
The paper deals with the research of traffic and transport phenomena in the field of traffic technology and with the recognition of requirements and evaluation of establishing a quality system. The scientific and technological research in the field of traffic and transport technology with a scientific and applicative contribution have to include an integrated systemic approach and formalized description of the studied system obtained by using systemic methodologies. Identification of stakeholders is of special importance. Quality indicators defined and differentiated at the level of single stakeholder groups determine the quality of the traffic system and the generated services on the transport market. 7hc scientific contribution of the paper reflects clear and unambiguous connection of stakeholders and definition of business excellence as their development strategy integrating three aspects: technical aspects and efficiency, time harmony and reliability as well as transport safety and security. The paper provides an original definition of activities needed to achieve business excellence in the area of traffic technology. The model represents the basis for further scientific and technological research of interoperative technological activities in the development of science and traffic as a whole.Rad se bavi istraživanjem prometnog fenomena u području tehnologije prometa te prepoznavanjem potreba i valorizacijom uspostave sustava kvalitete. Znanstvena i tehnološka istraživanja u području tehnologije prometa, sa znanstvenim i aplikativnim doprinosom, moraju uključivati integrirani sustavni pristup i formaliziran opis istraživanog sustava dobiven korištenjem sustavnih metodologija. Posebno važno je identificiranje interesnih skupina koje prema pokazateljima kvalitete definiranim i diferenciranim na razini pojedine interesne skupine determiniraju kvalitetu prometnog sustava i generiranih usluga na transportnom tržištu. Znanstveni doprinos rada odražava jasno i jednoznačno povezivanje interesnih skupina i definiranje poslovne izvrsnosti kao njihove razvojne strategije koja integrira tri aspekta: tehnički aspekti i učinkovitost, vremenski sklad i pouzdanost te transport safety and security. U radu su originalno definirane radnje u cilju postizanja poslovne izvrsnosti u području tehnologije prometa. Model predstavlja podlogu daljnjih znanstvenih i tehnoloških istraživanja interoperabilnih tehnoloških aktivnosti u razvoju znanosti i prometa u cjelini

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