594 research outputs found

    Hemoglobin modulation affects physiology and patient reported outcomes in anemic and non-anemic subjects: an umbrella review

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    Background:An abnormal hemoglobin concentration has a substantial effect on a person's quality of life and physiology. Lack of tools that effectively evaluate hemoglobin-related outcomes leads to uncertainty regarding optimal hemoglobin levels, transfusion thresholds and treatment targets. We therefore aim to summarize reviews that assess the effects of hemoglobin modulation on the human physiology at various baseline hemoglobin levels, and identify gaps in existing evidence. Methods:We conducted an umbrella review of systematic reviews. PubMed, MEDLINE (OVID), Embase, Web of Science, Cochrane Library and Emcare were searched from inception to the 15th of April 2022 for studies that reported on physiological and patient reported outcomes following a hemoglobin change. Results:Thirty-three reviews were included of which 7 were scored as of high quality and 24 of critically low quality using the AMSTAR-2 tool. The reported data generally show that an increase in hemoglobin leads to improvement of patient reported and physical outcomes in anaemic and non-anaemic subjects. At lower hemoglobin levels, the effect of a hemoglobin modulation on quality of life measures appears more pronounced. Conclusion:This overview has revealed many knowledge gaps due to a lack of high-quality evidence. For chronic kidney disease patients, a clinically relevant benefit of increasing the hemoglobin levels up until 12 g/dL was found. However, a personalized approach remains necessary due to the many patient-specific factors that affect outcomes. We strongly encourage future trials to incorporate physiological outcomes as objective parameters together with subjective, but still very important, patient reported outcome measures.Immunobiology of allogeneic stem cell transplantation and immunotherapy of hematological disease

    Cell and gene therapy workforce development: the role of the International Society for Cell & Gene Therapy (ISCT) in the creation of a sustainable and skilled workforce in Europe

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    Advanced therapy medicinal products; Career development; TrainingMedicamentos de terapia avanzada; Desarrollo profesional; FormaciónMedicaments de teràpia avançada; Desenvolupament professional; FormacióThe development and production of cell gene and tissue (CGT)-based therapies requires a specialized workforce. Entering the CGT arena is complex because it involves different scientific and biomedical aspects (e.g., immunology, stem cell biology and transplantation), as well as knowledge of regulatory affairs and compliance with pharmaceutical quality standards. Currently, both industry and academia are facing a worldwide workforce shortage, whereas only a handful of educational and training initiatives specifically address the peculiarities of CGT product development, the procurement of substances of human origin, the manufacturing process itself and clinical monitoring and biovigilance. The training offered by traditional Master's and PhD programs is not suited for training a skilled workforce ready to enter the increasingly fast-growing CGT field. Indeed, typically these programs are of long duration and only partially cover the required competencies, whereas the demand for a specialized workforce relentlessly increases. In this paper, we (i) present and discuss our understanding of the roots of current growth acceleration of the CGT field; (ii) anticipate future workforce needs due to the expected increase of marketed CGT-based therapies and (iii) evaluate potential solutions that seek to adapt, develop and implement current educational and training initiatives. Importantly for these solutions, we call for scientific societies, such as the International Society for Cell & Gene Therapy, to play a more active role and act as catalysers for new initiatives, building bridges between academia and Industry to establish effective educational and training programs that will engage and prepare a new generation of qualified professionals for entry into the CGT field

    Risk Factors for Alloimmunisation after red blood Cell Transfusions (R-FACT): a case cohort study

