230 research outputs found

    Comparative Study of the Effect of ACE-Inhibitors and Other Antihypertensive Agents on Proteinuria in Diabetic Patients

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    Several studies during the past 15 years have shown that antihypertensive therapy with different types of drugs can reduce microalbuminuria or clinical proteinuria and retard the progression toward end-stage renal failure. However, some authors reported disparate renal protective effects of different antihypertensive drugs in diabetic animals and humans. In an attempt to resolve the controversy surrounding this possibility, previously we reported a meta-analysis of published studies in diabetics with microalbuminuria or overt proteinuria treated with conventional agents, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, or calcium antagonists (Ca2+ antagonists). Here we present an updated meta-analysis of published studies in diabetics with microalbuminuria or clinical proteinuria (UProt), treated during ≥ 4 weeks with ACE inhibitors, Ca2+ antagonists, or conventional therapy (diuretic and/or β-blocker). Despite similar blood pressure (BP) reductions, UProt tended to decrease more on ACE inhibitors (on average -45%) than on conventional therapy (on average -23%) or Ca2+ antagonists other than nifedipine (on average -35%); in contrast, UProt tended to increase slightly on nifedipine (on average 5%, P 5% and the slope was steeper (4% UProt change per percent BP change) than on ACE inhibitors. On Ca2+ antagonists other than nifedipine, UProt was unchanged at zero BP change, and the regression line for the relationship between changes in UProt (r = 0.55, P < .05) was in an intermediate position between ACE inhibitors and conventional treatment. Seventy reports also contained data on glomerular filtration rate (GFR). On ACE inhibitors, GFR was on average unchanged, but tended to increase slighty with progressive BP reduction (r = -0.55, P < .0001). On conventional therapy or Ca2+.antagonists, variations in GFR were unrelated to changes in BP. As ACE inhibitors exert a specific antiproteinuric effect even without a change in systemic BP, they are superior to other agents in treating microalbuminuria or overt proteinuria in initially normotensive or mildly hypertensive diabetic patients. On the other hand, when systemic BP can be lowered by 20%, as it is desirable in severely hypertensive patients, ACE inhibitors, conventional therapy, and several Ca2+ antagonists all have a distinct antiproteinuric action. In contrast, as the example of nifedipine illustrates, drug-specific intrarenal effects may antagonize a BP-dependent antiproteinuric action and even counteract the effect of lowering systemic pressure. It is of note that ACE inhibitors may, in addition to their antiproteinuric effect, exert a drug-specific beneficial influence on GFR. Am J Hypertens 1994;7:84S-92

    Shared medical appointments may be effective for improving clinical and behavioral outcomes in type 2 diabetes: A narrative review

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    Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a complex chronic disease affecting over 400 million people worldwide. Managing T2DM and its associated complications in individual patient consultations poses substantial challenges to physicians due to limited time and resources and lack of access to multidisciplinary teams. Shared medical appointments (SMAs) are consecutive medical consultations provided by a physician in a group setting, where integrated medical care and patient education are delivered in a single session. SMAs allow physicians to deliver the same level of care to multiple patients at the same time, thereby maximizing available resources. However, the effectiveness and practicality of SMAs in the management of T2DM remains unknown. This narrative review summarizes current and emerging evidence regarding the effectiveness of SMAs in improving clinical outcomes in patients with T2DM, as well as whether SMAs are associated with reduced costs and improved diabetes-related behavioral and lifestyle changes. An extensive literature search was conducted on major electronic databases including PubMed and Google Scholar using keywords, including SMAs, group visits, and T2DM to identify all studies of SMAs in patients with T2DM. Studies in type 1 diabetes or mixed or unspecified populations were excluded, as well as studies where SMAs did not involve a physician since these do not meet the classical definition of a SMA. Nineteen studies were identified and are included in this review. Overall, current evidence suggests that SMAs delivered regularly over time may be effective in improving glycemic outcomes, diabetes knowledge, and some diabetes-related behaviors. However, the main limitation of existing studies was the paucity of comparisons with standard care which limits the ability to draw conclusions regarding whether SMAs are superior to standard care in T2DM management. Moreover, the small number of studies and substantial heterogeneity in study designs, populations, and interventions creates difficulties in establishing the practicality and efficiency of SMAs in the clinical care setting. We conclude that there remains a need for larger studies to identify populations who may or may not benefit from the SMA model of care and to clarify the potential benefits and barriers to implementing SMAs into routine diabetes care

    An Analysis of the Policy Environment Surrounding Noncommunicable Diseases Risk Factor Surveillance in Kenya

