1,240 research outputs found

    Internalizing Conservation through Our Own Microbes

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: BA Sikes (2012) Internalizing Conservation through our own Microbes. Conservation Biology, 26(2): 198. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1523-1739.2012.01834.x, which has been published in final form at http://doi.org/10.1111/j.1523-1739.2012.01834.x. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving

    When do arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi protect plant roots from pathogens?

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Plant Signaling and Behavior on March 10, 2010, available online: http://www.tandfonline.com/10.4161/psb.5.6.11776.Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi are mainly thought to facilitate phosphorus uptake in plants, but they can also perform several other functions that are equally beneficial. Our recent study sheds light on the factors determining one such function, enhanced plant protection from root pathogens. Root infection by the fungal pathogen Fusarium oxysporum was determined by both plant susceptibility and the ability of an AM fungal partner to suppress the pathogen. The non-susceptible plant species (Allium cepa) had limited F. oxysporum infection even without AM fungi. In contrast, the susceptible plant species (Setaria glauca) was heavily infected and only AM fungi in the family Glomeraceae limited pathogen abundance. Plant susceptibility to pathogens was likely determined by contrasting root architectures between plants, with the simple rooted plant (A. cepa) presenting fewer sites for infection.AM fungal colonization, however, was not limited in the same way in part because plants with fewer, simple roots are more mycorrhizal dependent. Protection only by Glomus species also indicates that whatever the mechanism(s) of this function, it responds to AM fungal families differently. While poor at pathogen protection, AM fungal species in the family Gigasporaceae most benefited the growth of the simple rooted plant species. Our research indicates that plant trait differences, such as root architecture can determine how important each mycorrhizal function is to plant growth but the ability to provide these functions differs among AM fungi

    Suppression of root-endogenous fungi in persistently inundated Typha roots

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Mycologia in 2019, available online: https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/umyc20/currentWetland soils are defined by anoxic and reducing conditions that impose biogeochemically hostile conditions on plant roots and their endogenous fungal communities. The cosmopolitan wetland plant Typha L. mitigates root-zone anoxia efficiently, such that roots of these plants may constitute fungal habitats similar to roots in subaerially-exposed soils. Alternatively, fungi may compete with plant cells for limited oxygen in inundated roots. We hypothesized that extrinsic environmental factors may reduce fungal incidence and affect fungal community structure within inundated roots as compared to those in subaerially-exposed soils. We sampled roots of Typha spp. plants across inundation gradients in constructed reservoirs; root subsamples were microscopically examined for fungal structures, and morphologically-distinct fungal endophytes were cultured and isolated from surface sterilized subsamples. We found that the incidence of fungal hyphae was suppressed for all types of vegetative mycelia when roots were inundated, regardless of depth, but that there were no obvious differences in community composition of fungi cultured from roots growing in inundated vs subaerially-exposed soils. This suggests that the suppression of hyphae we observed in root samples did not result from changes in community composition. Instead, low hyphal incidence in inundated Typha roots may reflect germinal inhibition or unsuccessful initial colonization, possibly owing to plant-mediated redox dynamism in the surrounding soil. No variation was seen in the incidence of asexual spores, or chytridiomycetes, nor were there significant differences between geographically disparate sampling sites. Communities of root-endogenous fungi may therefore be influenced more strongly by external environmental factors, than by the environments that plant roots comprise

    Dividend Tax Capitalization and Liquidity

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    We provide a new explanation for cross-sectional variation in dividend tax capitalization. Our analysis is twofold. First, we conduct a theoretical analysis that shows that liquidity (illiquidity) mitigates (magnifies) the positive effect of dividend taxes on expected rates of return documented in prior literature. Second, we conduct an empirical analysis centered around the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief and Reconciliation Act of 2003, which reduced the difference between the maximum statutory dividend and capital gains tax rates, and find results consistent with our theory. We also provide results suggesting that institutional ownership’s mitigating effect on dividend tax capitalization documented in prior studies is attributable to stocks with greater institutional ownership being more liquid and not to the “marginal investor” being insensitive to dividend taxes

    Method or madness: does OTU delineation bias our perceptions of fungal ecology?