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    INTRODUCTION: Individuals exposed to red blood cell alloantigens through transfusion, pregnancy or transplantation may produce antibodies against the alloantigens. Alloantibodies can pose serious clinical problems such as delayed haemolytic reactions and logistic problems, for example, to obtain timely and properly matched transfusion blood for patients in which new alloantibodies are detected. OBJECTIVE: The authors hypothesise that the particular clinical conditions (eg, used medication, concomitant infection, cellular immunity) during which transfusions are given may contribute to the risk of immunisation. The aim of this research was to examine the association between clinical, environmental and genetic characteristics of the recipient of erythrocyte transfusions and the risk against erythrocyte alloimmunisation during that transfusion episode. METHODS AND ANALYSIS STUDY DESIGN: Incident case-cohort study. SETTING: Secondary care, nationwide study (within the Netherlands) including seven hospitals, from January 2005 to December 2011. STUDY POPULATION: Consecutive red cell transfused patients at the study centres. INCLUSION: The study cohort comprises of consecutive red blood cell transfused patients at the study centre. EXCLUSION: Patients with transfusions before the study period and/or pre-existing alloantibodies.Cases defined as first time alloantibody formers; Controls defined as transfused individuals matched (on number of transfusions) to cases and have not formed an alloantibody. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: Logistic regression models will be used to assess the association between the risk to develop antibodies and potential risk factors, adjusted for other risk factors. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: Approval at each local ethics regulatory committee will be obtained. Data will be coded for privacy reasons. Patients will be sent a letter and an information brochure explaining the purpose of the study. A consent form in presence of the study coordinator will be signed before the blood taking commences. Investigators will submit progress summary of the study to study sponsor regularly. Investigators will notify the accredited ethics board of the end of the study within a period of 8 weeks.Stemcel biology/Regenerative medicine (incl. bloodtransfusion

    Prevalence of iron deficiency and red blood cell transfusions in surgical patients

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    Background and Objectives  While iron deficiency (ID) is the most common cause of anaemia, little is known about the prevalence and type of ID in preoperative surgical patients. The aims of the present study were to investigate the prevalence and types of ID in a large cohort of surgical patients, and how these are related to perioperative blood use after correction for confounders such as haemoglobin level. Materials and Methods Data were retrospectively extracted from electronic case records of all patients who underwent elective surgery between September 2016 and November 2017 (n = 2711). Iron parameters, haemoglobin and details of perioperative red cell transfusions were collected. Results Of 2711 patients, 618 (22.8%) were iron deficient (= transferrin saturation [TSAT] = 30 mu g/L). Corrected for Hb level, iron-deficient patients received significantly more red cell units than patients without ID (p = 0.026). AID was not associated with a significantly higher incidence of transfusions (7.5% of patients transfused; p = 0.12 after correction for Hb) than patients without ID, whereas patients with functional/mixed deficiency did receive significantly more transfusions (6.1%; p = 0.021) as compared to patients without ID (1.7%). Conclusion Preoperative ID, in particular the functional/mixed type, was associated with a higher risk of receiving perioperative red cell transfusions as compared to patients without ID. Adequately treating ID might, therefore, reduce the need for perioperative red cell transfusions

    Platelet and Fibrin Deposition at the Damaged Vessel Wall: Cooperative Substrates for Neutrophil Adhesion Under Flow Conditions

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    At sites of vessel wall damage, the primary hemostatic reac- tion involves platelet and fibrin deposition. At these sites, circulating leukocytes marginate and become activated. Ad- hered platelets can support leukocyte localization; however, the role of fibrin in this respect is not known. We studied the adhesion of human neutrophils (polymorphonuclear leukocytes [PMNs]) to endothelial extracellular matrix (ECM)- bound fibrin and platelets under flow conditions. ECM alone did not show PMN adhesion. ECM-coated cover slips were perfused with plasma to form a surface-bound fibrin network, and/or with whole blood to allow platelet adhesion. Unstimulated PMNs adhered to fibrin at moderate shear stress (20 to 200 mPa). ECM-bound platelets induced rolling adhesion and allowed more PMNs to adhere at higher shear (320 mPa). ECM coated with both platelets and fibrin induced more static and shear-resistant PMN adhesion. PMN adhesion to fibrin alone but not to platelet/fibrin surfaces was inhibited by soluble fibrinogen. Adhesion to fibrin alone was inhibited by CD11b and CD18 blocking antibodies. Furthermore, fibrin formed under flow conditions showed up to threefold higher PMN adhesion compared with fibrin formed under static conditions, due to structural differences. These results indicate that circulating PMNs adhere to fibrin in an integrin-dependent manner at moderate shear stresses. However, at higher shear rates (Û200 mPa), additional mechanisms (ie, activated platelets) are necessary for an interac- tion of PMNs with a fibrin network

