458 research outputs found
An overview of STIP interval 18: September 1985, the G-Z encounter
The primary period of interest during September 1985 is the few days surrounding the ICE encounter with comet Giacobini-Zinner(G-Z) which occurred at 1102 UT on 11 September. To place into perspective the actual in situ observations measured during the comet encounter it is necessary to understand the prevailing solar and interplanetary conditions. Starting two solar rotations prior to and extending through the rotation after the encounter the interplanetary stream structure was very uniform, similar to the 1973-4 long-lived structure. Prior to the arrival of the corotating high-speed stream at 5 UT on 11 September, ICE was already measuring the effects of G-Z on the surrounding interplanetary medium. An overview of available solar, interplanetary, and ICE data for the cometary interval is presented
Energetic-ion acceleration and transport in the upstream region of Jupiter: Voyager 1 and 2
Long-lived upstream energetic ion events at Jupiter appear to be very similar in nearly all respects to upstream ion events at Earth. A notable difference between the two planetary systems is the enhanced heavy ion compositional signature reported for the Jovian events. This compositional feature has suggested that ions escaping from the Jovian magnetosphere play an important role in forming upstream ion populations at Jupiter. In contrast, models of energetic upstream ions at Earth emphasize in situ acceleration of reflected solar wind ions within the upstream region itself. Using Voyager 1 and 2 energetic ( approximately 30 keV) ion measurements near the magnetopause, in the magnetosheath, and immediately upstream of the bow shock, the compositional patterns are examined together with typical energy spectra in each of these regions. A model involving upstream Fermi acceleration early in events and emphasizing energetic particle escape in the prenoon part of the Jovian magnetosphere late in events is presented to explain many of the features in the upstream region of Jupiter
Electron heating at interplanetary shocks
Data for 41 forward interplanetary shocks show that the ratio of downstream to upstream electron temperatures. T sub e (d/u) is variable in the range between 1.0 (isothermal) and 3.0. On average, (T sub e (d/u) = 1.5 with a standard deviation, sigma e = 0.5. This ratio is less than the average ratio of proton temperatures across the same shocks, (T sub p (d/u)) = 3.3 with sigma p = 2.5 as well as the average ratio of electron temperatures across the Earth's bow shock. Individual samples of T sub e (d/u) and T sub p (d/u) appear to be weakly correlated with the number density ratio. However the amounts of electron and proton heating are well correlated with each other as well as with the bulk velocity difference across each shock. The stronger shocks appear to heat the protons more efficiently than they heat the electrons
Interaction of the plasma tail of comet Bradfield 1979L on 1980 February 6 with a possibly flare-generated solar-wind disturbance
Solar wind plasma data from the ISEE-3 and Helios 2 spacecraft were examined to explain a uniquely rapid 10 deg turning of the plasma tail of comet Bradfield 1979L on 1980 February 6. It was suggested that the tail position angle change occurred in response to a solar wind velocity shear across which the polar component changed by approx. 50 km s-1. The present activity was caused by noncorotating, disturbed plasma flows probably associated with an Importance 1B solar flare
Solar wind-magnetosphere coupling and the distant magnetotail: ISEE-3 observations
ISEE-3 Geotail observations are used to investigate the relationship between the interplanetary magnetic field, substorm activity, and the distant magnetotail. Magnetic field and plasma observations are used to present evidence for the existence of a quasi-permanent, curved reconnection neutral line in the distant tail. The distance to the neutral line varies from absolute value of X = 120 to 140 R/sub e near the center of the tail to beyond absolute value of X = 200 R/sub e at the flanks. Downstream of the neutral line the plasma sheet magnetic field is shown to be negative and directly proportional to negative B/sub z in the solar wind as observed by IMP-8. V/sub x in the distant plasma sheet is also found to be proportional to IMF B/sub z with southward IMF producing the highest anti-solar flow velocities. A global dayside reconnection efficiency of 20 +- 5% is derived from the ISEE-3/IMP-8 magnetic field comparisons. Substorm activity, as measured by the AL index, produces enhanced negative B/sub z and tailward V/sub x in the distant plasma sheet in agreement with the basic predictions of the reconnection-based models of substorms. The rate of magnetic flux transfer out of the tail as a function of AL is found to be consistent with previous near-Earth studies. Similarly, the mass and energy fluxes carried by plasma sheet flow down the tail are consistent with theoretical mass and energy budgets for an open magnetosphere. In summary, the ISEE-3 Geotail observations appear to provide good support for reconnection models of solar wind-magnetosphere coupling and substorm energy rates
Alternative model for the administration and analysis of research-based assessments
Research-based assessments represent a valuable tool for both instructors and
researchers interested in improving undergraduate physics education. However,
the historical model for disseminating and propagating conceptual and
attitudinal assessments developed by the physics education research (PER)
