6 research outputs found
Penelitian ini menunjukkan terjadinya perubahan kekerasan dari permukaan silindris komponen dari matrik campuran Polyester dan Vinylester setelah dimesin (bubut & gurdi). Perubahan ini disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor diantaranya yang diteliti adalah putaran spindel, gerak makan dan komposisi material (Polyester & Vinylester). Dalam pelaksanaan proses pemesinan dalam rangka menghasilkan komponen yang sesuai dengan yang diinginkan perubahan ini tidak diharapkan atau kalau dibolehkan perubahannya tidak begitu signifikan atau mendekati kekerasan sebelum dimesin. Dari hasil pengujian permukaan bubut yang dilakukan dengan 3 level putaran spindel, 3 level gerak makan, 3 level kedalaman potong, 3 level komposisi campuran Polyester & Vinylester dominan Polyester dan 3 level komposisi campuran Polyester & Vinylester dominan perubahan terbaik dicapai pada putaran 90 rpm (level 1) gerak makan 0,05 mm/rev. (level 1), kedalaman potong 0,4 mm (level 1), campuran 100% polyester (level 1)Dari ke 4 faktor yang berpengaruh ini faktor gerak makan memberikan kontribusi terbesar. Untuk untuk percobaan kedua pada komposisi matriks dominan polyester perubahan kekerasan terbaik didapatkan perubahan terbaik dicapai pada putaran 215 rpm (level 2) gerak makan 0,10 mm/rev. (level 2), kedalaman potong 1,2 mm (level 3), campuran 40% polyester dan vinyl ester 60%(level 1). faktor kedalaman potong yang memberikan kontribusi terbesar untuk percobaan ini.pada percobaan proses gurdi dominan polyester kekerasan terbaik dicapai pada putaran 1170 rpm (level 3) gerak makan 0,05 mm/rev. (level 1), kedalaman potong 7 mm (level 3), campuran 80%polyester 20%vinilyester (level 2)Dari ke 4 faktor yang berpengaruh faktor campuran spesimen memberikan kontribusi terbesar Untuk untuk percobaan ini sedangkan pada penggurdian dominan vinlyester kontribusi terbesar juga pada faktor campuran spesimenya,sedangkan kekerasan terbaik dicapai d pada putaran 1170 rpm (level 3) gerak makan 0,05 mm/rev. (level 1), kedalaman potong 7 mm (level 3), campuran 80%polyester 20%vinilyester (level 2)Dari ke 4 faktor yang berpengaruh faktor campuran spesimen memberikan kontribusi terbesar Untuk untuk percobaan ini dan rata-rata perubahan kekerasan yang terjadi meningkat setelah dilakukan proses pemesinan
Adaptasi Masyarakat Siak Terhadap Perubahan Ekologinya
This study described adaptation options in 4 villages in the Siak sub-district, Siak Sri Indrapura district, Riau province. Since the beginning of the reformation, Siak Sri Indrapura district was established which was expanded of Bengkalis district. Simultaneously also present there are plantation forest industries, oil palm plantations, immigration and urban development. This study is a qualitative study with a social history approach. The research was conducted from July 2022 to December 2020. Data was obtained through observation, in-depth interviews and FGDs at the village and Siak sub-district levels. Data were analyzed using a taxonomic analysis approach, the results of the analysis were written descriptively. The results of this study found that the presented of the Siak Sri Indrapura district, the plantation forest industry and the plantation industry as well as migrants caused the community to be uprooted from their agrarian economic culture. To be able to survive, the community carries out a long-term adaptation process through the transfer of sources of livelihood from agriculture to urban services and seizes the remnants of the urban economy and education. This study concludes that the pressure of ecological change forces people to adapt according to the resources they have. This study strengthens Bennett's adaptation theory that the adaptability of society does not exceed the resources they have.Key Word : Adaptation, Agriculture, Urban Services, Siak Community
Complementary Digital Watermarking Technique Based on Wavelet Transformation
摘 要
我們針對photoshop 常做之一般影像處理,來驗證加入浮水印之影像經過JPEG壓縮、模糊化、銳利化、雜訊化、圖形裁剪處理後其浮水印偵測結果,結果顯示我們的方法在遭受一般影像攻擊時,大部分都至少有一個浮水印能存活。Abstract
Digital image watermark is a technique which takes advantage of the inability of human's eyes to differentiate the subtle change of images. It is a special information embedded and hidden in the original image. Even if the image data is encrypted and decrypted, compressed, unintentional or any other kind of attack, the embedded digital image watermark can still be detected.
In this thesis,we propose a complementary watermark technique which uses the skill of wavelet transformation to protect image data. Two complementary watermarks are hidden in the high and low frequencies respectively in the transformed frequency domain. Using this technique , there will be at least one watermark can survive under attack .Besides, in the process of retriever the watermark, the original image isn't needed. Thus,save a lot of memory. The simulation results show that distortion of the original image caused by the insertion of watermark can be minimized. we also examine the outcome of watermark detection under JPEG compression, blurring, sharpening, noise and cutting based on the average image processing skills of Photoshop. The results show that our method can survive from most of the attack.目 錄
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 簡介 1
1.2 動機與目的 4
1.3 論文架構 5
第二章 浮水印背景及小波函數 6
2.1 背景 6
2.1.1 數位浮水印 6
2.1.2 數位浮水印技術要求 7
2.2 小波函數及相關技術 8
2.2.1 小波函數 8
2.2.2 小波函數相關技術 8 Haar 8 JND 12 Quadtree 13 Cocktail Watermarking 14
第三章 互補式影像浮水印技術 18
3.1 概述 18
3.1.1 低頻數位浮水印 19 低頻數位浮水印加入演算法 19 低頻數位浮水印偵測演算法 22
3.1.2 高頻數位浮水印 22 高頻數位浮水印加入演算法 22 高頻數位浮水印偵測演算法 24
3.1.3 高頻加低頻數位浮水印 25
3.2 系統架構 26
第四章實驗步驟與結果分析實驗結果 28
4.1 軟體測試步驟 29
4.1.1 浮水印加入軟體測試 29
4.1.2 浮水印偵測軟體測試 31
4.2 實驗結果 34
4.2.1 失真壓縮 34
4.2.2 低通濾波模糊化 37
4.2.3 圖形裁剪 38
4.2.4 銳利化 43
4.2.5 雜訊化 44
4.2.6 反交錯式 48
4.2.7 紋理化、擴散光暈 49
4.2.8 雲彩化、鋸齒化 50
4.2.9 風動效果、多面體效果 51
4.2.10 馬賽克效果、去除斑點 52
第五章 結論與未來展望 55
5.1 結論 55
5.2 未來展望 55
參考文獻 5