    Characterization of Eosinophil Adhesion to TNF-a-Activated Endothelium Under Flow Conditions: a4 Integrins Mediate Initial Attachment, and E-Selectin Mediates Rolling

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    The multistep model of leukocyte adhesion reveals that selectins mediate rolling interactions and that integrins mediate firm adhesion processes. In this study, the interaction between eosinophils and TNF-a-activated HUVEC (second or third passage) was studied under flow conditions (0.8 and 3.2 dynes/cm 2 ). Especially the role of a4 integrins on eosinophils and E-selectin on HUVEC was studied. Inhibition of the integrin a4 chain on eosinophils reduced the number of firmly adhered resting eosinophils to TNF-a-stimulated endothelium by 43% whereas the percentage rolling cells increased 2.2-fold compared with untreated control eosinophils. Blocking of E-selectin on the endothelium reduced the number of adherent eosinophils by only 23% and 16%. In this situation, however, hardly any rolling adhesion was observed, and the few rolling cells showed a low rolling velocity. Blocking both a4 integrin on eosinophils and E-selectin on HUVEC reduced the number of adhered eosinophils by 95%. P-selectin did not significantly participate in eosinophil adhesion to TNF-a-activated HUVEC. Inhibition of both a4 integrins and ß2 integrins on eosinophils resulted in a reduction of adhered cells by 65% and a 3-fold increase in percentage rolling cells. Taken together, these results clearly show that resting eosinophils preferentially use constitutively active a4 integrins ( a4 ß1 , a4 ß7 ) for the first attach-ment to TNF-a-activated HUVEC. In addition, a4 integrins and E-selectin work synergistically in eosinophil adherence to TNF-a-activated HUVEC. Although E-selectin is important for eosinophil rolling under these conditions, P-selectin plays only a minor role

    IL-8 Induces a Transient Arrest of Rolling Eosinophils on Human Endothelial Cells

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    Eosinophils exhibit a rolling interaction with E-selectin-expressing endothelium, and need to be activated by inflammatory me-diators to firmly adhere to this surface. This study shows that IL-8 induces a transient arrest of unprimed eosinophils that roll on E-selectin present on TNF-a-activated HUVEC in an in vitro flow chamber. This process was antagonized by neutralizing Abs directed against IL-8 showing the specificity of the IL-8 effect. Furthermore, blocking Abs against both a4 and ß2 integrins inhibited the IL-8-induced transient arrest while these Abs had no effect when they were added separately. The IL-8-induced arrest was pertussis toxin sensitive. Studying the effect of IL-8 in more detail, we evaluated putative changes in intracellular Ca^(2+) concentration in eosinophils induced by IL-8. We could show that IL-8 induces a transient rise in intracellular Ca^(2+) concentration in ~40% of the cells provided that the eosinophils are interacting with endothelial cells or fibronectin-coated surfaces. Together these data show that resting eosinophils respond to IL-8 provided that the cells adhere on physiological surfaces. The induction of a transient arrest provides a new level of chemokine-induced regulation of leukocyte adhesion under flow conditions

    Autologous platelet scintigraphy and clinical outcome of splenectomy in immune thrombocytopenia:A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Autologous platelet sequestration pattern is associated with post-splenectomy platelet response in patients with immune thrombocytopenia (ITP). However, published results are contradictory, and have not been systematically reviewed. Our aim is to systematically review and meta-analyse the association between sequestration pattern and post-splenectomy platelet response. Articles were selected from MEDLINE when they a) included ITP patients, b) performed scintigraphy, and c) included post-splenectomy platelet response. The 23 included studies (published between 1969-2018) represented 2966 ITP-patients. Response to splenectomy occurred most frequently in patients with a splenic pattern (87.1 % in splenic versus 47.1 % in mixed and 25.5 % in hepatic patterns). A pooled analysis of 8 studies showed an odds ratio of 14.21 (95 % CI: 3.65-55.37) for platelet response in the splenic versus the hepatic group. Our findings indicate that a splenic sequestration pattern is associated with better response after splenectomy. Platelet sequestration patterns may be useful in the clinical decision-making regarding splenectomy.Immunobiology of allogeneic stem cell transplantation and immunotherapy of hematological disease