community has not resulted in widespread adoption of these assessments within
the broader community of physics instructors. Within this historical model,
assessment developers create high quality, validated assessments, make them
available for a wide range of instructors to use, and provide minimal (if any)
support to assist with administration or analysis of the results. Here, we
present and discuss an alternative model for assessment dissemination, which is
characterized by centralized data collection and analysis. This model provides
a greater degree of support for both researchers and instructors in order to
more explicitly support adoption of research-based assessments. Specifically,
we describe our experiences developing a centralized, automated system for an
attitudinal assessment we previously created to examine students'
epistemologies and expectations about experimental physics. This system
provides a proof-of-concept that we use to discuss the advantages associated
with centralized administration and data collection for research-based
assessments in PER. We also discuss the challenges that we encountered while
developing, maintaining, and automating this system. Ultimately, we argue that
centralized administration and data collection for standardized assessments is
a viable and potentially advantageous alternative to the default model
characterized by decentralized administration and analysis. Moreover, with the
help of online administration and automation, this model can support the
long-term sustainability of centralized assessment systems.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, accepted in Phys. Rev. PE
Plasma properties of driver gas following interplanetary shocks observed by ISEE-3
Plasma fluid parameters calculated from solar wind and magnetic field data obtained on ISEE 3 were studied. The characteristic properties of driver gas following interplanetary shocks was determined. Of 54 shocks observed from August 1978 to February 1980, nine contained a well defined driver gas that was clearly identifiable by a discontinuous decrease in the average proton temperature across a tangential discontinuity. While helium enhancements were present in all of nine of these events, only about half of them contained simultaneous changes in the two quantities. Often the He/H ratio changed over a period of minutes. Simultaneous with the drop in proton temperature the helium and electron temperature decreased abruptly. In some cases the proton temperature depression was accompanied by a moderate increase in magnetic field magnitude with an unusually low variance and by an increase in the ratio of parallel to perpendicular temperature. The drive gas usually displayed a bidirectional flow of suprathermal solar wind electrons at higher energies
Observability of radiation pressure shot noise in optomechanical systems
We present a theoretical study of an experiment designed to detect radiation
pressure shot noise in an optomechanical system. Our model consists of a
coherently driven optical cavity mode that is coupled to a mechanical
oscillator. We examine the cross-correlation between two quadratures of the
output field from the cavity. We determine under which circumstances radiation
pressure shot noise can be detected by a measurement of this cross-correlation.
This is done in the general case of nonzero detuning between the frequency of
the drive and the cavity resonance frequency. We study the qualitative features
of the different contributions to the cross-correlator and provide quantitative
figures of merit for the relative importance of the radiation pressure shot
noise contribution to other contributions. We also propose a modified setup of
this experiment relevant to the "membrane-in-the-middle" geometry, which
potentially can avoid the problems of static bistability and classical noise in
the drive.Comment: 12 pages + 4 page appendix, 10 figure
Cavity optomechanics with Si3N4 membranes at cryogenic temperatures
We describe a cryogenic cavity-optomechanical system that combines Si3N4
membranes with a mechanically-rigid Fabry-Perot cavity. The extremely high
quality-factor frequency products of the membranes allow us to cool a MHz
mechanical mode to a phonon occupation of less than 10, starting at a bath
temperature of 5 kelvin. We show that even at cold temperatures
thermally-occupied mechanical modes of the cavity elements can be a limitation,
and we discuss methods to reduce these effects sufficiently to achieve ground
state cooling. This promising new platform should have versatile uses for
hybrid devices and searches for radiation pressure shot noise.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures, submitted to New Journal of Physic
Radiation-pressure self-cooling of a micromirror in a cryogenic environment
We demonstrate radiation-pressure cavity-cooling of a mechanical mode of a
micromirror starting from cryogenic temperatures. To achieve that, a
high-finesse Fabry-Perot cavity (F\approx 2200) was actively stabilized inside
a continuous-flow 4He cryostat. We observed optical cooling of the fundamental
mode of a 50mu x 50 mu x 5.4 mu singly-clamped micromirror at \omega_m=3.5 MHz
from 35 K to approx. 290 mK. This corresponds to a thermal occupation factor of
\approx 1x10^4. The cooling performance is only limited by the mechanical
quality and by the optical finesse of the system. Heating effects, e.g. due to
absorption of photons in the micromirror, could not be observed. These results
represent a next step towards cavity-cooling a mechanical oscillator into its
quantum ground state
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