17 research outputs found

    Comparative finite element modelling of aneurysm formation and physiologic inflation in the descending aorta

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    Despite the general interest in aneurysm rupture prediction, the aneurysm formation has received limited attention. The goal of this study is to assess whether an aneurysm may be instigated in a healthy model of an aorta inflated by a supra-physiological pressure. The effect of two main aspects on numerical predictions has been explored: i) the geometric design and ii) the constitutive law adopted to represent the material properties. Firstly, higher values of wall stress and displacement magnitude were generated in the physiologic model compared to the cylindrical one when assigning the same material properties. Secondly, greater deformations are observed in the anisotropic model compared to the isotropic one

    A high frame rate wearable EIT system using active electrode ASICs for lung respiration and heart rate monitoring

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    A high specification, wearable, electrical impedance tomography (EIT) system with 32 active electrodes is presented. Each electrode has an application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) mounted on a flexible printed circuit board, which is then wrapped inside a disposable fabric cover containing silver-coated electrodes to form the wearable belt. It is connected to a central hub that operates all the 32 ASICs. Each ASIC comprises a high- performance current driver capable of up to 6 mAp−p output, a voltage buffer for EIT and heart rate signal recording as well as contact impedance monitoring, and a sensor buffer that provides multi-parameter sensing. The ASIC was designed in a CMOS 0.35-μm high-voltage process technology. It operates from ±9-V power supplies and occupies a total die area of 3.9 mm2. The EIT system has a bandwidth of 500 kHz and employs two parallel data acquisition channels to achieve a frame rate of 107 frames/s, the fastest wearable EIT system reported to date. Measured results show that the system has a measurement accuracy of 98.88% and a minimum EIT detectability of 0.86 Q/frame. Its successful operation in capturing EIT lung respiration and heart rate biosignals from a volunteer is demonstrated

    Torso shape detection to improve lung monitoring

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    Two methodologies are proposed to detect the patient-specific boundary of the chest, aiming to produce a more accurate forward model for EIT analysis. Thus, a passive resistive and an inertial prototypes were prepared to characterize and reconstruct the shape of multiple phantoms. Preliminary results show how the passive device generates a minimum scatter between the reconstructed image and the actual shap

    Effects of patient recumbency position on neonatal chest EIT

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    This paper investigates the overlooked effects of the patient recumbency positions on one of the key clinically used parameters in chest electrical impedance tomography (EIT) monitoring – the silent spaces. This parameter could impact medical decisions and interventions by indicating how well each lung is being ventilated. Yet it is largely dependent on assumptions of prior model at the reconstruction stage and the closely linked region of interest (ROI) during the final calculations. The potential effect of switching recumbency modes on silent spaces as a results of internal organ movements and consequently changes in initial assumptions, has been studied. The displacement and deformations caused by posture changes from supine to lateral recumbent were evaluated via simulations considering the simultaneous gravity-dependent movement and/or deformations of heart, mediastinum, lungs and the diaphragm. The reliability of simulations was verified against reference radiography images of an 18-month-old infant in supine and decubitus lateral positions. Inspecting a set of 10 patients from age range of 1 to 2 years old revealed improvements of up to 30% in the silent space parameters when applying posture consistent amendments as opposed to fixed model/ROI to each individual. To minimize the influence of image reconstruction technique on the results two different EIT reconstruction algorithms were implemented. The outcome emphasized the importance of including recumbency situation during chest EIT monitoring within the considered age range

    Torso shape detection to improve lung monitoring

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    Newborns with lung immaturity often require continuous monitoring and treatment of their lung ventilation in intensive care units, especially if born preterm. Recent studies indicate that Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) is feasible in newborn
 infants and children, and can quantitatively identify changes in regional lung aeration and ventilation following alterations to respiratory conditions. Information on the patient-specic shape of the torso and its role in minimizing the artefacts in the
 reconstructed images can improve the accuracy of the clinical parameters obtained from EIT. Currently, only idealized models or those segmented from CT scans are usually adopted. This study presents and compares two methodologies that can
 detect the patient-specic torso shape by means of wearable devices based on: (1) previously reported bend sensor technology and (2) a novel approach based on the use of accelerometers. The reconstruction of different phantoms, taking into account
 anatomical asymmetries and different sizes, are produced for comparison. As a result, the accelerometers are more versatile than bend sensors, which cannot be used on bigger cross-sections. The computational study estimates the optimal number of
 accelerometers required in order to generate an image reconstruction comparable to the use of a CT scan as the forward model. Furthermore, since the patient position is crucial to monitoring lung ventilation, the orientation of the phantoms is automatically
 detected by the accelerometer-based method. [Abstract copyright: © 2018 Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine.

