28 research outputs found

    Iron deficiency stimulates anthocyanin accumulation in grapevine apical leaves

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    Iron chlorosis is a diffuse disorder affecting Mediterranean vineyards. Beside the commonly described symptom of chlorophyll decrease, an apex reddening was recently observed. Secondary metabolites, such as anthocyanins, are often synthetized to cope with stresses in plants. The present work aimed to evaluate grapevine responses to iron deficiency, in terms of anthocyanin metabolism (reflectance spectrum, total anthocyanin content, HPLC profile and gene expression) in apical leaves of Cabernet sauvignon and Sangiovese grown in hydroponic conditions. Iron supply interruption produced after one month an increasing of anthocyanin content associated to a more stable profile in both cultivars. In Cabernet sauvignon, the higher red pigment accumulation was associated to a lower intensity of chlorotic symptoms, while in Sangiovese, despite the activation of the metabolism, the lower anthocyanin accumulation was associated to a stronger decrease in chlorophyll concentration. Gene expression data showed a significant increase of anthocyanin biosynthesis. The effects on the expression of structural and transcription factor genes of phenylpropanoid pathway were cultivar dependent. F3H, F3'H, F3'5'H and LDOX genes, in Cabernet sauvignon, and AOMT1 and AOMT genes, in Sangiovese, were positively affected by the treatment in response to iron deficiency. All data support the hypothesis of an anthocyanin biosynthesis stimulation rather than a decreased degradation of them due to iron chlorosis

    Emorragia digestiva da tumore neuroendocrino del duodeno. Aspetti diagnostico-terapeutici e strategia chirurgica in emergenza

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    Viene riportato un raro caso di tumore indifferenziato del duode - no in un ragazzo di diciassette anni. Il paziente giungeva all’osserva - zione presentando un quadro di shock emorragico e di perforazione intestinale. Alla laparatomia esplorativa era presente una voluminosa neoformazione perforata a partenza dalla parete anterolaterale del duodeno, circa 2 cm prossimalmente alla papilla di Vater. Veniva effettuata l’exeresi della lesione, dopo esame istologico estemporaneo intraoperatorio che deponeva per un tumore indifferenziato a piccole cellule. L’esame istologico definitivo ha mostrato la presenza di un car - cinoma neuroendocrino a basso grado di differenziazione, verosimil - mente primitivo del duodeno. Il carattere d’urgenza chirurgica e le difficoltà nella caratterizza - zione istopatologica estemporanea e definitiva della neoplasia costitui - scono elementi significativi di discussione nell’approfondimento dia - gnostico della lesione nonché nella stadiazione e nel suo trattamento successivo chirurgico e/o medico

    il trattamento dell'esofagite da reflusso

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    Dopo una breve introduzione storica gli autori descrivono il meccanismo etiopatogenetico, il quadro clinico, la diagnosi e la terapia medica e chirurgica dell'esofagite da refluss

    Heterotopic heart transplantation in the rat: a preliminary study.

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    The aims of this study are to settle and verify how trustful is the heterotopic transplantation of the heart in an experimental model utilizing the original technique of Abbott modified by Ono and Lindsey distinguishing from it for the administration of the anaesthesia and the preservation of the organ. In this type of operation is necessary to realize only two micro-surgical vascular anastomosis that represent the basis of any other micro-surgical operation of organ's transplantation in the rat. There have been used 30 rats of the Wistar stock of male sex and weighing about 200-300 grs. both as donor and as receiving. The anaesthesia consisted in the administration of methoxyflourane by inhalation during the operation. The heart is kept in a container with Stanford solution on ice. The 77% of the cases (23 on 30) have been successful, even considering the ischaemic damage that has been evaluated examining the cardiac beat and the color of the organ. The study of Ono and Lindsey gave as result the success of the operation on 91% of cases (147 on 161 operated), compared to the result obtained by us, on a smaller number of cases (77% of success on 30 operated rats) permits to consider this experimental model to be utilizable even for further more complex studies