19 research outputs found

    On the distribution of Alfven velocity in the magnetosphere

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    Geomagnetic micropulsation nature related to distribution of Alfven velocity in magnetospher

    Comparison of REMS, NEWS, qSOFA and SIRS criteria scales for sepsis prediction in patients with diagnosis “SARS-CoV-2, virus unidentified”: a retrospective observational study

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    Background. Despite ample research on the coronavirus infection sequence and therapy, the incidence of adverse outcomes remains very high. Sepsis stands among the major factors greatly complicating treatment and increasing the risk of death. A timely identification of highrisk sepsis patients is a cornerstone of effective sepsis prevention.Objectives. A comparative prognostic power assessment between the quick Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (qSOFA) scale, National Early Warning Score (NEWS), Initial Prehospital Rapid Emergency Medicine Score (REMS) and the Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) criteria for sepsis detection in anaesthetic intensive care patients with a diagnosis: SARS-CoV-2, virus unidentified.Methods. A retrospective observational study included 166 patients over 18-year age with unconfirmed infection (ICD-10 code U07.2). The qSOFA, NEWS, REMS and SIRS point estimates were obtained from each patient. The patients were retrospectively divided in two cohorts by sepsis presence (Sepsis-3 criteria) to determine the express scales power in evaluating the risk of sepsis (estimated as area under ROC curve, AUROC).Results. Data on 102 patients were included in the final analysis. Fifty-eight (57%) patients were terminal, and 55 (54%) developed sepsis. The estimates are as follows: NEWS — AUROC 0.848 [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.764–0.912], sensitivity 76.36% [95% CI 63.0–86.8], specificity 82.98% [95% CI 69.2–92.4], optimal cut-off threshold >5 points; qSOFA — AUROC 0.700 [95% CI 0.602–0.787], sensitivity 76.36% [95% CI 63.0–86.8], specificity 61.70% [95% CI 46.4–75.5], optimal cut-off threshold >0 points; REMS — AUROC 0.739 [95% CI 0.643–0.821], sensitivity 69.09% [95% CI 55.2–80.9], specificity 65.96% [95% CI 50.7–79.1], optimal cut-off threshold >5 points; SIRS criteria — AUROC 0.723 [95% CI 0.626–0.807], sensitivity 98.18% [95% CI 90.3–100.0], specificity 31.91% [95% CI 19.1–47.1], optimal cut-off threshold >0 points.Conclusion. The NEWS scale revealed a good prognostic power to estimate the risk of sepsis in patients with suspected COVID-19 disease. The qSOFA, REMS scales and SIRS criteria possess a good calibration capacity, albeit insufficient resolution, which limits their prognostic value

    Гендерное сравнение непосредственных и среднесрочных результатов операции Озаки: анализ Propensity Score Matching

