4 research outputs found

    Prospects for increasing exports of Russian wheat to the world market

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    The article discusses the development of wheat export, which is the main grain crop in the structure of production and export of Russia. The record crop of grain crops in 2017 provided a good basis for the activation of Russian grain exporters in the world market. An analysis of geographical areas by source of grain export showed that crop growth allowed Russia to become a leader, as the main North American and European competitors experienced certain difficulties that led to a reduction in their export potential. The main geographical areas in which there is an increase in demand for wheat are the countries of Africa and Asia, whose population needs a more affordable form of food, which have become the main importers for Russian wheat along with Egypt and Turkey. Russia mainly exports low-grade wheat of the 4th and 5th grade; therefore, such wheat at a lower price and relatively high level of protein content is competitive in a number of foreign markets. The key problems for the export of Russian wheat are unstable gross grain harvests in Russia, which determine the search for innovative-intensive methods of increasing the yield and its stability, and the development of transport and logistics infrastructure. It is necessary to increase port capacities due to the Baltic and Far East directions in the context of political contradictions between Russia and Turkey and expanding the geography of wheat supplies to Africa and Southeast Asia for Russia makes sense. This will not only increase the competitiveness of exports, but also create additional incentives to increase grain production in a number of regions of the country remote from the Azov-Black Sea ports

    Assessing the functionality of models for predicting pharmaceutical companies

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    The article considers the problem of the functionality of existing bankruptcy forecasting models for the pharmaceutical industry, the significance of which is due to the strategic role of this industry in ensuring drug safety in Russia. In conditions of import dependence, it is possible to increase the competitiveness of domestic enterprises by investing in it, which actualizes the task of increasing their investment attractiveness, one of the main elements of which is long-term and predictable financial stability. The study shows that today the assessment of financial stability and the likelihood of bankruptcy is possible only on the basis of generalized models of domestic and foreign authors, which in general give ineffective results. This is due to the fact that standard models do not take into account the industry specifics of the enterprises in question, and therefore are not able to reliably determine the presence or absence of a threat of insolvency. An important direction in the development of the pharmaceutical industry of the Russian Federation in the current environment is the search for effective tools for economic analysis and the development of the correct adapted methodology for predicting the probability of bankruptcy

    Export of Russian grain: prospects and the role of the state in its development

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    The article discusses the problems and issues of further development of Russian grain exports. The main export grain crop for Russia is wheat; the volume of wheat supplies to the world market exceeds 35 million tons. The study provides a list of the main geographical areas importing Russian wheat and analyzes the dynamics of changes in its supply. However, the export orientation for wheat leads to imbalances in the structure of production and regional distribution of grain crops in Russia. Grain is of fundamentally high importance for solving the problem of import substitution for the production of meat and dairy products and ensuring food security for the population of Russia; therefore, the study emphasizes the need for state management of the grain balance. In the long term, the regulation of grain exports should be reduced mainly to a system of economic measures, but at the moment, government participation is necessary as a driver in the development of production and logistics infrastructure. The complex of economic and political factors determines the diversification of wheat supplies from Russia due to the Far Eastern direction

    Digital industry and manufacturing automation: impact on employment

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    The aim of article. The digital industry (Industry 4.0, the fourth-generation industry) is developing - based on the digital transformation of the production sector. Countries must create a workforce ready for future infrastructure. This requires the cooperation of universities, government and industry, including initiatives aimed at training workers for the transforming productive sector. The pandemic has COVID-19 exacerbated the problem of employment. Methodology: it is necessary to study the problem of employment at the systemic level, with an analysis of the structural complexity and development of digital transformations. This article explores this problem for manufacturing enterprises, in particular the automotive industry. The Results and Conclusions present the results of the analysis and make forecasts