23 research outputs found

    Wzmocnienie mobilności pacjenta poprzez integrację produktów informatycznych

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    Integration of Information Communication Technology (ICT) products from different manufacturers to provide friendly support for patients and health professionals is a challenge for organizational, legal, and technological interoperability. To empowerment of patients over 65, it is necessary to support them with proper ICT tools. There are many technological solutions in e-Health sector, which do not support the patient’s complex needs and standards. The CareWell project adapted a formula based on the acquisition of commercial ready-made applications that support the functionality defined for patients, doctors, nurses and the Contact Centers (Call Centers). Lessons learned from the CareWell project phases from beginning of the business processes modeling with their modification for the project needs, as well as mapping of the available functionalities of selected IT platforms, work integration and implementation, are discussed in the paper.Integracja produktów informatycznych pochodzących od różnych producentów w celu dostarczenia przyjaznych usług pacjentom i pracownikom ochrony zdrowia stanowi wyzwanie w zakresie rozwiązania problemów interoperacyjności organizacyjnej, prawnej i technologicznej. Aby pomóc pacjentom powyżej 65 roku życia, konieczne jest wsparcie ich potrzeb zdrowotnych technologiami ICT (ang. Information Communication Technology). Istnieje wiele rozwiązań technologicznych w sektorze e-Zdrowia, które jednak nie obsługują złożonych potrzeb z uwzględnieniem standardów. Project CareWell przyjął formułę realizacji opartą na nabyciu gotowych aplikacji, które pozwalają na realizacje zdefiniowanych funkcji do obsługi pacjentów, lekarzy i pielęgniarek oraz centrali kontaktowych call center. W pracy omówiono główne wnioski z realizacji poszczególnych faz projektu od początku zamodelowania procesów biznesowych, konieczną ich modyfikację dla potrzeb projektu, jak również mapowanie dostępnych funkcjonalności integrowanych wybranych platform IT

    Wybrane aspekty poznawczego funkcjonowania dorosłego rodzeństwa z galaktozemią klasyczną

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    Introduction: Patients with classic galactosemia (GALK) often suffer from a variety of neurodevelopmental disorders. The indicated disorders may appear despite the introduction of a very restrictive diet. Among the most common in classical galactosemia difficulties in cognitive functionning we can distinguish: wakening of information processing and executive functions, visuospatial deficits. This system of irregularities often affects the course of the schoolcareer of patients. One of the areas of educational functioning that may particularly reflect the influence of neurocognitive disorders in GALK are mathematical abilities, both in terms of mathematical thinking, geometry and arithmetic thinking. In the case of classical galactosemia, there is also an increased risk that more than one child with this disease may come into one family. Material and methods: In the presented material, the cognitive function of adult siblings in which two people suffer from GALK was analyzed. Results and conclusions: The obtained results reflect significant differences in the cognitive functioning of both patients, which in the case of closely related persons suffering from GALK is not often noted by scientists and practitioners dealing with this rare metabolic disease.Wstęp: Pacjenci z galaktozemią klasyczną (GALK) nierzadko cierpią z powodu różnorodnych neurokognitywnychzaburzeń. Wskazane zaburzenia mogą pojawić się mimo wprowadzenia bardzo wcześnie restrykcyjnej diety.Wśród najczęściej spotykanych w galaktozemii klasycznej trudności w poznawczym funkcjonowaniu wyróżniasię: osłabienie przetwarzania informacji, problemy z pamięcią i funkcjami wykonawczymi a także deficyty wzrokowo-przestrzenne. Ten układ nieprawidłowości niejednokrotnie rzutuje na przebieg kariery szkolnej pacjentów.Jednym z obszarów funkcjonowania edukacyjnego mogącym szczególnie odzwierciedlać wpływ zaburzeń neurokognitywnychw GALK są zdolności matematyczne, zarówno w zakresie myślenia matematycznego, geometriijak i myślenia arytmetycznego. W przypadku galaktozemii klasycznej istnieje również podwyższone ryzyko, żew jednej rodzinie może przyjść na świat więcej niż jedno dziecko z tą chorobą. Materiał i metody: W prezentowanym materiale przeanalizowano stan funkcji poznawczych dorosłego rodzeństwa,w którym obie osoby chorują na GALK. Wyniki i wnioski: Uzyskane wyniki odzwierciedlają istotne różnice w poznawczym funkcjonowaniu obu pacjentek,co w przypadku osób blisko spokrewnionych chorujących na GALK nie jest często odnotowywane przeznaukowców i praktyków zajmujących się tą rzadką chorobą metaboliczną

    Health technologies and smart & integrated care – key action 2 stage of the Regions4PerMed (H2020) project

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    Consumer and system-wide gains remain limited by an outmoded policy regime. With scientific innovation running far ahead of public policy, physicians, researchers and patients are not receiving full advantage of the latest developments. European health systems require a seamless and rapid flow of digital information, including genomic, clinical outcome, and claims data. Research derived from clinical care must feed back into assessment, in order to advance care quality for consumers. National health systems are heterogeneous; the solutions and required fundamental approaches differ between the European member states and are not entirely portable and scalable. To date, this applies not only to general systemic aspects but particularly to cross-border reimbursement issues and the exchange of treatment and patient data. To answer those needs, an international consortium was established to implement the project “Interregional coordination for a fast and deep uptake of personalised health”: Regions4PerMed. A cycle of international events, such as conferences, in situ visits and workshops, has been planned. Interdisciplinary groups of experts will exchange thoughts and experiences to design solutions that could be implemented in the various healthcare systems. Regions4PerMed aims to coordinate regional policies and innovation programmes in personalised medicine and personalised health to accelerate the deployment of personalised health for patients. Key Action 2 is dedicated to health technologies and smart and integrated care

    Interregional coordination for a fast and deep uptake of personalised health (Regions4Permed) - multidisciplinary consortium under the H2020 project.

