9 research outputs found

    Development Status and 1U CubeSat Application of Busek’s 0.5N Green Monopropellant Thruster

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    The monopropellant community has been pursuing low-toxicity alternatives to hydrazine for the past two decades. One of such “green” monopropellants, known as AF-M315E, has caught attention of many by offering both improved performance and handling safety. A 0.5N-class, AF-M315E micro thruster was recently developed by Busek that can deliver \u3e220sec vacuum Isp. Both steady-state and pulsed firings were demonstrated. The thruster, when cold, requires a small amount of pre-heating power to start which is no more than 12W or an equivalent of 1.6W-Hr energy input. The thruster is complemented by a novel piezoelectric microvalve that needs less than 200mW to operate and weighs a mere 67g. The valve features an all-welded, all-titanium wetted design for long-term propellant compatibility. It is rated for 1200sccm GN2 max flow and 1.5×10-4sccm GN2 leak rate. The valve passed environmental testing before being integrated into the thruster, and together they demonstrated a minimum impulse bit of 0.036N-sec. Busek is currently developing a 1U CubeSat propulsion system centered on the integrated 0.5N thruster and microvalve. The system is designed to be self-contained and fully loaded with propellant, which allows for simple spacecraft integration and reduced operating cost

    Electrospray device

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    An electrospray device includes an electrospray emitter adapted to receive electrospray fluid; an extractor plate spaced from the electrospray emitter and having at least one aperture; and a power supply for applying a first voltage between the extractor plate and emitter for generating at least one Taylor cone emission through the aperture to create an electrospray plume from the electrospray fluid, the extractor plate as well as accelerator and shaping plates may include a porous, conductive medium for transporting and storing excess, accumulated electrospray fluid away from the aperture

    Development of Busek 0.5N Green Monopropellant Thruster

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    The monopropellant community has been actively pursuing low toxicity, green monopropellants for the past two decades. Of the large number of formulations developed, AF-M315E has received the most attention in the U.S. In comparison with hydrazine, AF-M315E offers improved Isp and density-Isp while being extremely stable and easy to handle. Despite the potential benefits, development of AF-M315E thrusters has been slow due to the lack of suitable catalysts. Busek is pioneering an alternative catalytic reactor to address such issue. Busek has developed a 0.5N-class AF-M315E thruster that has demonstrated 20+ minutes of cumulative life and consistently performs at a c* efficiency in the range of 89-93%. A piezoelectric microvalve for the 0.5N thruster has also been developed. It is superior to state-of-the-art solenoid valves of similar flow level as it requires only 0.5W of power and weighs a mere 67 gram. Potential commercial applications for the 0.5N thruster are abundant, including but not limited to primary propulsion for NanoSats and ACS propulsion for SmallSats. Scaling up the thruster is feasible and will create more opportunities to compete with legacy hydrazine thruster systems in the future

    Flight Development of Iodine BIT-3 RF Ion Propulsion System for SLS EM-1 CubeSats

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    Busek previously developed a 3cm RF ion thruster known as BIT-3 that was the world\u27s first iodinefueled gridded ion thruster. The 60W prototype thruster completed a 500-hour endurance test on iodine and was shown capable of delivering 1.3mN thrust and 3200sec Isp nominally, excluding neutralizer flow. This exceptional performance, combined with the many benefits of iodine propellant, has led to a number of CubeSat flight opportunities on NASA\u27s SLS EM-1 mission. The first confirmed EM-1 mission for the thruster is onboard the 6U Lunar IceCube spacecraft that is being developed by Morehead State University and its partners. This paper will describe the technological advances made to date on the BIT-3 system and the remaining development to flight readiness. Specifically it will include updates on the thruster design and power optimization, measured thruster and Isp performance with an innovative RF cathode neutralizer, and details regarding the flight iodine feed system and power electronics module. In addition, it will include an overview of the BIT-3 system\u27s digital command/control structure and mechanical interfaces in the context of the Lunar IceCube bus. The BIT-3 ion thruster\u27s ability to use iodine as propellant is a huge game-changer for CubeSats, as iodine is stored in high-density solid form (4.9g/cc vs. xenon\u27s 1.95g/cc at 2000psi) devoid of bulky pressure vessels. The solid storage property makes iodine-fueled propulsion systems safe and facilitates compliance with range safety requirements, which is especially important for secondary payloads. The sub-Torr storage vapor pressure also allows for thin-walled, lightweight and conformal tanks that could further reduce the overall volume and mass budget impact without compromising performance. For example, Lunar IceCube\u27s tightly packaged 2U iodine BIT-3 system can provide more than 2km/s delta-V to a 6U/14kg CubeSat for lunar or other deep-space missions. Such unprecedented capability can help increase the practicality and appeal of CubeSats alike, ultimately gaining acceptance within the science community as a viable platform for future robotic exploration missions to destinations currently unachievable with small satellites