11 research outputs found

    Fast Second Order Original Prony’s Method for Embedded Measuring Systems

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    The paper presents a method of adaptation of the original second order Prony’s method for applications in lowcost digital measurement systems with low computing performance. The presented method can be used in measuring systems where it is important to obtain in real time the values of amplitude, frequency, initial phase and damping coefficient of a single sinusoidal component of an analysed signal. The paper presents optimized, in terms of the number of mathematical operations, implementation of the method in selected embedded devices as well as the calculation times of the method for each platform

    Surface Topology Reconstruction From The White Light Interferogram By Means Of Prony Analysis

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    The paper presents a new method of surface topology reconstruction from a white light interferogram. The method is based on interferogram modelling by complex exponents (Prony method). The compatibility of white light interferogram and Prony models has already been proven. Effectiveness of the method was tested by modelling and examining reconstruction of tilted and spherical surfaces, and by estimating the reconstruction accuracy

    Analysis of Selected Power Signal Parameters for Coding Data Transfer in Computer Networks

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    W artykule omówiono sposób wyseparowania oraz wykorzystania zmiennych globalnych w czasie, które w przyszłości pozwolą stworzyć unikalny klucz szyfrujący oraz układ szyfrowania danych. Polega on na ciągłej analizie losowego rozkładu zmienności częstotliwości oraz rozwinięciu algorytmów szyfrowania o dodatkowe zabezpieczenie, jakim jest zmieniający się czasie klucz szyfrujący. Celem sprawdzenia, czy opisane rozwiązanie jest możliwe do wykonania, przeprowadzono pomiar napięć w dwóch różnych lokacjach w Polsce. Otrzymany sygnał został wstępnie przefiltrowany celem wygładzenia jego powierzchni. Następnie ustalono dokładne miejsca przecięcia na osi oX metodą przybliżania rozwiązań układów nieokreślonych, po czym otrzymane wartości zostały po raz kolejny przefiltrowane, a otrzymane wyniki poddane analizie, na podstawie której sformułowano wnioski końcowe.The article discusses the way of separating and using global variables in time, which in the future will create a unique encryption key and data encryption system. It is based on continuous analysis of the random distribution of frequency variability and the development of encryption algorithms with the additional security, which is the changing time key encryption. In order to check whether the described solution is feasible, voltage measurements were carried out in two different locations in Poland. The received signal was pre-filtered to smooth its surface. Then the exact intersection points were determined on the oX axis by the method of approximation of solutions of indeterminate systems, after which the obtained values were once again filtered and the results obtained were analyzed, on the basis of which final conclusions were formulated

    Prony’s Method with Reduced Sampling - Numerical Aspects

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    This paper presents a new modification of the least-squares Prony’s method with reduced sampling, which allows for a significant reduction in the number of the analysed signal samples collected per unit time. The specific combination of non-uniform sampling with Prony’s method enables sampling of the analysed signals at virtually any average frequency, regardless of the Nyquist frequency, maintaining high accuracy in parameter estimation of sinusoidal signal components. This property allows using the method in measuring devices, such as for electric power quality testing equipped with low power signal processors, which in turn contributes to reducing complexity of these devices. This paper presents research on a method for selecting a sampling frequency and an analysis window length for the presented method, which provide maximum estimation accuracy for Prony’s model component parameters. This paper presents simulation tests performed in terms of the proposed method application for analysis of harmonics and interharmonics in electric power signals. Furthermore, the paper provides sensitivity analysis of the method, in terms of common interferences occurring in the actual measurement systems

    Analysis of Potential of Raising Forces Acting on Electroadhesive Pads Depending on Polarization and Supply Parameters

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    This paper reports the results of a study concerned with use of electroadhesion for investigation of the attraction force of paper (weight of 50 g/m2). For this purpose, a measuring system was developed and built. Next, a dedicated electroadhesive pad coated with copper and copper mesh on the other side was designed. A new supply control algorithm was also developed and a dedicated charger was built for the purpose of this study. The measurements were carried out with a tensiometer to measure the force with which the electroadhesive pad attracted paper. The research was carried out in a series of several experiments and involved shifting the polarity of the pad and depolarizing the entire system

    Fast four-point estimators of sinusoidal signal parameters – numerical optimisations for embedded measuring systems