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    Personalised medicine (PM) represents a paradigm shift away from the ‘one size fits all’ approach to the treatment and care of patients with a particular condition, to one which uses emergent technologies such as diagnostic tests, functional genomic technologies, and molecular pathway profiling to better manage patients’ health and employ target therapies. The current challenge for national and regional authorities is to facilitate the shift from a reactive healthcare system based on episodic and acute care models to a personalized health (PH) system that uses preventive and predictive measures, where at-risk individuals are stratified to intervene before the onset of symptoms or risk is predicted using cutting-edge technologies before symptoms appear. While PH is paving the way toward better and more efficient patient care, it still lacks the cooperation and coordination needed to organise the fragmented field, which is a severe drawback to its development and to the placement of effective financial investments. For this reason, it is crucial to direct major efforts towards coordinating and aligning relevant stakeholders across Europe and beyond, creating a participatory approach, building trust, enabling a multi-stakeholder process, and channeling investments towards PH. Thus, Regions4PerMed aims to coordinate regional policies and innovation programmes in PM and PH to accelerate the deployment of PH for patients

    Measuring Resilience Across Participating Regions in the UPRIGHT EU Horizon 2020 Project: Factor Structure and Psychometric Properties of the Resilience Scale for Adolescents

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    Resilience is the process and outcome of healthy adaptation despite significant adversity. Proliferation of research on the resilience construct has led to scientific concerns about the operationalization and measurement of resilience for assessment science and practice. Various studies that have investigated the psychometric properties and construct validity of the Resilience Scale for Adolescents (READ) have yielded inconsistent findings, which could partly be due to variations in the methodological approaches. This study investigated the factor structure and construct validity of the READ in four European regions participating in the Universal Preventive Resilience Intervention Globally Implemented in Schools to Improve and Promote Mental Health for Teenagers (UPRIGHT) project. Participants included adolescents aged 10–15 years from Spain (n = 391, females = 51%), Iceland (n = 379, females = 55%), Italy (n = 460, females = 55%), and Poland (n = 316, females = 51%). The five-factor model of the READ was similar across gender and participating regions. Construct validity of the READ was supported. After establishing construct separability, incremental validity was supported (except for the social competence subscale). The READ is a valid and reliable measure of protective factors involved in resilience and demonstrates promise for cross-cultural applicability. Recommendations for measuring resilience and validating the READ in future investigations are provided

    Recombinant yeast and human cells as screening tools to search for antibacterial agents targeting the transcription termination factor Rho

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    International audienceThe alarming issue of antibiotic resistance expansion requires a continuous search for new and efficient antibacterial agents. Here we describe the design of new tools to screen for target-specific inhibitors of the bacterial Rho factor directly inside eukaryotic cells. Rho factor is a global regulator of gene expression which is essential to most bacteria, especially Gram-negative. Since Rho has no functional or structural homolog in eukaryotes, it constitutes a valuable and well known bacterial target as evidenced by its inhibition by the natural antibiotic, Bicyclomycin. Our screening tools are based on perturbation of mRNA processing and packaging reactions in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells by the RNA-dependent helicase/translocase activity of bacterial Rho factor leading to a growth defect phenotype. In this approach, any compound that impedes Rho activity should restore growth to yeast or human cells expressing Rho protein, providing valuable means to screen for target-specific antibacterial agents within the environment of a eukaryotic cell. The yeast tool expressing E. coli Rho factor was validated using Bicyclomycin as the control antibacterial agent. The validation of the screening tool was further extended with a stable human cell line expressing Rho factor conditionally. Finally, we show that Rho factors from different bacterial pathogens can also be designed as yeast-based screening tools which can reveal subtle variations in the functional features of the proteins

    Single-Gene Deletion Mutants of Escherichia coli with Altered Sensitivity to Bicyclomycin, an Inhibitor of Transcription Termination Factor Rho▿

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    We have screened the entire KEIO collection of 3,985 single-gene knockouts in Escherichia coli for increased susceptibility or resistance to the antibiotic bicyclomycin (BCM), a potent inhibitor of the transcription termination factor Rho. We also compared the results to those of a recent study we conducted with a large set of antibiotics (A. Liu et al., Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 54:1393-1403, 2010). We find that deletions of many different types of genes increase sensitivity to BCM. Some of these are involved in multidrug sensitivity/resistance, whereas others are specific for BCM. Mutations in a number of DNA recombination and repair genes increase BCM sensitivity, indicating that DNA damage leading to single- and double-strand breaks is a downstream effect of Rho inhibition. MDS42, which is deleted for all cryptic prophages and insertion elements (G. Posfai et al., Science 312:1044-1046, 2006), or W3102 deleted for the rac prophage-encoded kil gene, are partially resistant to BCM (C. J. Cardinale et al., Science 230:935-938, 2008). Deletion of cryptic prophages also overcomes the increased BCM sensitivity in some but not all mutants examined here. Deletion of the hns gene renders the cell more sensitive to BCM even in the Δkil or MDS42 background. This suggests that BCM activates additional modes of cell death independent of Kil and that these could provide a target to potentiate BCM killing