27 research outputs found

    Grupo de Estudos em Ciências do Exercício e Saúde da Universidade do Estado da Bahia

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    O Grupo de Estudos em Ciências do Exercício e Saúde (GECES) é certificado pela Universidade do Estado da Bahia (UNEB). Possui duas linhas de pesquisa: Biodinâmica do Movimento Humano; Epidemiologia da Atividade Física, Comportamento Sedentário e Saúde. Sua atuação no extremo sul baiano está concentrada nos municípios de Teixeira de Freitas e Alcobaça. Atualmente, seus pesquisadores em parceria com suas redes de trabalho, desenvolvem os projetos: Estudo Longitudinal da Saúde do Idoso de Alcobaça (ELSIA); Smartphone como alternativa para diminuir o comportamento sedentário; Idoso em Idade Ativa (IATI), projeto associado ao programa institucional Universidade Aberta à Terceira Idade da UNEB. Entre os desafios para o desenvolvimento de pesquisas sobre atividade física e saúde, destacasse: a consolidação do curso de Educação Física no Campus X da UNEB, no que tange a infraestrutura física e composição do quadro docente; dificuldade de diálogo com as representações políticas dos municípios da região; e distanciamento geográfico de Programas de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu

    Correlação entre a força muscular, atividade física e seus domínios em idosas participantes de um programa comunitário

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    Introdução: O envelhecimento feminino é marcado por alterações fisiológicas, e comportamentais, que impactam na força muscular. Objetivo: Analisar as correlações entre a força muscular, o tempo em atividade física (AF), e seus domínios: trabalho, transporte, atividade doméstica e lazer, em idosas. Materiais e Métodos: Pesquisa epidemiológica, transversal, conduzida com 108 idosas (71,37 ± 6,94 anos) de Teixeira de Freitas-BA. AF foi averiguada pelo International Physical Activity Questionnaire, quantificando o tempo total e por domínios. Para aferir a força dos membros inferiores utilizou-se o teste de levantar e sentar da cadeira. Já a força dos membros superiores foi verificada pelo teste de flexão do antebraço. Para ambos os testes foi contabilizando o número de repetições realizadas em 30 segundos. Resultados e Discussão: Averiguou-se uma correlação fraca positiva entre os testes de levantar e sentar (r=0,445; p<0,001), e de flexão de antebraço (r=0,365; p<0,001), com a AF total. Nos domínios foram verificadas correlação positivas fracas da AF transporte (r=0,224; p=0,020), doméstica (r=0,250; p=0,009) e no lazer (r = 0,443; p <0,001) com o teste de levantar e sentar. Ademais, observou-se correlação positiva fraca entre o domínio transporte (r=0,203; p=0,035), o domínio doméstico (r=0,329; p=0,001) e o teste flexão de antebraço. Conclusão: Identificou-se correlações positivas à AF total e nos domínios transporte, atividades domésticas e lazer das mulheres idosas, com a força muscular dos membros superiores e inferiores

    Leisure-time physical activity as a key protective factor against cognitive decline in older adults: an isotemporal substitution analysis

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    Abstract: This study aimed to test hypothesized effects of replacing sedentary behavior with moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, sleep, and different domains of physical activity by equivalent amounts on suggestive cognitive decline in an older adult population. This was a cross-sectional study including 473 older adults aged ≥ 60 years. Cognitive decline was assessed using the Mini-Mental Health Examination. Physical activity, its different domains and the time of exposure to sedentary behavior were assessed using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire. For data analysis, two isotemporal substitution models were constructed using Poisson regression. The first model tested the effect of sleep time, sedentary behavior, and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity on cognitive decline. The second model was used to determine the effect of physical activity domains (leisure, work, transport, and home), sleep time, and sedentary behavior on cognitive decline. Physical activity during leisure time was protective against cognitive decline among all domains tested, replacing sedentary behavior, sleep, and transport. Conversely, substitution of the leisure domain for sedentary behavior, sleep, and transport was considered a risk factor for cognitive decline. Leisure time proved to be a strong protective factor in reducing the risk of cognitive decline, and it is necessary to encourage and stimulate public policies that include it

    Prevalence of fear of COVID-19, depression, and anxiety among undergraduate students during remote classes