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    Kenya is a developing country in sub-Saharan Africa, facing a triple disease burden, with an increase in non-communicable diseases (NCDs); uncontained infectious diseases; coupled with significant morbidity and mortality from environmental causes such as droughts and flooding. The limelight has been on infectious diseases, leaving few resources for NCDs. As NCDs start to gain attention, it is becoming apparent that essential information on their epidemiology and risk factor trends—key in evidence-based decision-making—is lacking. As a consequence, policies have long relied on information derived from unreliable data sources such as vital registries and facility-level data, and unrepresentative data from small-scale clinical and academic research. This study analyzed the health policy aspects of NCD risk factor surveillance in Kenya, describing barriers to the successful design and implementation of an NCD risk factor surveillance system, and suggests a strategy best suited for the Kenyan situation. A review of policy documents and publications was augmented by a field-study consisting of interviews of key informants identified as stakeholders. Findings were analyzed using the Walt and Gilson policy analysis triangle. Findings attest that no population baseline NCD burden or risk factor data was available, with a failed WHO STEPs survey in 2005, to be undertaken in 2013. Despite the continued mention of NCD surveillance and the highlighting of its importance in various policy documents, a related strategy is yet to be established. Hurdles ranged from a lack of political attention for NCDs and competing public interests, to the lack of an evidence-based decision making culture and the impact of aid dependency of health programs. Progress in recognition of NCDs was noted and the international community and civil society's contribution to these achievements documented. While a positive outlook on the future of NCD surveillance were encountered, it is noteworthy that overcoming policy and structural hurdles for continued success is imperative

    Can oral health care be a gateway to improve cardiovascular disease? A scoping review

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    BackgroundCardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are a significant cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, resulting in a high socioeconomic burden. Growing evidence has shown a link between oral diseases and several chronic conditions including CVDs. The focus of this review is to investigate and summaries the evidence surrounding oral health interventions and their potential impact on reducing both the risk and/or severity of CVDs.MethodsA scoping review was conducted to examine oral health interventions for managing CVD outcomes and risks. The review adhered to the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) framework for evidence synthesis and followed the reporting standards outlined by the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis- extension to Scoping Review (PRISMA-ScR). A systematic search across EBSCOhost, PubMed, and Scopus databases from 2012 to 2024 was utilized to identify relevant studies. Inclusion criteria focused on English language articles with a sample size of at least 50, evaluating the impact of oral health interventions on CVD outcomes.ResultsOut of the initial 2,154 studies identified in the search, 12 studies met the inclusion and exclusion criteria and were included in the final analysis. Overall, the studies revealed that along with surgical and non-surgical periodontal therapy, regular oral hygiene care practices, including toothbrushing, tongue brushing, and flossing, significantly reduced the risk of cardiovascular events and mortality. These interventions in patients with or without CVD baseline have shown a decrease in CVD risk markers as well as a reduction in bacterial colonization. Similarly, consistent oral hygiene routines, combined with regular dental visits, were associated with a lower risk of heart failure and CVD risk mortality.ConclusionThe evidence extracted from this review suggests that periodontal therapy, regular dental cleaning, and re-enforcing of oral health regimes can stabilize oral health conditions and subsequently improve CVD progression/risks. However, limited to no evidence exists regarding the therapeutic effects of oral health promotion in managing CVD markers and its direct impact on disease outcomes, warranting further investigation

    Non-communicable diseases in emergencies: a call to action

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    Recent years have demonstrated the devastating health consequences of complex emergencies and natural disasters and thereby highlighted the importance of comprehensive and collaborative approaches to humanitarian responses and risk reduction. Simultaneously, noncommunicable diseases are now recognised as a real and growing threat to population health and development; a threat that is magnified by and during emergencies. Noncommunicable diseases, however, continue to receive little attention from humanitarian organisations in the acute phase of disaster and emergency response. This paper calls on all sectors to recognise and address the specific health challenges posed by noncommunicable diseases in emergencies and disaster situations. This publication aims to highlight the need for: • Increased research on morbidity and mortality patterns due to noncommunicable diseases during and following emergencies; • Raised awareness through greater advocacy for the issue and challenges of noncommunicable diseases during and following emergencies; • Incorporation of noncommunicable diseases into existing emergency-related policies, standards, and resources; • Development of technical guidelines on the clinical management of noncommunicable diseases in emergencies; • Greater integration and coordination in health service provision during and following emergencies; • Integrating noncommunicable diseases into practical and academic training of emergency workers and emergency-response coordinators

    Author Correction: Effect of carnosine supplementation on the plasma lipidome in overweight and obese adults: a pilot randomised controlled trial

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    This is a corrigendum for the article of the same title, published in Scientific Reports (2017) 7/1 https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-017-17577-

    “The potential of social media in health promotion beyond creating awareness: an integrative review”

