Furthermore, the rarity of autophagosomes in unaltered cellular conditions hampers investigation by EM, which requires high magnification, and hence provides a limited field of view. In answer to both challenges, an on-section correlative light-electron microscopy (CLEM) method based on fluorescent labeling was applied to correlate a common autophagosomal marker, LC3, to EM ultrastructure. The method was used to rapidly screen cells in fluorescence microscopy for LC3 labeling in combination with other relevant markers. Subsequently, the underlying ultrastructural features of selected LC3-labeled spots were identified by CLEM. The method was applied to starved cells without adding inhibitors of lysosomal acidification. In these conditions, LC3 was found predominantly on autophagosomes and rarely in autolysosomes, in which LC3 is rapidly degraded. These data show both the feasibility and sensitivity of this approach, demonstrating that CLEM can be used to provide ultrastructural insights on LC3-mediated autophagy in native conditions-without drug treatments or genetic alterations. Overall, this method presents a valuable tool for ultrastructural localization studies of autophagy proteins and other scarce antigens by bridging light microscopy to EM data

    Integrated super resolution fluorescence microscopy and transmission electron microscopy

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    In correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM), the capabilities of fluorescence microscopy (FM) and electron microscopy (EM) are united. FM combines a large field of view with high sensitivity for detecting fluorescence, which makes it an excellent tool for identifying regions of interest. EM has a much smaller field of view but offers superb resolution that allows studying cellular ultrastructure. In CLEM, the potentials of both techniques are combined but a limiting factor is the large difference in resolution between the two imaging modalities. Adding super resolution FM to CLEM reduces the resolution gap between FM and EM; it offers the possibility of identifying multiple targets within the diffraction limit and can increase correlation accuracy. CLEM is usually carried out in two separate setups, which requires transfer of the sample. This may result in distortion and damage of the specimen, which can complicate finding back regions of interest. By integrating the two imaging modalities, such problems can be avoided. Here, an integrated super resolution correlative microscopy approach is presented based on a wide-field super resolution FM integrated in a Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM). Switching imaging modalities is accomplished by rotation of the TEM sample holder. First imaging experiments are presented on sections of Lowicryl embedded Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells labeled for Caveolin both with Protein A-Gold, and Alexa Fluor®647. TEM and FM images were overlaid using fiducial markers visible in both imaging modalities with an overlay accuracy of 28 ± 11 nm. This is close to the optical resolution of ~50 nm

    RUFY1 binds Arl8b and mediates endosome-to-TGN CI-M6PR retrieval for cargo sorting to lysosomes

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    Arl8b, an Arf-like GTP-binding protein, regulates cargo trafficking and positioning of lysosomes. However, it is unknown whether Arl8b regulates lysosomal cargo sorting. Here, we report that Arl8b binds to the Rab4 and Rab14 interaction partner, RUN and FYVE domain-containing protein (RUFY) 1, a known regulator of cargo sorting from recycling endosomes. Arl8b determines RUFY1 endosomal localization through regulating its interaction with Rab14. RUFY1 depletion led to a delay in CI-M6PR retrieval from endosomes to the TGN, resulting in impaired delivery of newly synthesized hydrolases to lysosomes. We identified the dynein-dynactin complex as an RUFY1 interaction partner, and similar to a subset of activating dynein adaptors, the coiled-coil region of RUFY1 was required for interaction with dynein and the ability to mediate dynein-dependent organelle clustering. Our findings suggest that Arl8b and RUFY1 play a novel role on recycling endosomes, from where this machinery regulates endosomes to TGN retrieval of CI-M6PR and, consequently, lysosomal cargo sorting

    Bimodal endocytic probe for three-dimensional correlative light and electron microscopy

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    We present a bimodal endocytic tracer, fluorescent BSA-gold (fBSA-Au), as a fiducial marker for 2D and 3D correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM) applications. fBSA-Au consists of colloidal gold (Au) particles stabilized with fluorescent BSA. The conjugate is efficiently endocytosed and distributed throughout the 3D endolysosomal network of cells and has an excellent visibility in both fluorescence microscopy (FM) and electron microscopy (EM). We demonstrate that fBSA-Au facilitates rapid registration in several 2D and 3D CLEM applications using Tokuyasu cryosections, resin-embedded material, and cryoelectron microscopy (cryo-EM). Endocytosed fBSA-Au benefits from a homogeneous 3D distribution throughout the endosomal system within the cell, does not obscure any cellular ultrastructure, and enables accurate (50-150 nm) correlation of fluorescence to EM data. The broad applicability and visibility in both modalities makes fBSA-Au an excellent endocytic fiducial marker for 2D and 3D (cryo)CLEM applications

    EGFR Dynamics Change during Activation in Native Membranes as Revealed by NMR

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    The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) represents one of the most common target proteins in anti-cancer therapy. To directly examine the structural and dynamical properties of EGFR activation by the epidermal growth factor (EGF) in native membranes, we have developed a solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (ssNMR)-based approach supported by dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP). In contrast to previous crystallographic results, our experiments show that the ligand-free state of the extracellular domain (ECD) is highly dynamic, while the intracellular kinase domain (KD) is rigid. Ligand binding restricts the overall and local motion of EGFR domains, including the ECD and the C-terminal region. We propose that the reduction in conformational entropy of the ECD by ligand binding favors the cooperative binding required for receptor dimerization, causing allosteric activation of the intracellular tyrosine kinase

    EGFR Dynamics Change during Activation in Native Membranes as Revealed by NMR

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    The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) represents one of the most common target proteins in anti-cancer therapy. To directly examine the structural and dynamical properties of EGFR activation by the epidermal growth factor (EGF) in native membranes, we have developed a solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (ssNMR)-based approach supported by dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP). In contrast to previous crystallographic results, our experiments show that the ligand-free state of the extracellular domain (ECD) is highly dynamic, while the intracellular kinase domain (KD) is rigid. Ligand binding restricts the overall and local motion of EGFR domains, including the ECD and the C-terminal region. We propose that the reduction in conformational entropy of the ECD by ligand binding favors the cooperative binding required for receptor dimerization, causing allosteric activation of the intracellular tyrosine kinase