917 research outputs found
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Normas de submissão da revista cultura visual (atualizado em maio de 2011)
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Dissertações Defendidas
Lista de dissertações defendidas no PPGAV/UFBA (atualização 1º semestre 2010)
Neural network in computer vision for RoboCup middle size league
Robot World Cup Initiative (RoboCup) is a worldwide competition proposed to advance research in robotics and artificial intelligence. It has a league called RoboCup soccer devoted for soccer robots. Robotic soccer is a challenge because robots are mobile, fully autonomous, multi-agents, and they play on a dynamic environment. Moreover, robots must recognize the game entities, which is a crucial task during a game. A camera is usually used as an input system to recognize ball, opponents, soccer field, and so on. These elements may be recognized applying some tools of computational intelligence, for example an artificial neural network. This paper describes the application of an artificial neural network on middle size robotic football league, where a multilayer perceptron neural network is trained with the backpropagation algorithm, to classify elements on the image. The results show that an artificial neural network successfully classified the entities. They were recognized even when similar color entities were present on the image.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Vision and distance integrated sensor (Kinect) for an autonomous robot
This work presents an application of the Microsoft Kinect camera for an autonomous mobile robot. In order to drive autonomously one main issue is the ability to recognize signalling panels positioned overhead. The Kinect camera can be applied in this task due to its double integrated sensor, namely vision and distance. The vision sensor is used to perceive the signalling panel, while the distance sensor is applied as a segmentation filter, by eliminating pixels by their depth in the object’s background.
The approach adopted to perceive the symbol from the signalling panel consists in: a) applying the depth image filter from the Kinect camera; b) applying Morphological Operators to segment the image; c) a classification is carried out with an Artificial Neural Network and a simple Multilayer Perceptron
network that can correctly classify the image.
This work explores the Kinect camera depth sensor and hence this filter avoids heavy computational algorithms to search for the correct location of the signalling panels. It simplifies the next tasks of image segmentation and classification. A mobile autonomous robot using this camera was used to recognize
the signalling panels on a competition track of the Portuguese Robotics Open
As reações enzimáticas de proteínas inibidoras vêm se tornando importante fonte de estudos contribuindo para o avanço biotecnológico levando a descobertas de novas estruturas moleculares principalmente as derivadas da amida. A pesquisa biotecnológica aqui proposta utiliza o metabolismo de microrganismos como fungos e bactérias como principal mecanismo biotecnológico associado a sedimento manguezal exudado de petróleo e co-produtos glicerina e residual de mamona. Neste sentido, foi realizado um estudo de prospecção tecnológica no banco de dados Web of Science – Espacenet, por códigos indexados na Classificação Internacional De Patentes (CIP), que mostraram boas perspectivas em relação ao uso de microorganismos para a produção de moléculas de amida envolvendo reações enzimáticas inibidoras de uso na indústria farmacêutica para produção de produtos cosméticos e medicamentos
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