2 research outputs found

    Documento de expertos sobre el uso de terapia combinada de metotrexato con terapias biológicas o terapias dirigidas a pacientes con artritis reumatoide

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    We aimed to develop recommendations for the management of methotrexate (MTX) when considering the combination with biological (b) or targeted synthetic (ts) disease modifying drugs (DMARDs) in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Methods: Eleven experts on RA were selected. Two coordinators formulated 13 questions about the combination therapy of MTX with bDMARDs or tsDMARDs. A systematic review was conducted to answer the questions. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were established as well as the search strategies (Medline, Embase and the Cochrane Library were searched up to January 2019). Two reviewers selected the articles and collected data. Simultaneously, EULAR and ACR meeting abstracts were evaluated. Based on this evidence, the coordinators proposed preliminary recommendations that the experts discussed and voted in a nominal group meeting. The level of evidence and grade of recommendation was established using the Oxford Center for Evidence Based Medicine and the level of agreement with a Delphi. Agreement was established if at least 80% of the experts voted ‘yes’ (yes/no). Results: The systematic review retrieved 513 citations of which 61 were finally included. A total of 10 recommendations were generated, voted and accepted. The level of agreement was very high in all of them and it was achieved in the first Delphi round. Final recommendations cover aspects such as the optimal MTX dosage, tapering strategy or patients’ risk management. Conclusions: This document is intended to help clinicians solve usual clinical questions and facilitate decision making when treating RA patients with MTX in combination with bDMARDs or tsDMARDsDesarrollar recomendaciones sobre el uso de metotrexato (MTX) en combinación con medicamentos modificadores de la enfermedad (DMARD) biológicos (b) o sintéticos específicos (ts) en la artritis reumatoide (AR). Se seleccionaron 11 expertos en AR. Dos coordinadores formularon 13 preguntas sobre la terapia combinada de MTX con bDMARD o tsDMARD. Se realizó una revisión sistemática para responder las preguntas. Se establecieron criterios de inclusión y exclusión, así como las estrategias de búsqueda (se realizaron búsquedas en Medline, Embase y la Biblioteca Cochrane hasta enero de 2019). Dos revisores seleccionaron los artículos y recopilaron datos. Simultáneamente, se evaluaron los resúmenes de las reuniones EULAR y ACR. Con base en esta evidencia, los coordinadores propusieron recomendaciones preliminares que los expertos discutieron y votaron en una reunión de grupo nominal. El nivel de evidencia y el grado de recomendación se establecieron utilizando el Centro de Oxford para Medicina Basada en Evidencia y el nivel de acuerdo con un Delphi. El acuerdo se estableció si al menos el 80% de los expertos votaron «sí» (sí/no). La revisión sistemática recuperó 513 citas, de las cuales finalmente se incluyeron 61. Se generaron, votaron y aceptaron un total de 10 recomendaciones. El nivel de acuerdo fue muy alto en todas ellas y se logró en la primera ronda de Delphi. Las recomendaciones finales cubren aspectos como la dosis óptima de MTX, la estrategia de reducción o la gestión del riesgo de los pacientes. Este documento está destinado a ayudar a los médicos a resolver preguntas clínicas habituales y facilitar la toma de decisiones al tratar a pacientes con AR con MTX, en combinación con bDMARD o tsDMAR

    Experts document on methotrexate use in combined therapy with biological or targeted synthetic disease modifying drugs in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

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    We aimed to develop recommendations for the management of methotrexate (MTX) when considering the combination with biological (b) or targeted synthetic (ts) disease modifying drugs (DMARDs) in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Eleven experts on RA were selected. Two coordinators formulated 13 questions about the combination therapy of MTX with bDMARDs or tsDMARDs. A systematic review was conducted to answer the questions. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were established as well as the search strategies (Medline, Embase and the Cochrane Library were searched up to January 2019). Two reviewers selected the articles and collected data. Simultaneously, EULAR and ACR meeting abstracts were evaluated. Based on this evidence, the coordinators proposed preliminary recommendations that the experts discussed and voted in a nominal group meeting. The level of evidence and grade of recommendation was established using the Oxford Center for Evidence Based Medicine and the level of agreement with a Delphi. Agreement was established if at least 80% of the experts voted 'yes' (yes/no). The systematic review retrieved 513 citations of which 61 were finally included. A total of 10 recommendations were generated, voted and accepted. The level of agreement was very high in all of them and it was achieved in the first Delphi round. Final recommendations cover aspects such as the optimal MTX dosage, tapering strategy or patients' risk management. This document is intended to help clinicians solve usual clinical questions and facilitate decision making when treating RA patients with MTX in combination with bDMARDs or tsDMARDs