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    The paper presents an algorithm for determining parameters of single sinusoidal components contained in the analyzed digital signal with the use of a small number of mathematical operations. The proposed algorithm can be applied, among others, in measuring devices to monitor basic parameters of electric energy quality as well as in devices used to determine the phasor in the power system. The proposed simplification of the algorithm for determining the sinusoidal components of the analyzed signal allows to use it in embedded devices with low computing power, which translates into lower cost of construction of devices of this type, while maintaining full functionality of the measuring system. The article contains a mathematical argument, which leads to the proposed algorithm, then the optimization of the number of performed mathematical operations is presented. The last part of the paper includes information about performed mathematical operations and presents exemplary times of execution of the algorithm for simple embedded devices

    Implementation of a Morphological Filter for Removing Spikes from the Epileptic Brain Signals to Improve Identification Ripples

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    Epilepsy is a very common disease affecting at least 1% of the population, comprising a number of over 50 million people. As many patients suffer from the drug-resistant version, the number of potential treatment methods is very small. However, since not only the treatment of epilepsy, but also its proper diagnosis or observation of brain signals from recordings are important research areas, in this paper, we address this very problem by developing a reliable technique for removing spikes and sharp transients from the baseline of the brain signal using a morphological filter. This allows much more precise identification of the so-called epileptic zone, which can then be resected, which is one of the methods of epilepsy treatment. We used eight patients with 5 KHz data set and depended upon the Staba 2002 algorithm as a reference to detect the ripples. We found that the average sensitivity and false detection rate of our technique are significant, and they are ∼94% and ∼14%, respectively

    A Measurement-Aided Control System for Stabilization of the Real-Life Stewart Platform

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    In the paper, an innovative control system devoted to the stabilization of the parallel manipulator-type Hexapod is presented. The device consists of three main parts, allowing us to reach the desired location during various external disturbances. Indeed, the telescopic boom located on the car along with the system providing the correction of the boom column deflection as well as the gyroscopic self-leveling head constitute a complex tool covering a plethora of modern techniques and solutions. Through the application of advanced issues strictly derived from nonlinear identification and multivariable control theory branches, the dynamical behavior of the discussed device has been handled in order to achieve a proper reference operation. Naturally, it has been supported by a set of accompanying approaches related to the processes of the real-time measurement and robust data transmission. It should be emphasized that the proposed computer-aided system is intended for the film industry, where image stabilization plays a crucial role. Such a statement has additionally been confirmed by other innovative products introduced by a company placed in Opole, Poland, called MovieBird International

    Improvement of Baro Sensors Matrix for Altitude Estimation

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    The article presents the use of barometric sensors to precisely determine the altitude of a flying object. The sensors are arranged in a hexahedral spatial arrangement with appropriately spaced air inlets. Thanks to the solution used, the range of measurement uncertainty can be reduced, resulting in a lower probability of error during measurement by improving the accuracy of estimation. The paper also describes the use of pressure sensors in complex Tracking Vertical Velocity and Height systems, integrating different types of sensors to highlight the importance of this single parameter. The solution can find application in computational systems using different types of data in Kalman filters. The impact of pressure measurements in a geometric system with different spatial orientations of sensors is also presented. In order to compensate for local pressure differences, e.g., in the form of side wind gusts, an additional reference sensor was used, making the developed solution relevant for applications such as industrial ones

    Initial study on an expert system for spine diseases screening using inertial measurement unit

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    In recent times, widely understood spine diseases have advanced to one of the most urgetn problems where quick diagnosis and treatment are needed. To diagnose its specifcs (e.g. to decide whether this is a scoliosis or sagittal imbalance) and assess its extend, various kind of imaging diagnostic methods (such as X-Ray, CT, MRI scan or ST) are used. However, despite their common use, some may be regarded as (to a level) invasive methods and there are cases where there are contraindications to using them. Besides, which is even more of a problem, these are very expensive methods and whilst their use for pure diagnostic purposes is absolutely valid, then due to their cost, they cannot rather be considered as tools which would be equally valid for bad posture screening programs purposes. This paper provides an initial evaluation of the alternative approach to the spine diseases diagnostic/ screening using inertial measurement unit and we propose policy-based computing as the core for the inference systems. Although the methodology presented herein is potentially applicable to a variety of spine diseases, in the nearest future we will focus specifcally on sagittal imbalance detection.Web of Science131art. no. 1044