2,443 research outputs found

    A random walk model of wave propagation

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    This paper shows that a reasonably accurate description of propagation loss in small urban cells can be obtained with a simple stochastic model based on the theory of random walks, that accounts for only two parameters: the amount of clutter and the amount of absorption in the environment. Despite the simplifications of the model, the derived analytical solution correctly describes the smooth transition of power attenuation from an inverse square law with the distance to the transmitter, to an exponential attenuation as this distance is increased - as it is observed in practice. Our analysis suggests using a simple exponential path loss formula as an alternative to the empirical formulas that are often used for prediction. Results are validated by comparison with experimental data collected in a small urban cell

    Chameleon Dark Energy

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    Chameleons are scalar fields whose mass depends on the environment, specifically on the ambient matter density. While nearly massless in the cosmos, where the matter density is tiny, their mass is of order of an inverse millimeter on Earth, where the density is high. In this note, we review how chameleons can satisfy current experimental constraints on deviations from General Relativity (GR). Moreover, we study the cosmological evolution with a chameleon field and show the existence of an attractor solution, akin to the tracker solution in quintessence models. We discuss how chameleons can naturally drive the observed acceleration of the universeComment: 5 pages, 2 figures. To appear in the proceedings of the "Phi in the Sky" conference, 8-10 July 2004, Porto, Portugua

    The Raincore API for clusters of networking elements

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    Chameleons with Field Dependent Couplings

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    Certain scalar-tensor theories exhibit the so-called chameleon mechanism, whereby observational signatures of scalar fields are hidden by a combination of self-interactions and interactions with ambient matter. Not all scalar-tensor theories exhibit such a chameleon mechanism, which has been originally found in models with inverse power run-away potentials and field independent couplings to matter. In this paper we investigate field-theories with field-dependent couplings and a power-law potential for the scalar field. We show that the theory indeed is a chameleon field theory. We find the thin-shell solution for a spherical body and investigate the consequences for E\"ot-Wash experiments, fifth-force searches and Casimir force experiments. Requiring that the scalar-field evades gravitational tests, we find that the coupling is sensitive to a mass-scale which is of order of the Hubble scale today.Comment: 17 pages, 20 figure
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