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    Background: During the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, undergraduate students were exposed to symptoms of psychological suffering during remote classes. Therefore, it is important to investigate the factors that may be generated and be related to such outcomes. Objective: To investigate the association between fear of COVID-19, depression, anxiety, and related factors in undergraduate students during remote classes. Methods: This cross-sectional study included 218 undergraduate students (60.6% women and 39.4% men). Students answered a self-administered online questionnaire designed to gather personal information, pandemic exposure, physical activity level, fear of COVID-19 using the ‘Fear of COVID-19 Scale’, symptoms of depression using the Patient Health Questionnaire-9, and anxiety using General Anxiety Disorder-7. Results: Undergraduate students had a high prevalence of depression and anxiety (83.0% and 76.1%, respectively) but a low prevalence of fear of COVID-19 (28.9%) during remote classes. Multivariate analysis revealed that women who reported health status as neither good nor bad and who had lost a family member from COVID-19 had the highest levels of fear. For depression and anxiety, the main related factors found were female gender, bad health status, insufficiently active, and complete adherence to the restriction measures. Conclusion: These findings may be used to develop actions to manage symptoms of anxiety and depression among students, with interventions through physical activity programmes to improve mental health

    Knowledge of healthcare professionals about poliomyelitis and postpoliomyelitis: a cross-sectional study

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    BACKGROUND Postpoliomyelitis syndrome is a clinical condition that can affect poliomyelitis survivors. OBJECTIVE Our aim was to evaluate knowledge of poliomyelitis and postpoliomyelitis syndrome among Brazilian healthcare professionals. DESIGN AND SETTING Cross-sectional study conducted at a Brazilian public higher education institution located in the state of Goiás. METHODS The participants (n = 578) were Brazilian physicians, physical therapists, nurses, nutritionists and psychologists. A self-administered questionnaire (30 questions) was designed to probe knowledge about poliomyelitis and postpoliomyelitis syndrome. From the questionnaire, we created a structured test to objectively evaluate the knowledge of these professionals. The test was composed of 20 questions and was scored over a range from 0 (totally ill-informed) to 20 (totally well-informed). RESULTS In general, the physicians, physical therapists and nurses demonstrated better understanding of poliomyelitis and postpoliomyelitis syndrome. The healthcare professionals who had received previous information about poliomyelitis and postpoliomyelitis syndrome had significantly higher scores than those who had never received information (P < 0.001). On average, this difference was approximately 28.6%. CONCLUSIONS The findings from the present study indicate that there is a critical need for improvement of knowledge about postpoliomyelitis syndrome among Brazilian healthcare professionals. The services provided by these professionals may therefore become compromised. Furthermore, public healthcare initiatives should be implemented to improve knowledge among healthcare professionals

    Investigating academic performance and perceptions of human physiology and exercise physiology courses among undergraduate students of physical education at a Brazilian public university

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    Purpose To compare the academic performance of undergraduate students in physical education who studied exercise physiology before and after studying human physiology and investigate students’ perceptions of human physiology and exercise physiology courses. Methods This study included 311 undergraduate students pursuing a bachelor’s degree in physical education. Participants were divided into two groups: those who had previously attended and completed the human physiology course (group 1, n = 212, 68.2%) and those who had not previously attended or had attended but failed the human physiology course (group 2, n = 99, 31.8%). The prevalence ratio (PR) and 95% confidence interval (95% CI) were calculated using a Poisson regression model with a robust variance estimator. The second aim comprised 67 students with bachelor’s degrees in physical education who completed an electronic questionnaire about their perceptions of human physiology and exercise physiology curriculum. Results Compared with those who attended human physiology and passed, those who had not previously attended or had attended but failed the human physiology course have a higher PR of 2.37 (95% CI, 1.68–3.34) for failing exercise physiology. Regarding the students’ perceptions of human physiology and exercise physiology courses, most students reported that they were challenging (58.2% and 64.2%, respectively), but they also recognized the importance of these courses for professional practice (59.7% and 85.1%, respectively). Conclusion Human physiology should be considered a prerequisite for an undergraduate course leading to a bachelor’s degree in physical education. Furthermore, students considered human physiology and exercise physiology courses important yet challenging. Therefore, continuous student assessment is vital for improving the teaching–learning process


