4 research outputs found

    Yield and quality of rapeseed seeds depending on genotype and cultivation conditions

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    U radu je dat prikaz rezultata pokusa s različitim sortimentom i agrotehničkim mjerama u cilju proučavanja postizanja visokih prinosa i dobivanja kvalitetnog sjemena uljane repice, kao i ocjena mogućnosti monitoringa genetički modificiranih biljaka, koji se kontinuirano provode u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sadu. Osim poznavanja genotipova i uvjeta vanjske sredine, neophodni su uvjeti za postizanje tih ciljeva prilagođavanje načina pripreme zemljišta, vremena sjetve, žetve i gnojenja zemljišnim i klimatskim uvjetima svake regije. Također, vrlo važan dio u postupku proizvodnje sjemena dobre kvalitete jest i stalno praćenje prisustva genetske modiikacije u sjemenu i prehrambenim proizvodima od uljane repice.The paper presents the results of the experiment with different assortment and agrotechnical measures in the goal of studying the achievement of high yields and obtaining rapeseed seed of high quality, as well as evaluating the possibility of monitoring genetically modified crops, which are conducted continuously in the Institute for field crops and vegetable growing in Novi Sad. Except for having the knowledge of the genotypes and conditions of external environment, adjusting the manner of preparing the soil, time of sowing, harvesting and fertilizing to soil and weather conditions of each area are necessary for achieving these goals. Also, a very important part in the procedure of producing the seed of good quality is also a constant monitoring of the presence of genetic modification in the seed and food products of rapeseed

    Postharvest changes of rapeseed oil quality as affected by storage conditions

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    The aim of this study was to test whether variations in storage conditions throughout one year affect quality of oil of five different rapeseed genotypes (NS Vid, NS Pek, AMJ3, Traviata, NS Ras) harvested from three localities in Serbia (Pancevo, Rimski Sancevi, Sombor). Harvested seeds were stored in a cold room with invariable conditions (4±1°C, 60% humidity) and store room with variable conditions (up to 5°C higher than environmental). Oil samples were obtained by cold pressing rapeseed 0, 6 and 12 months after the harvest and further analyses were performed to monitor content and composition of fatty acids, tocopherols and antioxidant capacity (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical scavenging activity assay). The fatty acid composition was determined by gas chromatography coupled with a flame ionizing detector after derivatization to their volatile methyl esters. Quantification of tocopherols was carried out using high performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection

    Yield and quality of rapeseed seeds depending on genotype and cultivation conditions

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    U radu je dat prikaz rezultata pokusa s različitim sortimentom i agrotehničkim mjerama u cilju proučavanja postizanja visokih prinosa i dobivanja kvalitetnog sjemena uljane repice, kao i ocjena mogućnosti monitoringa genetički modificiranih biljaka, koji se kontinuirano provode u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sadu. Osim poznavanja genotipova i uvjeta vanjske sredine, neophodni su uvjeti za postizanje tih ciljeva prilagođavanje načina pripreme zemljišta, vremena sjetve, žetve i gnojenja zemljišnim i klimatskim uvjetima svake regije. Također, vrlo važan dio u postupku proizvodnje sjemena dobre kvalitete jest i stalno praćenje prisustva genetske modiikacije u sjemenu i prehrambenim proizvodima od uljane repice.The paper presents the results of the experiment with different assortment and agrotechnical measures in the goal of studying the achievement of high yields and obtaining rapeseed seed of high quality, as well as evaluating the possibility of monitoring genetically modified crops, which are conducted continuously in the Institute for field crops and vegetable growing in Novi Sad. Except for having the knowledge of the genotypes and conditions of external environment, adjusting the manner of preparing the soil, time of sowing, harvesting and fertilizing to soil and weather conditions of each area are necessary for achieving these goals. Also, a very important part in the procedure of producing the seed of good quality is also a constant monitoring of the presence of genetic modification in the seed and food products of rapeseed

    Brašno - Kruh '13

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    The "Flour-Bread '13“ Congress topics were the following: breeding and quality of cereal grains, grain storage and milling technology, analytical and rheological methods, baking technology, improvers and additives, starch and modified starch, extrusion and pasta production, biscuit and pastry products, nutritional quality of cereals, cereal food safety and cereal based functional foods