4 research outputs found

    Anatomia comparativa dos nervos da pelve de macacos-prego (Sapajus sp)

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    Bearded capuchins (Sapajus sp), unexpectedly, share with chimpanzees behavioral features such as high cognitive ability, good memory, tool use with intermittent bipedalism, and social tolerance; although its anatomy is still little studied. To test the hypothesis that bearded capuchins might share similar anatomical features with chimpanzees, we investigated the pelvic nerves of the bearded capuchin and compared them with the data in the previous literature for modern humans, chimpanzee, and baboons in terms of origin, trajectory and innervated structures, when the data are available. Variation is very common in the primates because of, inter alia, 1) the problem of the anatomical position, i.e., some primatologists used the human anatomical position to describe those in non-human primates, while others used the non-human anatomical position, and the definition of anatomical position (human or non-human position) is not clear; 2) the lateralized and semi-bend pelvis limbs in non-humans primates compared with modern humans; 3) the absence of the some muscles (e.g., scansorius and ilioschiofemoralis) in modern humans in the thigh; and 4) the difference in the numbers of vertebrae among the authors, even in the same species, such as chimpanzees and bearded capuchins.Macacos-prego (Sapajus sp), inesperadamente, compartilham com chimpanzés comportamentos como alta cognição e memória, uso de ferramentas com o bipedalismo intermitente, tolerância social. No entanto, sua anatomia ainda é pouco estudada. Para verificar a hipótese com qual espécie e/ou grupo de primatas os macacos-prego compartilham mais características, o objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar os nervos pélvicos do Sapajus e compará-los com dados da literatura anatômica sobre os seres humanos, chimpanzés e babuínos, considerando aspectos como origem, trajetória e estruturas inervadas. Foi observado que existem grandes variações nos nervos pélvicos entre os primatas estudados aqui, quais sejam, 1) o problema da posição anatômica, i.e., alguns primatologistas consideram a posição anatômica humana para os primatas, outros consideram a posição anatômica animal, e a opção por um ou outro não é clara nos textos; 2) o problema dos membros pélvicos em primatas não humanos serem lateralizados e semi-fletidos em relação aos seres humanos modernos; 3) o problema da ausência, nos seres humanos modernos, de alguns músculos da coxa em relação aos outros primatas como o escansório e o iliosquiofemoral; e 4] o problema da diferença do número de vértebras nos primatas estudados aqui, inclusive com diferenças para a mesma espécie citadas por diferentes autores tanto para chimpanzés como para macacos-prego

    Comparative Gross Anatomy of the Forelimb Arteries of the Japanese Monkey (Macaca fuscata) and a Comparative Pattern of Forelimb Arterial Distribution in Primates

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    Macaca fuscata displays characteristic behaviours, such as stone handling, locomotor behaviour, gait position, and intermittent bipedalism. Differences in characteristic behaviours among primate species/genera could be explained by anatomical details of the body. However, the anatomical details have not been well studied in Macaca fuscata. Arterial models could be one of the anatomical bases for the phylogenetic and functional differences among species, since the arterial supply could be associated with the muscular performance, especially locomotor behaviour. In this study, five thoracic limbs of Macaca fuscata adults were dissected to analyse the vessels. Patterns of arterial distribution in the thoracic limbs of Macaca fuscata were compared with those in other primates. The results indicated that the arterial distribution in the Japanese monkeys was more similar to those in Macaca mulatta and Papio anubis, which is consistent with phylogenetic similarities. However, compared with Papio anubis and other macaques, there were anatomical differences in several points, including (1) the origin of the common, anterior, posterior circumflex, and profunda brachii, and (2) the origins of the collateralis ulnaris artery. The comparative anatomy of the arteries in the forelimb of Macaca fuscata, along with the anatomical studies in other primates, indicated characteristic patterns of brachial artery division and the number of the palmar arches in primates, which is consistent with the phylogenetic division among New World primates, Old World primates, and apes