44 research outputs found

    Insomnia in patients with advanced lung cancer admitted to palliative care services.

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    Aim To assess the prevalence of insomnia and possible associated factors in patients with advanced lung cancer admitted to different settings of palliative care. Methods Secondary analysis of a consecutive sample of patients with advanced lung cancer receiving palliative care. Epidemiological and clinical data, treatments received in the last month, Karnofsky status, Edmonton Symptom Assessment System (ESAS), Athens Insomnia Scale (AIS) and the Hospital Anxiety and depression scale (HADS), as well as concomitant medical treatment were recorded. Results One-hundred-eight-two patients with advanced lung cancer were surveyed. The mean age was 69.9 years (SD 10.8), and 121 patients (66%) were men. The majority of patients showed consistent levels of insomnia. A poor Karnofsky level, pain, nausea, and drowsiness, time from diagnosis (1-3 years), HADS anxiety, and HADS depression, were positively associated with insomnia. Conclusions About 50% of patients with advanced lung cancer admitted to palliative care services had relevant insomnia. Several factors associated with insomnia have been identified and should prompt physicians for a careful examination and subsequent treatment

    Photo-biomodulation as a prevention modality of oral mucositis in patients undergoing allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation

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    The aim of the study was to observe the eectiveness of a photo-biomodulation (PBM) protocol for the prevention of oral mucositis (OM) in patients undergoing allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (aHSCT). A case-control study was conducted on 40 patients undergoing aHSCT. The patients were divided into two groups; the preventive group (PG) included 20 patients (7 females and 13 males) who were subjected to intra-oral PBM for five sessions a week, starting one day before the conditioning regimen and continuing until the 10th day after transplantation (D+10). In each session, ten points on the at-risk mucosal surfaces were irradiated using a double diode laser that emits two wavelengths simultaneously at 650 nm and at 904–910 nm with the following parameters at each point: energy of 4 J, and power of 88.9 mW. The control group (CG) included 20 patients (10 females and 10 males) who were not subjected to laser therapy and were selected retrospectively to compare the obtained results. For all patients, OM was assessed by the World Health Organization (WHO) grading scale. Eight patients in the PG did not experience OM during their hospitalization period (with grade 0). Severe OM was observed in 40% of the patients in the PG, while in the CG, severe OM was shown in 85% of the patients. The mean duration of OM in the PG was significantly lower than that of CG (4.7 days in the PG and 15 days in the CG) (p < 0.001). The study demonstrated that the preventive PBM protocol reduced the severity and duration of OM in patients undergoing aHSCT

    Interplay of prefrontal cortex and amygdala during extinction of drug seeking

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    Extinction of Pavlovian conditioning is a complex process that involves brain regions such as the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), the amygdala and the locus coeruleus. In particular, noradrenaline (NA) coming from the locus coeruleus has been recently shown to play a different role in two subregions of the mPFC, the prelimbic (PL) and the infralimbic (IL) regions. How these regions interact in conditioning and subsequent extinction is an open issue. We studied these processes using two approaches: computational modelling and NA manipulation in a conditioned place preference paradigm (CPP) in mice. In the computational model, NA in PL and IL causes inputs arriving to these regions to be amplified, thus allowing them to modulate learning processes in amygdala. The model reproduces results from studies involving depletion of NA from PL, IL, or both in CPP. In addition, we simulated new experiments of NA manipulations in mPFC, making predictions on the possible results. We searched the parameters of the model and tested the robustness of the predictions by performing a sensitivity analysis. We also present an empirical experiment where, in accord with the model, a double depletion of NA from both PL and IL in CPP with amphetamine impairs extinction. Overall the proposed model, supported by anatomical, physiological, and behavioural data, explains the differential role of NA in PL and IL and opens up the possibility to understand extinction mechanisms more in depth and hence to aid the development of treatments for disorders such as addiction

    Epidemiology, features and outcome of pain in patients with advanced hematological malignancies followed in a home care program: An Italian survey

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    We report on epidemiology, features, outcome, and domiciliary management of pain in patients with advanced hematological malignancies followed by an experienced hospital-based home care (HC) team. Out of 469 patients, 244 (52%) experienced a total of 284 pain syndromes. Pain intensity was rated from mild to moderate in 31% and from moderate to severe in 69% of them. The diagnosed pain mechanisms were deep somatic in 56%, superficial somatic in 15%, visceral 14%, mixed 8%, and neuropathic in 7% of pain syndromes, respectively. Incident pain was observed in 38% of all pain syndromes. In every diagnostic group, deep somatic pain was prevalent. Moreover, 85% of visceral pain syndromes were observed in patients affected by non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL). In addition, out of 284 pain syndromes, 150 (51%) were caused by bone involvement. The most frequent recognized pain provocative mechanisms were bone marrow expansions, osteolysis, lymph node enlargement, and mucositis. In our experience, an approach based on the association of causal therapies and analgesics allows optimal control of most pain syndromes. Therefore, pain is a major problem in patients affected by advanced hematological malignancies, and its management can be effective and feasible when carried out by a skilled HC team. © Springer-Verlag 2007