139 research outputs found

    How can holonomy corrections be introduced in f(R)f(R) gravity?

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    We study the introduction of holonomy corrections in f(R)f(R) gravity. We will show that there are infinitely many ways, as many as canonical transformations, to introduce this kind of corrections, depending on the canonical variables (two coordinates and its conjugate momenta) used to obtain the Hamiltonian. In each case, these corrections lead, at effective level, to different modified holonomy corrected Friedmann equations in f(R)f(R) gravity, which are in practice analytically unworkable, i.e. only numerical analysis can be used to understand its dynamics. Finally, we give arguments in favour of one preferred set of variables, the one that conformally maps f(R)f(R) to Einstein gravity, because for these variables the dynamics of the system has a clear physical meaning: the same as in standard Loop Quantum Cosmology, where the effective dynamics of a system can be analytically studied

    Bouncing cosmologies in geometries with positively curved spatial sections

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    Background boucing cosmologies in the framework of General Relativity, driven by a single scalar field filling the Universe, and with a quasi-matter domination period, i.e., depicting the so-called Matter Bounce Scenario, are reconstructed for geometries with positive spatial curvature. These cosmologies lead to a nearly flat power spectrum of the curvature fluctuations in co-moving coordinates for modes that leave the Hubble radius during the quasi-matter domination period, and whose spectral index and its running, which are related with the effective Equation of State parameter given by the quotient of the pressure over the energy density, are compatible with observational data.Comment: Version accepted for publication in PL

    Simple inflationary quintessential model II: Power law potentials

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    The present work is a sequel of our previous work Phys.Rev.D { 93}, 084018 (2016) [arXiv:1601.08175 [gr-qc]] cite{hap} which depicted a simple version of an inflationary quintessential model whose inflationary stage was described by a Higgs type potential and the quintessential phase was responsible due to an exponential potential. Additionally, the model predicted a nonsingular universe in past which was geodesically past incomplete. Further, it was also found that the model is in agreement with the Planck 2013 data when running is allowed. But, this model was found to be unsuccessful with Planck 2015 data with or without running. However, in this sequel we propose a family of models runs by a single parameter alphain[0,1]alpha in [0, 1] which proposes another "inflationary quintessential model" where the inflation and the quintessence regimes are respectively described by a power law potential and a cosmological constant. The model is also nonsingular although geodesically past incomplete as in the cited model. However, the present one is found to be more simple in compared to the previous model and it is in excellent agreement with the observational data. We note that unlike the previous model which matched only with Planck 2013 data in presence of running, a large number of the models of this family with alphain[0,1/2)alpha in [0,1/2) matches with both Planck 2013 and Planck 2015 data whether the running is allowed or not. Thus, the properties in the current family of models in compared to its past companion justify its need for a better cosmological model with the successive improvement of the observational data.1Comment: Version accepted for publication in PR

    Bouncing Loop Quantum Cosmology from F(T)F(T) gravity

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    The big bang singularity could be understood as a breakdown of Einstein's General Relativity at very high energies. Adopting this viewpoint, other theories, that implement Einstein Cosmology at high energies, might solve the problem of the primeval singularity. One of them is Loop Quantum Cosmology (LQC) with a small cosmological constant that models a universe moving along an ellipse, which prevents singularities like the big bang or the big rip, in the phase space (H,ρ)(H,\rho), where HH is the Hubble parameter and ρ\rho the energy density of the universe. Using LQC when one considers a model of universe filled by radiation and matter where, due to the cosmological constant, there are a de Sitter and an anti de Sitter solution. This means that one obtains a bouncing non-singular universe which is in the contracting phase at early times. After leaving this phase, i.e., after bouncing, it passes trough a radiation and matter dominated phase and finally at late times it expands in an accelerated way (current cosmic acceleration). This model does not suffer from the horizon and flatness problems as in big bang cosmology, where a period of inflation that increases the size of our universe in more than 60 e-folds is needed in order to solve both problems. The model has two mechanisms to avoid these problems: The evolution of the universe through a contracting phase and a period of super-inflation (H˙>0\dot{H}> 0)