14 research outputs found

    Bypassing pan-enterovirus host factor PLA2G16.

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    Enteroviruses are a major cause of human disease. Adipose-specific phospholipase A2 (PLA2G16) was recently identified as a pan-enterovirus host factor and potential drug target. In this study, we identify a possible mechanism of PLA2G16 evasion by employing a dual glycan receptor-binding enterovirus D68 (EV-D68) strain. We previously showed that this strain does not strictly require the canonical EV-D68 receptor sialic acid. Here, we employ a haploid screen to identify sulfated glycosaminoglycans (sGAGs) as its second glycan receptor. Remarkably, engagement of sGAGs enables this virus to bypass PLA2G16. Using cryo-EM analysis, we reveal that, in contrast to sialic acid, sGAGs stimulate genome release from virions via structural changes that enlarge the putative openings for genome egress. Together, we describe an enterovirus that can bypass PLA2G16 and identify additional virion destabilization as a potential mechanism to circumvent PLA2G16

    Bypassing pan-enterovirus host factor PLA2G16

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    Enteroviruses are a major cause of human disease. Adipose-specific phospholipase A2 (PLA2G16) was recently identified as a pan-enterovirus host factor and potential drug target. In this study, we identify a possible mechanism of PLA2G16 evasion by employing a dual glycan receptor-binding enterovirus D68 (EV-D68) strain. We previously showed that this strain does not strictly require the canonical EV-D68 receptor sialic acid. Here, we employ a haploid screen to identify sulfated glycosaminoglycans (sGAGs) as its second glycan receptor. Remarkably, engagement of sGAGs enables this virus to bypass PLA2G16. Using cryo-EM analysis, we reveal that, in contrast to sialic acid, sGAGs stimulate genome release from virions via structural changes that enlarge the putative openings for genome egress. Together, we describe an enterovirus that can bypass PLA2G16 and identify additional virion destabilization as a potential mechanism to circumvent PLA2G16

    Enterovirus D68 receptor requirements unveiled by haploid genetics

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    Enterovirus D68 (EV-D68) is an emerging pathogen that can cause severe respiratory disease and is associated with cases of paralysis, especially among children. Heretofore, information on host factor requirements for EV-D68 infection is scarce. Haploid genetic screening is a powerful tool to reveal factors involved in the entry of pathogens. We performed a genome-wide haploid screen with the EV-D68 prototype Fermon strain to obtain a comprehensive overview of cellular factors supporting EV-D68 infection. We identified and confirmed several genes involved in sialic acid (Sia) biosynthesis, transport, and conjugation to be essential for infection. Moreover, by using knockout cell lines and gene reconstitution, we showed that both α2,6- and α2,3-linked Sia can be used as functional cellular EV-D68 receptors. Importantly, the screen did not reveal a specific protein receptor, suggesting that EV-D68 can use multiple redundant sialylated receptors. Upon testing recent clinical strains, we identified strains that showed a similar Sia dependency, whereas others could infect cells lacking surface Sia, indicating they can use an alternative, nonsialylated receptor. Nevertheless, these Sia-independent strains were still able to bind Sia on human erythrocytes, raising the possibility that these viruses can use multiple receptors. Sequence comparison of Sia-dependent and Sia-independent EV-D68 strains showed that many changes occurred near the canyon that might allow alternative receptor binding. Collectively, our findings provide insights into the identity of the EV-D68 receptor and suggest the possible existence of Sia-independent viruses, which are essential for understanding tropism and disease

    Political Affiliation Affects Adaptation to Climate Risks: Evidence from New York City

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    Research reveals that liberals and conservatives in the United States diverge about their beliefs regarding climate change. We show empirically that political affiliation also matters with respect to climate related risks such as flooding from hurricanes. Our study is based on a survey conducted 6 months after Superstorm Sandy in 2012 of over 1,000 residents in flood-prone areas in New York City. Democrats’ perception of their probability of suffering flood damage is significantly higher than Republicans’ and they are also more likely to invest in individual flood protection measures. However, 50% more Democrats than Republicans in our sample expect to receive federal disaster relief after a major flood. These results highlight the importance of taking into account value-based considerations in designing disaster risk management policies

    Dynamische Konstanten

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    Das Energetische

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