34 research outputs found

    Steganographic Integration of the Data Collected on the Traffic Road

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    The surveillance system video structure represents a suitable medium for steganographic integration of the collected data about the condition of the road and its environment. The surveillance video retains the function of visual presentation of the condition on the road, and the integrated textual data are a component of the video recording structure. The analysis of the steganographically processed video frames indicates the impact on the integrated textual data, the video quality and the impact of manipulation of data on the integrated data. The work uses steganographic algorithm F5 for integration of various amounts of compressed textual files into image recordings recorded under various conditions. In order to prove that integrated and extracted data have identical content, cryptographic and polynomial functions have been used. For the calculations of statistical properties of the values of red, green, blue and intensity component the model was used formed in the MATLAB / Simulink applications

    Određivanje dostupnosti elemenata poštanske mreže pomoću primjene gravitacijske metode

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    The accessibility of postal services is guaranteed by international and domestic regulations. Regulating certain density of postal network elements is the most commonly used mechanism that enables the accessibility of postal services to residents of a given country. Commonly used regulatory measures (criteria) are mainly adopted and supervised by regulatory bodies in the postal services market. This paper analyzes the application of the concept of spatial accessibility in the postal system as well as the analysis of the spatial characteristics of the selected research area. Gravity method was used to calculate the accessibility indicator of postal network elements, and therefore postal services.Dostupnost poštanskih usluga zajamčena je međunarodnim i nacionalnim zakonskim odredbama. Regulacija određene gustoće elemenata poštanske mreže mehanizam je koji se najčešće koristi u ostvarivanju dostupnosti poštanskih usluga stanovnicima određene zemlje. Općenito korištene regulativne mjere (kriteriji) uglavnom se usvajaju i nadgledaju od strane regulativnih tijela na tržištu poštanskih usluga. U ovom se radu analizira primjena koncepta prostorne dostupnosti u poštanskom sustavu, te se analiziraju prostorne karakteristike odabranih istraživanih područja. Pomoću gravitacijske metode napravljen je izračun indikatora dostupnosti elemenata poštanske mreže i poštanskih usluga

    Integration of Transport-relevant Data within Image Record of the Surveillance System

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    Integration of the collected information on the road within the image recorded by the surveillance system forms a unified source of transport-relevant data about the supervised situation. The basic assumption is that the procedure of integration changes the image to the extent that is invisible to the human eye, and the integrated data keep identical content. This assumption has been proven by studying the statistical properties of the image and integrated data using mathematical model modelled in the programming language Python using the combinations of the functions of additional libraries (OpenCV, NumPy, SciPy and Matplotlib). The model has been used to compare the input methods of meta-data and methods of steganographic integration by correcting the coefficients of Discrete Cosine Transform JPEG compressed image. For the procedures of steganographic data processing the steganographic algorithm F5 was used. The review paper analyses the advantages and drawbacks of the integration methods and present the examples of situations in traffic in which the formed unified sources of transport-relevant information could be used.</p


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    The paper deals with the research of traffic and transport phenomena in the field of traffic technology and with the recognition of requirements and evaluation of establishing a quality system. The scientific and technological research in the field of traffic and transport technology with a scientific and applicative contribution have to include an integrated systemic approach and formalized description of the studied system obtained by using systemic methodologies. Identification of stakeholders is of special importance. Quality indicators defined and differentiated at the level of single stakeholder groups determine the quality of the traffic system and the generated services on the transport market. 7hc scientific contribution of the paper reflects clear and unambiguous connection of stakeholders and definition of business excellence as their development strategy integrating three aspects: technical aspects and efficiency, time harmony and reliability as well as transport safety and security. The paper provides an original definition of activities needed to achieve business excellence in the area of traffic technology. The model represents the basis for further scientific and technological research of interoperative technological activities in the development of science and traffic as a whole.Rad se bavi istraživanjem prometnog fenomena u području tehnologije prometa te prepoznavanjem potreba i valorizacijom uspostave sustava kvalitete. Znanstvena i tehnološka istraživanja u području tehnologije prometa, sa znanstvenim i aplikativnim doprinosom, moraju uključivati integrirani sustavni pristup i formaliziran opis istraživanog sustava dobiven korištenjem sustavnih metodologija. Posebno važno je identificiranje interesnih skupina koje prema pokazateljima kvalitete definiranim i diferenciranim na razini pojedine interesne skupine determiniraju kvalitetu prometnog sustava i generiranih usluga na transportnom tržištu. Znanstveni doprinos rada odražava jasno i jednoznačno povezivanje interesnih skupina i definiranje poslovne izvrsnosti kao njihove razvojne strategije koja integrira tri aspekta: tehnički aspekti i učinkovitost, vremenski sklad i pouzdanost te transport safety and security. U radu su originalno definirane radnje u cilju postizanja poslovne izvrsnosti u području tehnologije prometa. Model predstavlja podlogu daljnjih znanstvenih i tehnoloških istraživanja interoperabilnih tehnoloških aktivnosti u razvoju znanosti i prometa u cjelini

