24 research outputs found

    Metafora dalam Mantra Masyarakat Melayu Galing Sambas: Kajian Semantik

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    This study aims to describe the animate form and the informational function of metaphor in Mantra Galing Sambas Malay Community. The method of research used is descriptive qualitative. The source of data of this study was Batra in Galing District. Data collection techniques used in the study were recording, direct observation and interview techniques. The data were words, clauses, and metaphoric sentences used in Mantra Galing Sambas Malay Community. The result shows that Mantra Galing Sambas Malay Community contains animate form of metaphor referred to human being, beauty, and spirit. In addition, the analysis shows that Mantra Galing Sambas Malay Community has the informational function, media used, purpose, place, and time

    Medan Makna Verba Membersihkan dalam Bahasa Melayu Dialek Sambas

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    This research is focused on the areas of semantics in particular about the meaning of the verb field cleans the BMDS. This study aims to describe the meaning of the verb cleans in the BMDS. The method used is the method of qualitativ research wit the form directly. The data in this study are the verb cleans in BMDS. Data collection techniques are used in the form of fishing techniques, engineering, engineering face to face ably record, and take note. Data collecting instrument that was used in the form of a list, the list of pictures, recording device, and stationery. Technique of data analysis used i.e. classify, analyze, describe, and conclude. Based on the analysis of data, there are 55 lexem verb cleans up in BMDS. The type of verb meaning clearing in the BMDS retrieved 55 lexical meaning, 49 grammatical meaning, 54 conceptually meaning, 1 assosiative meanings, and 6 areas of the meaning of collective. Difference of function semantic lexem in field the meaning of the verb in BMDS is to cleans to body, plants, home wares, and as the fortification themselves

    Mantra Betungkal: Simbolisme Masyarakat Melayu Ngabang

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    This research aims to describe symbol elements in Betungkal spell of Ngabang Malay society. This research focuses on old poetry, i.e. Betungkal spell in Ngabang Malay society. Betungkal spell is a spell used to get rid of bad luck or to avoid it. This research was done in three villages, i.e. Tebing Tinggi Village, Tungkul Village, and Tanjung Village. Those villages are chosen because majority of people there are Malay that still perform Betungkal spell. This research use qualitative method and semiotic approach to describe symbol elements in Betungkal spell. Analysis on symbol in Betungkal spell of Ngabang Malay society was done with help of four native speakers that still perform the spell. The whole data of symbol in Betungkal spell is as many as 33 symbols. Eight symbols are obtained from source A, seven from source B, twelve from source C, and six from source D

    Efektivitas Pembelajaran Melodi Menggunakan Media Instrumen Pianika pada Siswa Kelas VIII

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    The purpose of this study is to describe the application of learning and learning effectiveness melodic melodies using instruments media pianika the eighth grade students at SMP Negeri 2 Mempawah downstream. This study used an experimental method with pre-experimental forms. The design used is One Shot Case Study. The results obtained for the average value of the results of the post-test was 75,5. The response of students towards learning reached 87,5% gave a positive response and 12,5% gave a negative response. Student activity seen from four meetings. At the first meeting the students who actively reaches 78,48 %, and the students are passive reached 21,5%. The second meeting of students who actively reached 77,3% and students are passive by 22,7%. The third meeting of the students who actively reached 81,9% and students are passive reached 18,1%, and the fourth meeting of students actively reaching 80,8% and 19,2% of students achieving passive. Average percentage of the four meetings is 79,62% of students achieving an active and a passive 20,38% of students. It can be concluded that the application of learning and learning effectiveness melodic melodies using instruments pianika media, assessed using the media effectively than instruments soprano recorder

    Peristilahan dalam Adat Perkawinan Melayu Sekadau: Kajian Semantik

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    This study with respect to the semantic field of marriage customs in particular terminology. This research is motivated by the diversity in a customary tradition make it a tradition to note that there can be maintained and preserved. Issues discussed this research is the description of the terminology of marriage customs, meaning and function of components of semantic meaning. The purpose of this study describes the terminology of marriage customs. This study uses qualitative linguistic deskripsif. Malay Sekadau data source told the informant in Hamlet Selintah Sekadau Hulu subdistrict Sekadau. This research data from pre-marital terminology marriage customs, marriage and post-marital implementation. Data collection techniques used face-to-face conversation, interview, record and record with the data collection tool in the form of a list of questions, a list of images, recorders and registrars card. Based on data analysis are as much as 50 leksem terminology marriage customs. Leksem pre-marital as much as 19 leksem marriage marriage customs 14 and 17. post-marital leksem leksem function is explained fungi of terminology marriage customs

    Relasi Semantik Verba dalam Bahasa Melayu Dialek Sekadau

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    This study aimed to describe the semantic relation synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, and polysemy in verbs hiponim BMDS.The method of research used is descriptive method in qualitative research.The data of this research are words containing Semantic verb relations in BMDS. The source of data in this research is BMDS which are spoken by the native speaker of Malay language in Sekadau Dialect.Based on the data analysis, it is concluded that there are Semantic verb relations in BMDS. They are: 30 types of total and complete synonymous verb, 8 types of complete but not total synonymous verb, 6 types of total but incomplete synonymous verb, and 2 types of not total and incomplete synonymous verb. There are also found 21 antonymous verb, 14 typespolysemy verb, 20 homonym verb, and 12 types of hyponym verb