58 research outputs found

    Spin structures on 3-manifolds via arbitrary triangulations

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    Let M be an oriented compact 3-manifold and let T be a (loose) triangulation of M, with ideal vertices at the components of the boundary of M and possibly internal vertices. We show that any spin structure s on M can be encoded by extra combinatorial structures on T. We then analyze how to change these extra structures on T, and T itself, without changing s, thereby getting a combinatorial realization, in the usual "objects/moves" sense, of the set of all pairs (M,s). Our moves have a local nature, except one, that has a global flavour but is explicitly described anyway. We also provide an alternative approach where the global move is replaced by simultaneous local ones.Comment: 49 pages, many figure

    Effect of Immuno-Nutrition on Malnutrition, Inflammatory Response and Clinical Course of Semi-Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients: A Pilot Perspective Study

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    Background: The SARS-COV 2 pandemic has hit on our lives since early 2020. During different contagion waves, both malnutrition and overweight significantly correlated with patient mortality. Immune-nutrition (IN) has shown promising results in the clinical course of pediatric inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and in both the rate of extubation and mortality of patients admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU). Thus, we wanted to assess the effects of IN on a clinical course of patients admitted to a semi-intensive COVID-19 Unit during the fourth wave of contagion that occurred at the end of 2021. Methods: we prospectively enrolled patients admitted to the semi-intensive COVID-19 Unit of San Benedetto General hospital. All patients had a biochemical, anthropometric, high-resolution tomography chest scan (HRCT) and complete nutritional assessments at the time of admission, after oral administration of immune-nutrition (IN) formula, and at 15 days interval follow-up. Results: we enrolled 34 consecutive patients (age 70.3 +/- 5.4 years, 6 F, BMI 27.0 +/- 0.5 kg/m(2)). Main comorbidities were diabetes (20%, type 2 90 %), hyperuricemia (15%), hypertension (38%), chronic ischemic heart disease (8 %), COPD (8%), anxiety syndrome (5%), and depression (5%). 58% of patients were affected as moderately-to-severely overweight; mini nutritional assessment (MNA) score (4.8 +/- 0.7) and phase angle (PA) values (3.8 +/- 0.5) suggestive of malnutrition were present in 15% of patients, mainly with a history of cancer. After 15 days upon admission, we recorded 3 deaths (mean age 75.7 +/- 5.1 years, BMI 26.3 +/- 0.7 kg/m(2)) and 4 patients were admitted to the ICU. Following IN formula administration, inflammatory markers significantly decreased (p < 0.05) while BMI and PA did not worsen. These latter findings were not observed in a historical control group that did not receive IN. Only one patient needed protein-rich formula administration. Conclusions: in this overweight COVID-19 population immune-nutrition prevented malnutrition development with a significant decrease of inflammatory markers

    La struttura del modello di organizzazione, gestione e controllo del rischio-reato

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    Il saggio prende in esame il ruolo del modello di organizzazione, gestione e controllo nell\u2019ambito del d. lgs. 231/2001, che, introducendo la responsabilit\ue0 amministrativa da reato degli enti collettivi, ha di fatto sancito la sepoltura, nel mostro ordinamento, del principio societas delinquere et puniri non potest. Dopo avere evidenziato la funzione \u2018esimente\u2019 e \u2018riparatoria del modello, che si atteggia come uno strumento di prevenzione dei rischi-reato individuati dal legislatore, l\u2019Autore disegna una paradigmatica dello stesso, descrivendone l\u2019ossatura proprio tenendo conto della sua funzione preventiva. Nel corso dell\u2019analisi, spicca la parte relativa al contenuto della cautele dirette a ridurre il rischio-reato, che, riguardando organizzazioni complesse, rilasciano una maggiore complessit\ue0 rispetto a quelle che vengono forgiate sul terreno del diritto penale individuale. In particolare, l\u2019Autore evidenza che, in contesti culturali ed operativi complessi (la societas), le cautele possiedono, di regola, un triplice contenuto: (a) uno di natura procedimentale, che mette capo al principio di segregazione delle funzioni, orientato ad evitare la concentrazione di poteri decisionali, che \ue8 di ostacolo alla trasparenza e alla tracciabilit\ue0 delle decisioni; (b) uno cautelare, diretto a governare i rischi-reato, emersi a seguito dell\u2019attivit\ue0 di assessment, s\uec da ridurli ragionevolmente; (c) infine, emerge la fase del controllo, che richiede lo svolgimento di controlli di linea e di secondo grado sui processi decisionali nelle aree a rischio-reato. Nella parte finale del saggio, l\u2019Autore affronta il tema della tenuta del modello di organizzazione al cospetto della valutazione del giudice, evidenziando le difficolt\ue0 che possono insorgere specie sul terreno del contenimento del rischio di consumazione dei reati dolosi, in cui il processo di confezionamento della cautele \ue8 di natura squisitamente \u2018maieutica\u2019 (autonormata)