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    Highlights. A retrospective analysis of the patients’ data after Ozaki operation in four Russian Medical Centers was carried out. A comparative gender assessment of the immediate and medium-term results of Ozaki operation was performed.Aim. Gender assessment of Ozaki operation immediate and mid-term results in patients with aortic valve (AV) pathology.Methods. A retrospective multicenter study enrolled 251 patients (135 women, median age 66 (60–70) years old) who underwent Ozaki operation (2017–2020) was carried out in four centers in Russia. After propensity score matching, 92 patients were selected (mean age 65.8±10.8 years old). Two groups were formed in the gender structure: 46 females (average age 67.8±6.3 years old), 46 males (average age 63.8±15.4 years old). The main cause of AV dysfunction was severe aortic stenosis – in 86 (93.5%) cases. Chronic heart failure of III–IV functional class according to NYHA was observed in 26 (28.3%) patients. A bicuspid AV was in 24 cases (26.1%). The primary endpoint was hospital mortality. Postoperative complications and mid-term results (three-year overall survival and freedom from reoperation on AV) were assessed as secondary endpoints; the median follow-up period was 23 (18–33) months.Results. There was no statistically significant difference between the groups in the duration of surgery (275 minutes for females and 285 minutes for males, p = 0.4), cardiopulmonary bypass (98 minutes for females and 115 minutes for males, p = 0.3), aortic clamping (80 minutes for females and 93 minutes for males, p = 0.7). Hospital mortality among the studied patients did not differ: in the female group – 2.2% (1 case) and 0 in the male one, p = 0.9. There were no significant differences in postoperative complications: sepsis (2.2% in women and 0 in men, p = 0.9), superficial wound infection (8.7% in women and 6.5% in men, p = 0.9). Acute kidney injury, stroke, pacemaker implantation, resternotomy for bleeding were not observed in any patient. Three-year overall survival was 91.8% in females and 91.6% in males, p = 0.8; three-year freedom from reoperation – 94.4% for females and 100% for males, p = 0.1.Conclusion. Ozaki operation is equally reproducible with the same hospital mortality, postoperative complications, and medium-term outcomes in both females and males.Основные положения. Проведен ретроспективный анализ данных больных, перенесших операцию Озаки в четырех медицинских центрах России. • Выполнена сравнительная гендерная оценка непосредственных и среднесрочных результатов операции Озаки.Цель. Гендерная оценка непосредственных и среднесрочных результатов операции Озаки у пациентов с патологией аортального клапана (АК).Материалы и методы. Проведено ретроспективное многоцентровое исследование 251 больного (135 женщин, медиана возраста 66 (60–70) лет), которым выполнена операция Озаки (2017–2020 гг.) в четырех медицинских центрах России. После псевдорандомизации (propensity score matching) отобраны 92 пациента (средний возраст 65,8±10,8 года). В зависимости от гендерной принадлежности сформированы две группы: 46 женщин (средний возраст 67,8±6,3 года), 46 мужчин (средний возраст 63,8±15,4 года). Основной причиной дисфункции АК был тяжелый аортальный стеноз – 86 (93,5%) случаев. Хроническая сердечная недостаточность III–IV функционального класса по NYHA отмечена у 26 (28,3%) больных. В 24 случаях (26,1%) АК был двустворчатый. Первичной конечной точкой являлась госпитальная летальность. В качестве вторичных конечных точек оценивали послеоперационные осложнения и среднесрочные результаты (трехлетняя общая выживаемость и свобода от реоперации на АК), медиана периода наблюдения составила 23 (18–33) мес.Результаты. Не получено статистически значимой разницы между группами по длительности операции (275 мин у женщин и 285 мин у мужчин, p = 0,4), искусственного кровообращения (98 и 115 мин, p = 0,3), пережатия аорты (80 и 93 мин соответственно, p = 0,7). Госпитальная летальность среди исследуемых больных не различалась: в женской группе – 1 случай (2,2%), в мужской – 0, p = 0,9. По послеоперационным осложнениям значимых различий не зарегистрировано: сепсис (2,2% у женщин и 0 у мужчин, p = 0,9), раневая поверхностная инфекция (8,7 и 6,5% соответственно, p = 0,9). Острого повреждения почек, инсульта, имплантации постоянного электрокардиостимулятора, рестернотомии по поводу кровотечения не выявлено ни у одного пациента. Трехлетняя общая выживаемость составила 91,8% у женщин и 91,6% у мужчин, p = 0,8; трехлетняя свобода от реоперации – 94,4 и 100% соответственно, p = 0,1.Заключение Операция Озаки воспроизводима у мужчин и женщин с одинаковыми госпитальной летальностью, послеоперационными осложнениями и среднесрочными результатами.

    High energy cosmic rays and thunderstorm connected radiations at the Tien Shan complex installation

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    We present a general description as well as a sample of illustrative experimental results of the Tien Shan high altitude detector complex which is aimed for fundamental and applied investigations in different fields of astroparticle, atmospheric, and environmental physics. The unique natural conditions of the Tien Shan Mountain Scientific Station where this complex resides, the presence of a modern equipment, and the use of multi-messenger integrated approach by detection of various radiation types open a new stage of research in cosmic ray physics and high-energy atmospheric phenomena

    High energy cosmic rays and thunderstorm connected radiations at the Tien Shan complex installation

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    We present a general description as well as a sample of illustrative experimental results of the Tien Shan high altitude detector complex which is aimed for fundamental and applied investigations in different fields of astroparticle, atmospheric, and environmental physics. The unique natural conditions of the Tien Shan Mountain Scientific Station where this complex resides, the presence of a modern equipment, and the use of multi-messenger integrated approach by detection of various radiation types open a new stage of research in cosmic ray physics and high-energy atmospheric phenomena