    Application of catchment area method for determining post office accessibility: case study Bjelovar-Bilogora County

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    Dostupnost pristupnih točaka u poštanskom sustavu važan je aspekt koji davatelji usluga, kao i regulatorna tijela trebaju uzeti u obzir pri planiranju kapaciteta poštanskih mreža. To je važno za pružanje univerzalne poštanske usluge. U ovome radu dostupnost poštanskih ureda određena je primjenom metode plutajućeg područja obuhvata u dva koraka (2SFCA). Geografski informacijski sustav (GIS) korišten je za prostornu analizu poštanske mreže, lokacija, izračun udaljenosti, primjenu metode i prikaz rezultata. Kriterijima iz postojećega regulatornog okvira definira se područje obuhvata.Accessibility of postal access points is an important part that service providers, as well as regulatory bodies should consider when planning postal network capacities. This is important for the provision of the universal postal service. In this paper, accessibility of post offices is determined by the application of the Two Step Floating Catchment Area method (2SFCA). Geographic Information System (GIS) was used for spatial analysis of postal network, locations, calculation of distances, application of the method and presentation of the results. The current regulatory framework is validated by using catchment area derived from the regulatory criterion

    Postal Network Feature Analysis in the Bjelovar-Bilogora County

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    Prema važećem regulatornom okviru, univerzalna usluga u poštanskom sustavu mora biti dostupna svim građanima Republike Hrvatske, neovisno o njihovu geografskom položaju, pod jednakim i transparentnim uvjetima. Davatelj univerzalne usluge mora ustrojiti poštansku mrežu tako da elementi poštanske mreže budu dostupni svim građanima. Dostupnost elemenata poštanske mreže i usluga osigurava se regulatornim kriterijima (međunarodnim i domaćim propisima) koje davatelj univerzalne usluge mora ispunjavati. Funkcioniranje poštanske mreže u ruralnim područjima zahtjevno je jer mreža mora osigurati dostupnost radi ispunjavanja obveze univerzalne usluge i u uvjetima smanjene gospodarske aktivnosti. U radu je provedena analiza stanja dostupnosti poštanske mreže u Bjelovarsko-bilogorskoj županiji. To će omogućiti i analizu regulatornih kriterija te njihov utjecaj na stvarnu dostupnost usluge.According to the regulatory framework, universal service in the postal system ought to be accessible to all citizens of the Republic of Croatia under equal and transparent conditions, regardless of their geographical position. The universal service provider has to establish the postal network in such a way that the elements thereof be accessible to all citizens. The accessibility of the elements of the postal network and services is ensured by regulatory criteria (international and domestic regulations) that the universal service provider ought to fulfil. The organisation of the postal network in rural areas is rather demanding, since the network has to ensure accessibility in order to fulfil the universal service obligation even under the conditions of reduced economic activity. The paper analyses the status of postal network accessibility in the Bjelovar-Bilogora County. This will also enable the analysis of the regulatory criteria and their impact on the actual accessibility of the postal service

    Accessibility of Universal Postal Service According to Access Points Density Criteria: Case Study of Bjelovar-Bilogora County, Croatia

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    Universal service providers have an obligation to provide a minimum required set of postal services – known as universal service obligation. To ensure universal service obligation, regulatory measures (criteria) which service providers must fulfil are often set up. In this paper, a geographical analysis of these criteria is conducted using current regulatory framework in the Republic of Croatia as an example. Based on the framework of the gravity model, accessibility of postal service is presented. The goal of the proposed research is to investigate the application of the gravity model for determining postal service accessibility, with special emphasis on rural areas. To our knowledge, this method has not been used in previous studies to determine accessibility of postal services. The results of the applied model could be used in future planning of access density criteria with various transportation modes

    Impact of Covid-19 on the Logistics Sector of Public Postal Operators in The Western Balkans

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has a direct impact on the social, economic, political, and other segments of society through a large number of lockdowns in 2020 and 2021. The largest postal and logistics companies as an integral part of the supply chain have been directly affected by the Covid 19 pandemic. Disruption in the supply chain significantly affects the movement of goods and the economic development of countries. This paper investigates the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on the logistics sector, with special emphasis on public postal operators (PPO) in some countries of the Western Balkans (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, and Serbia). The paper analyzes the movement of express shipments in domestic transport, as well as imports and exports for 2020. There is almost no research on the implications of the covid-19 pandemic on the postal and logistics sectors of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, and Serbia. The aim of this research is to understand the impact of the pandemic on this sector