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    Introdução: Estilos de vida são os padrões de comportamento modificáveis que influenciam de forma profunda a saúde das pessoas. Os padrões de comportamento podem ser divididos em condutas de saúdes negativas e positiva. Entre os universitários, existe certa tendência em assumir comportamentos pouco saudáveis como hábitos inadequados de alimentação, tabagismo, consumo excessivo de álcool, drogas e outras substâncias químicas, e isso pode demonstrar vulnerabilidade quanto aos cuidados com a própria saúde. Objetivo: Determinar as condutas de saúde de estudantes do curso de Educação Física de uma universidade pública brasileira. Métodos: Este estudo caracteriza-se como observacional, transversal e de cunho quantitativo. A amostra foi constituída por 47 universitários, 22 homens e 25 mulheres, matriculados no curso de Bacharel em Educação Física, de uma universidade pública. As condutas de saúde nos universitários foram avaliadas através do questionário National College Health Risk Behavior Survey (NCHRBS), desenvolvido pelo Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) e validado para universitários brasileiros. Foi utilizado o teste Shapiro-Wilk para verificação da normalidade dos dados, O teste Qui-quadrado foi utilizado para avaliar a distribuição entre as diversas condutas e saúde com o sexo. O teste U de Mann-Whitney foi utilizado para comparar as frequências de homens e mulheres nas variáveis de condutas de saúde. Foi adotado o nível de significância de 5% para todas as análises. Resultados: Foram encontradas elevadas prevalências de condutas de risco para a segurança no trânsito, violência, consumo de drogas ilícitas e lícitas, comportamento sexual, alimentação e atividade física. Foram determinadas associações entre o consumo de maconha e o sexo (p=0,01) e entre a prática de exercícios ou esportes durante a semana e o sexo (p=0,009). Conclusão: As condutas de risco encontrada entre os universitários do curso de Educação Física não condizem com sua formação na área da saúde. Políticas internas da instituição de ensino superior são sugeridas afim de reduzirem os riscos à saúde dos universitários, assim como um maior acompanhamento dos familiares

    Sedentary Behavior Research Network (SBRN) - Terminology Consensus Project process and outcome

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    Background: The prominence of sedentary behavior research in health science has grown rapidly. With this growth there is increasing urgency for clear, common and accepted terminology and definitions. Such standardization is difficult to achieve, especially across multi-disciplinary researchers, practitioners, and industries. The Sedentary Behavior Research Network (SBRN) undertook a Terminology Consensus Project to address this need. Method: First, a literature review was completed to identify key terms in sedentary behavior research. These key terms were then reviewed and modified by a Steering Committee formed by SBRN. Next, SBRN members were invited to contribute to this project and interested participants reviewed and provided feedback on the proposed list of terms and draft definitions through an online survey. Finally, a conceptual model and consensus definitions (including caveats and examples for all age groups and functional abilities) were finalized based on the feedback received from the 87 SBRN member participants who responded to the original invitation and survey. Results: Consensus definitions for the terms physical inactivity, stationary behavior, sedentary behavior, standing, screen time, non-screen-based sedentary time, sitting, reclining, lying, sedentary behavior pattern, as well as how the terms bouts, breaks, and interruptions should be used in this context are provided. Conclusion: It is hoped that the definitions resulting from this comprehensive, transparent, and broad-based participatory process will result in standardized terminology that is widely supported and adopted, thereby advancing future research, interventions, policies, and practices related to sedentary behaviors

    Origin of the Fastest 5 km, 10 km and 25 km Open-Water Swimmers—An Analysis from 20 Years and 9819 Swimmers

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    In elite pool swimmers competing at world class level, mainly athletes from the United States of America and Australia are dominating. Little is known, however, for the nationality of dominating swimmers in elite open-water long-distance swimming races such as the official FINA races over 5 km, 10 km and 25 km—held since 2000. The aim of this study was to investigate the participation and performance trends by nationality of these elite open-water swimmers. Race results from all female and male swimmers competing in 5 km, 10 km and 25 km FINA races between 2000 and 2020 were analyzed. A total of 9819 swimmers competed between 2000 and 2020 in these races. The five countries that figure most times among the top ten in 5 km, 10 km and 25 km races over the years were Italy, Germany, Russia, Brazil and the Netherlands. In 10 km races, considering the all the athletes from each country, male athletes from Germany, Italy, and France presented faster race times than the other countries. In 10 km, female athletes presented no significant difference among the countries. In 5 and 25 km races, there were no differences between countries, for male and female athletes. Moreover, comparing only the 10 best results (top 10) from each country, there were no differences between countries in 5 km, 10 km and 25 km, for male and female athletes. Men were faster than women for all three distances. In summary, male swimmers from Europe (i.e., Germany, Italy, France) are dominating the 10 km FINA races. In the 5 km and 25 km FINA races, there is no dominating nationality, but among the top five countries in the top 10 over the years, three are European countries