    Thoracic shape changes in newborns due to their position

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    The highly compliant nature of the neonatal chest wall is known to clinicians. However, its morphological changes have never been characterized and are especially important for a customised monitoring of respiratory diseases. Here, we show that a device applied on newborns can trace their chest boundary without the use of radiation. Such technology, which is easy to sanitise between patients, works like a smart measurement tape drawing also a digital cross section of the chest. We also show that in neonates the supine position generates a significantly different cross section compared to the lateral ones. Lastly, an unprecedented comparison between a premature neonate and a child is reported

    Towards a thoracic conductive phantom for EIT

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    Phantom experiments are a crucial step for testing new hardware or imaging algorithms for electrical impedance tomography (EIT) studies. However, constructing an accurate phantom for EIT research remains critical; some studies have attempted to model the skull and breasts, and even fewer, as yet, have considered the thorax. In this study, a critical comparison between the electrical properties (impedance) of three materials is undertaken: a polyurethane foam, a silicone mixture and a thermoplastic polyurethane filament. The latter was identified as the most promising material and adopted for the development of a flexible neonatal torso. The validation is performed by the EIT image reconstruction of the air filled cavities, which mimic the lung regions. The methodology is reproducible for the creation of any phantom that requires a slight flexibility

    Cross-sectional chest circumference and shape development in infants

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    Objective: This study investigates the development of the thoracic cross-section at the nipple line level during the early stages of life. Unlike the descriptive awareness regarding chest development course, there exist no quantitative references concerning shape, circumference and possible dependencies to age, gender or body weight. The proposed mathematical relations are expected to help create guidelines for more realistic modelling and potential detection of abnormalities. One potential application is lung electrical impedance tomography (EIT) monitoring where accurate chest models are crucial in both extracting reliable parameters for regional ventilation function and design of EIT belts. Despite their importance, such reference data is not readily available for the younger age range due to insufficient data amid the regulations of neonatal imaging. Results: Chest circumference shows the highest correlation to body weight following the relation fx=18.3735ln0.0012x+2.1010 where x is the body weight in grams and f(x) is the chest circumference in cm at the nipple line level. No statistically significant difference in chest circumference between genders was detected. However, the shape indicated signs of both age and gender dependencies with on average boys developing a more rectangular shape than girls from the age of 1 years and 9 months

    Effects of Patient Recumbency Position on Neonatal Chest EIT

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    This paper investigates the overlooked effects of the patient recumbency positions on one of the key clinically used parameters in chest electrical impedance tomography (EIT) monitoring – the silent spaces. This parameter could impact medical decisions and interventions by indicating how well each lung is being ventilated. Yet it is largely dependent on assumptions of prior model at the reconstruction stage and the closely linked region of interest (ROI) during the final calculations. The potential effect of switching recumbency modes on silent spaces as a results of internal organ movements and consequently changes in initial assumptions, has been studied. The displacement and deformations caused by posture changes from supine to lateral recumbent were evaluated via simulations considering the simultaneous gravity-dependent movement and/or deformations of heart, mediastinum, lungs and the diaphragm. The reliability of simulations was verified against reference radiography images of an 18-month-old infant in supine and decubitus lateral positions. Inspecting a set of 10 patients from age range of 1 to 2 years old revealed improvements of up to 30% in the silent space parameters when applying posture consistent amendments as opposed to fixed model/ROI to each individual. To minimize the influence of image reconstruction technique on the results two different EIT reconstruction algorithms were implemented. The outcome emphasized the importance of including recumbency situation during chest EIT monitoring within the considered age range

    Estimation of thorax shape for forward modelling in lungs EIT

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    The thorax models for pre-term babies are developed based on the CT scans from new-borns and their effect on image reconstruction is evaluated in comparison with other available models