3 research outputs found


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    Masjid should be central of moslems actifities. But, fact in life a function of masjid just for pray or worship. One of masjid function that should not removed is masjid function as an infaq fund administator. A less managements and still manage by traditional  way also a function of infaq fund does not running well, so is difficults to take control an infaq fund managements. In fact the fund from infaq, charity, and zakah are sourcess of islamic economy. Masjid Jogokariyan Jogjakarta is one of many masjid that generally have a function only as a worship place. This paper aimed to know a model of infaq managements in this masjid also how does a view of islamic law againts these managements in this masjid. This research is field research, data that required obtained from documentations and interview with responddents, Jogokariyan masjid council who directly related with an infaq fund managements. Data and informations that obtained from a field investigated with the analysis and testing back over all data or information that has been collected from the field. Results from this research is masjid fund come from anything about nafaqah like zakah, infaq, and charity. Fund managements like zakah come in masjid baitul maal, meanwhile voluntary nafaqah come in masjid fund. Next also a funtions of these two fund is differents by two, for obligatory nafaqah spent to eights class criteria that explaine in fiqih meanwhile voluntary nafaqah spent for all that society need and masjid dakwah. Also infaq fund managements in this masjid suitable so much with islamic laws that have done by our Prophet era that is a masjid as central of moslems economy. Key words: Infaq, Masjid, Management

    Pembagian Waris Receptie Exit: Tinjauan Kritis Terhadap Pemikiran Hazairin

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    Hazairin as master on Indonesian’s traditions law proffer a device for implementing Islamic law by introduce receptie exit theory. He said, an Islamic inheritance law is not only hegemonized by Indonesian culture, but also by Arab culture which has a patrilineal system. Furthemore, he explained that the Islamic inheritance law does not interpret the Qur'an justice which is actually bilateral. So Hazairin created a new concept regarding of inheritance law. The purpose of this study is to explain that the Islamic inheritance is accordance with the Qur'an. Islamic inheritance law has a universal justice, because it’s inculde theological, maslahah, social and economic aspects. Thus, Hazairin’s concept does not only criticize of ulama ideas, In fact he deconstructs Islamic inheritance law where he negates ashaba, abolishes dzawu al-arḥam, and reconstructs the concept of hijab.Hazairin sebagai pakar hukum adat Indonesia menawarkan suatu perangkat dalam pelaksanaan hukum Islam dengan upayanya mengintroduksi teori receptie exit. Menurutnya hukum waris Islam yang teraplikasi tidak hanya terhegemoni oleh budaya Indonesia, tetapi juga terhegemoni budaya Arab yang mana bercorak patrilinieal. Lebih dalam beliau memaparkan bahwa hukum waris Islam saat ini tidak menginterpretasikan keadilan Al-Quran yang bercorak bilateral. Sehingga Hazairin membuat konsep baru tentang penerapan hukum waris. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan bahwa kewarisan Islam yang teraplikasi sudah sesuai dengan Al-Quran. Di samping itu, keadilan hukum waris Islam bersifat universal karena melingkupi aspek teologi, maslahah, sosial serta ekonomi. Dengan demikian, secara ekplisit gagasan dari konsep Hazairin tidak hanya mengkritik gagasan dari para ulama, bahkan dalam pengaplikasiannya beliau mendekontruksi hukum waris Islam dimana ia menegasikan ashâba, mengahapuskan dzawu al-arḥam, dan merekontruksi konsep hijab

    Toward Digital Islamic Finance Technology by Blockchain

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    Fintech has made new achievements with IoT by developing web 3.0. This was clarified by the rise of blockchain and bitcoin in 2009, as well as the emergence of digital art assets and the procedures for transacting. However, blockchain technology's advantages that bring are weaknesses at the same time, because it creates a quandary in the established digital financial order. In this case, digital Islamic finance which is still a start-up when compared to the capitalist makes it a dilemma, how to respond to the transformations and developments of this digital financial system. For this reason, this research tries to examine and offer a blockchain-based digital economic system. This study uses an in-depth interview method with several experts and uses a bibliometric approach to achieve it. The findings from this study performance the accountability of coins as currency has a balance of positive legal ethics transparency and the probability of prohibition in digital financial transactional. Furthermore, based on accountability and transparency the blockchain system can be a solution to some weaknesses in digital finance. The main idea of blockchain technology is a ledger that functions to record, confirm, and transfer data flawlessly