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    This is the author's manuscript. The definitive version is available at www.newphytologist.co

    Acoel and Platyhelminth Models for Stem-cell Research

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    Acoel and platyhelminth worms are particularly attractive invertebrate models for stem-cell research because their bodies are continually renewed from large pools of somatic stem cells. Several recent studies, including one in BMC Developmental Biology, are beginning to reveal the cellular dynamics and molecular basis of stem-cell function in these animals. See research article http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-213X/9/69. Adult somatic stem cells can play critical roles in postembryonic developmental processes such as tissue renewal, growth, repair, and regeneration [1]. Understanding how such cells are maintained and produce differentiated progeny is thus of general interest in developmental biology, in addition to being of clear biomedical relevance. Invertebrate models have great potential for elucidating the cellular and molecular basis of stem-cell function. However, in the main invertebrate models used for dissecting the details of animal development, including Drosophila and Caenorhabditis, adult somatic tissues are primarily post-mitotic and are largely or entirely devoid of adult stem cells, which limits the use of these established models for stem-cell research. Representatives of two groups of soft-bodied worms, the Acoela and the Platyhelminthes, possess large pools of adult somatic stem cells, making them useful invertebrate models for stem-cell biology. These organisms are now beginning to provide new insights into the cellular and molecular basis of adult stem-cell function

    Changes in extracellular matrix (ECM) and ECM-associated proteins in the metastatic progression of prostate cancer

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    Prostate cancer (PCa) is no exception to the multi-step process of metastasis. As PCa progresses, changes occur within the microenvironments of both the malignant cells and their targeted site of metastasis, enabling the necessary responses that result in successful translocation. The majority of patients with progressing prostate cancers develop skeletal metastases. Despite advancing efforts in early detection and management, there remains no effective, long-term cure for metastatic PCa. Therefore, the elucidation of the mechanism of PCa metastasis and preferential establishment of lesions in bone is an intensive area of investigation that promises to generate new targets for therapeutic intervention. This review will survey what is currently know concerning PCa interaction with the extracellular matrix (ECM) and the roles of factors within the tumor and ECM microenvironments that contribute to metastasis. These will be discussed within the context of changes in expression and functional heterodimerization patterns of integrins, changes in ECM expression and reorganization by proteases facilitating invasion. In this context we also provide a brief summary of how growth factors (GFs), cytokines and regulatory signaling pathways favor PCa metastasis to bone

    Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities change among three stages of primary sand dune succession but do not alter plant growth

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    Plant interactions with soil biota could have a significant impact on plant successional trajectory by benefiting plants in a particular successional stage over others. The influence of soil mutualists such as mycorrhizal fungi is thought to be an important feedback component, yet they have shown benefits to both early and late successional plants that could either retard or accelerate succession. Here we first determine if arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi differ among three stages of primary sand dune succession and then if they alter growth of plants from particular successional stages. We isolated AM fungal inoculum from early, intermediate or late stages of a primary dune succession and compared them using cloning and sequencing. We then grew eight plant species that dominate within each of these successional stages with each AM fungal inoculum. We measured fungal growth to assess potential AM functional differences and plant growth to determine if AM fungi positively or negatively affect plants. AM fungi isolated from early succession were more phylogenetically diverse relative to intermediate and late succession while late successional fungi consistently produced more soil hyphae and arbuscules. Despite these differences, inocula from different successional stages had similar effects on the growth of all plant species. Host plant biomass was not affected by mycorrhizal inoculation relative to un-inoculated controls. Although mycorrhizal communities differ among primary dune successional stages and formed different fungal structures, these differences did not directly affect the growth of plants from different dune successional stages in our experiment and therefore may be less likely to directly contribute to plant succession in sand dunes

    Field-based effects of allelopathy in invaded tallgrass prairie

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    Allelopathic phytochemicals have been linked to invasion success, but their role in the invasion process remains unclear. Toxicity effects demonstrated with lab bioassays may be neutralized in soils, and their role in population expansion can be intertwined with nonallelopathic processes that also influence dispersal and establishment. Here, we use greenhouse experiments to test the soil-based impacts of invasive fine fescue (Festuca rubra L.) on recruitment in tallgrass prairie. Fescue roots release the growth inhibitor m-tyrosine. Using root washes and fescue-conditioned soils to mimic field potency, we determined allelopathic impacts on recruitment, including intraspecific limitation. We also tested whether nonallelopathic factors (propagule pressure, disturbance, and fertility) influence invasion into constructed fescue and prairie mesocosms, and whether root washes inhibit arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi. We observed significant negative effects of fescue soils and root washes on germination and seedling survival, including on fescue itself. Mesocosm invasion, however, was determined more by nonallelopathic mechanisms (propagule pressure and rapid growth). In prairie mesocosms, fescue invasion was higher than its own understory, with no effects of disturbance or fertility. Tallgrass species had difficulty establishing in all environments, regardless of propagule pressure. Impacts on AM fungal hyphal length and spore production were insignificant. Our results suggest that nonallelopathic traits may be sufficient to explain fescue invasion, with allelopathy likely emerging as a final "coup de grâce" for recruiting native grasses once dominance has been attained. Allelopathic species, including fine fescue, may thus not necessarily be invasive unless nonallelopathic traits facilitate establishment prior to the accumulation of soil-based toxins
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