2 research outputs found


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    The objective was to study techniques for the formation of mulberry seedlings with different cuttings sizes and forms of fertilization with NPK aiming at low production cost and easy application in the field. The experiment was carried out in a screened nursery, with 34% shading. The treatments, distributed in a randomized block design were compared, in a 2x4x3 factorial scheme with 5 replications and 12 plants per plot, namely: two lengths of cuttings, 10 and 20 cm, distributed in plastic tubes of 70 and 120 ml, four mulberry cultivars (IZ40, IZ10 / 1, Korin and IZ3 / 2) and two types of fertilization: addition of 84g of Osmocote® for each kilo of substrate; fertigation with aqueous solution containing 84g of NPK in formulation 14-14-14 for each kilo of substrate and plus a control treatment (without fertilization). The commercial substrate Basaplant citrus® was used. At 90 and 140 days after planting, assessments of the percentage of cutting stakes were carried out. At 140 days, also, the length of the shoot (cm), number of shoots, number of leaves, length of the root (cm), green and dry masses of the shoot and root were evaluated. The data obtained were evaluated using the Sanest program and Tukey's test (p <0.05). It was concluded that for the best formation of mulberry seedlings, 20 cm long cuttings in 120 ml tubes are recommended with the application of NPK fertilizer through fertigation. The cultivars presented different rooting and shoot development potentials, with the best results found for Korin and IZ 10/1.Objetivou-se estudar técnicas de formação de mudas de amoreira com diferentes tamanhos de estacas e formas de adubação com NPK visando baixo custo de produção e fácil aplicação no campo. O experimento foi realizado em viveiro do tipo telado, com sombreamento de 34%. Os tratamentos, distribuídos em um delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso (DBC) foram comparados, em esquema fatorial do tipo 2x4x3 com 5 repetições e 12 plantas por parcela, a saber: dois comprimentos de estacas, 10 e 20 cm, distribuídas em tubetes plásticos de 70 e 120 ml, quatro cultivares de amoreira (IZ40, IZ10/1, Korin e IZ3/2) e dois tipos de adubação: adição de 84g de Osmocote® para cada quilo de substrato; fertirrigação com solução aquosa contendo 84g de NPK na formulação 14-14-14 para cada quilo de substrato e acrescido de um tratamento testemunha (sem adubação). Utilizou-se o substrato comercial Basaplant citrus®. Aos 90 e 140 dias após o plantio foram realizadas as avaliações da porcentagem de pegamento das estacas. Aos 140 dias, também, foram feitas avaliações do comprimento da parte aérea (cm), número de brotações, número de folhas, comprimento da raiz (cm), massas verde e seca da parte aérea e da raiz. Os dados obtidos foram avaliados por meio do programa Sanest e Teste de Tukey (P<0,05). Concluiu-se que para a melhor formação das mudas de amoreira são recomendadas estacas de 20 cm de comprimento em tubetes de 120 ml com a aplicação do adubo NPK através da fertirrigação. As cultivares apresentaram diferentes potenciais de enraizamento e desenvolvimento da parte aérea sendo os melhores resultados encontrados para a Korin e IZ 10/1

    The Comprehensive Utilization of Steel Slag in Agricultural Soils

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    The use of metallurgical solid wastes such as steel slag, in agricultural activity, has become very important to contribute to reducing the accumulation of such wastes in the environment and to increase crop production. So, this chapter aims to emphasize the main aspects of the application of slags to soil chemical attributes as elevation of pH and neutralization of Al3+ toxic in acid soils and increase nutrient content as phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, some micronutrients, and silicon. In addition, the advance in studies of the utilization of these residues in no-tillage systems in tropical soils will be discussed. Aspects related to monitoring the presence of heavy metals will be addressed