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    Background: Developing strategies to change health behaviour is one of the biggest challenges of health promotion programs. Social media, as a popular and innovative communication and education tool, offers opportunities to modify health behaviour. While literature on using social media for health promotion campaigns is growing, there is a need to evaluate the approaches used to change health behaviour, rather than only creating awareness. Objective: The paper reviewed the literature on application of social media in health promotion campaigns with a particular focus on the methodologies used in assessing the outcome of the programs for behaviour change. This fills the void in collating evidence to extend health promotion campaigns to effect sustainable behavioural change. Method: Peer-reviewed articles were identified through multiple science databases. A systematic electronic search was conducted to retrieve review and original papers published between January 2010 and April 2022. The titles and abstracts of the articles were screened according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. All authors independently read the full texts and discussed them to reach a consensus about the themes. Concept mapping was used to present results from analysis of the included papers. Results: Of the 674 citations, 28 (4.1%) studies were included in this review. The methodology approaches of 18 (2.7%) papers, that aimed to evaluate the impact of social media in health promotion campaigns towards behaviour change, were analysed further using concept mapping. The results showed that 10 studies (55.5%) adopted quantitative methods and five studies (27.7%) used mixed methods and three studies (16.6%) used qualitative methods. Facebook and YouTube were used more for intervention purposes to change health behaviour. Twitter and Instagram were used more to observe the trend of changes in health behaviour. Six studies (33.3%) adopted Social Cognitive Theory and one study (5.5%) applied the Transtheoretical Model as the framework to evaluate the outcome. Overall, the results show that though social media has potential in promoting behaviour change, the estimation of this change in long-term lies outside the scope of social media health campaigns. This is also reflected in the methodologies used in existing studies to assess such sustainable changes. The employed measures usually target immediate behaviour or social media engagement rather than addressing the change on a behavioural level. Conclusion: Evaluating the performance of social media campaigns to promote health behaviours towards a sustainable outcome is a complex process. Emerging research is focused on evaluating the potential of social media as an opportunity to create awareness. Such measures require less effort in quantifying and isolating the effect. The design of the campaigns is required to be aligned in relation to stages of the behaviour change. The study provides suggestions on how this can be achieved

    "Happy feet": evaluating the benefits of a 100-day 10,000 step challenge on mental health and wellbeing

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    Abstract Background An increased awareness of the health benefits of walking has emerged with the development and refinement of accelerometer equipment. Evidence is beginning to highlight the value of promoting walking, particularly focusing on the Japanese mark of obtaining 10,000 steps per day. Workplace based step challenges have become popular to engage large cohorts in increasing their daily physical activity in a sustainable and enjoyable way. Findings are now highlighting the positive health effects of these medium-term programs (typically conducted over a few months) in terms of cardiovascular health, reducing diabetes risk and improving lifestyle factors such as weight and blood pressure. As yet, research has not focused on whether similar improvements in psychological health and wellbeing are present. Methods This study investigated the impact of a 100-day, 10,000 step program on signs of depression, anxiety and stress as well as general wellbeing using standardised psychological scales. Results The results indicated a small but consistent effect on all of these measures of mental health over the term of the program. This effect appeared irrespective of whether a person reached the 10,000 step mark. Conclusions These results highlight improved mental health and wellbeing in people undertaking this 100-day 10,000 step program and indicates the efficacy and potential of these programs for a modest, yet important improvement in mental health. Notably, targets reached may be less important than participation itself

    Adipsin concentrations are associated with back pain independently of adiposity in overweight or obese adults

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    Objective: To compare cardiometabolic risk factors including cytokine and adipokine concentrations between individuals with and without back pain.Methods: In 62 overweight/obese adults (BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2; 23F/39M), we collected data on: self-reported back pain; anthropometry [BMI, waist circumference, body composition (dual energy X-ray absorptiometry—DEXA)]; metabolic parameters [fasting glucose; insulin sensitivity (hyperinsulinaemic-euglycaemic clamps)]; cardiovascular parameters (blood pressure, lipids); serum inflammation markers [high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP; immunoturbidimetric-assay), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), interleukin (IL)-6, and IL-10 (multiplex-assay)]; and adipokines [leptin, adipsin, resistin, and adiponectin (multiplex-assay)].Results: Participants who reported having back pain in the past month (n = 24; 39%) had higher BMI (mean ± SD = 33.8 ± 6.3 vs. 30.2 ± 4.1 kg/m2, p = 0.008), fat-mass (39.9 ± 12.3 vs. 33.9 ± 9.8%, p = 0.04), and waist circumference (109.6 ± 16.8 vs. 101.0 ± 9.3 cm, p = 0.01) compared to those without back pain (n = 38; 61%). No differences were observed in cardiometabolic parameters, inflammatory markers, or adiponectin or resistin concentrations. Those reporting back pain had higher adipsin concentrations compared to those without back pain [median (IQR) = 744 (472–2,804) vs. 721 (515–867) ng/ml, p = 0.03], with a trend for higher leptin [5.5 (1.5–24.3) vs. 2.3 (1.5–6.7) ng/ml, p = 0.05], both of which persisted after adjustment for age and sex. Adipsin remained associated with back pain independently of adiposity (BMI, waist, fat-mass, or total %body fat; all p ≤ 0.03).Conclusions: Greater obesity, and higher adipsin and leptin concentrations were observed in those who reported back pain in the past month compared to those without back pain, and adipsin was associated with back pain independently of adiposity. Larger studies are needed to determine if adipsin could be a novel therapeutic target for prevention and/or treatment of back pain
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