36,095 research outputs found

    Levantamento de reconhecimento de solos e avaliação do potencial de terras para irrigação do município de Simão Dias, Sergipe.

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    Performance Analysis of Network-Assisted Two-Hop D2D Communications

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    Network-assisted single-hop device-to-device (D2D) communication can increase the spectral and energy efficiency of cellular networks by taking advantage of the proximity, reuse, and hop gains when radio resources are properly managed between the cellular and D2D layers. In this paper we argue that D2D technology can be used to further increase the spectral and energy efficiency if the key D2D radio resource management algorithms are suitably extended to support network assisted multi-hop D2D communications. Specifically, we propose a novel, distributed utility maximizing D2D power control (PC) scheme that is able to balance spectral and energy efficiency while taking into account mode selection and resource allocation constraints that are important in the integrated cellular-D2D environment. Our analysis and numerical results indicate that multi-hop D2D communications combined with the proposed PC scheme can be useful not only for harvesting the potential gains previously identified in the literature, but also for extending the coverage of cellular networks.Comment: 6 pages and 7 figure

    Solution for a local straight cosmic string in the braneworld gravity

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    In this work we deal with the spacetime shaped by a straight cosmic string, emerging from local gauge theories, in the braneworld gravity context. We search for physical consequences of string features due to the modified gravitational scenario encoded in the projected gravitational equations. It is shown that cosmic strings in braneworld gravity may present significant differences when compared to the general relativity predictions since its linear density is modified and the deficit angle produced by the cosmic string is attenuated. Furthermore, the existence of cosmic strings in that scenario requires a strong restriction to the braneworld tension: λ3×1017\lambda \geq 3 \times 10^{-17}, in Planck units.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Detecção das fontes de sedimentos no Rio São Francisco: uma abordagem utilizando técnicas de sensoriamento remoto - Instituto de Milênio Semi-Árido.

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    Até pouco tem po se acreditava que o problema dos sedimentos se reduzia ao simples fato do mau aspecto visual das águas de um determinado rio, lago ou represa. A medida que as investigações foram se aprofundando, se demonstrou que as águas carregadas de sedimentos transportavam fertilizantes e inseticidas (contaminação química), argilas e partículas de matéria orgânica, cuja elevada capacidade de absorção lhe permite reter bactérias de qualquer tipo, nocivas a saúde. Por outro lado, os sedimentos, fisicamente, produzem o assoreamento de obras de infra-estruturas, provocam inundações na parte alta e desestabilizam os curso d'águ