12 research outputs found

    Research on the length of passing distance in the real traffic flow

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    U okviru rada provedeno je istraživanje i analiza duljine puta pretjecanja u realnom prometnom toku na dionicama dvosmjernih dvotračnih cesta. Na osnovi duljine puta pretjecanja definira se pretjecajna preglednost i zone zabranjenog pretjecanja. Preporučene vrijednosti pretjecajne preglednosti iz pravilnika i preporuka o projektiranju cesta često nisu usklađene s duljinom pretjecanja koja se ostvaruje u realnom prometnom toku. Istraživanjem koje je provedeno za potrebe ovog rada utvrđeno je da su duljine puta pretjecanja u realnom prometnom toku znatno kraće u odnosu na vrijednosti koje se dobivaju prema matematičkim modelima.This paper presents research and analysis of the length of passing distance in the real traffic flow on the sections of two-way two-lane roads. Values of passing sight distance recommended by road design rulebooks and recommendations are often not consistent with the length of passing distance which occurs in the real traffic flow. In the research conducted for this study, it was found that the passing distance in real traffic flow are significantly shorter than the values obtained by mathematical models

    Utjecaji kondenzacije na putujuće poremećaje u tropima

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    The purpose of this study is to diagnose the effect of condensation on propagating signals in the tropics in a relatively simple general circulation model based on a spectral primitive equation model. The study was performed in two stages: validating the model used by comparing long runs of this simple GCM with observational data, and then performing short runs of the model in perturbation form to study the response to a short-lived heating anomaly in the Indian Ocean. The tools used for an alysis are time-mean states of there presentative variables and Hovmƶller diagrams and Wheeler-Kiladis space-time spectra in order to distinguish the propagating signals in time and to detect their spectral peaks in the wave number-frequency domain. During the study two aspects of realistic models were explored, using increasingly realistic basic states and adding physical processes which in this case was the latent heating due to condensation. The analysis of both effects was conducted by running the model with and without the condensation and by using different basic states for each experiment. As we progressed from the simpler to the more complex basic states it was observed that the condensation has an increasing effect. In the simplest experiment with a resting basic state two signals were present: a slower signal with a period of 12-13 days and a faster with a period of 7-8 days. In this case adding condensation heating made little difference to either signal,but then with a 3-d basic state the condensation heating amplifies the slower signals,and a period of 30-40 days also emerges,consistent with the behaviour of the simple GCM. The results presented indicate that both the condensation heating and the complexity of the basic state have an effect on the propagation of the signals. While further analysis is needed, the results lead us to the conclusion that rather than modifying the propagation characteristics gradually, condensation heating acts to select slower modes

    Research on the length of passing distance in the real traffic flow

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    U okviru rada provedeno je istraživanje i analiza duljine puta pretjecanja u realnom prometnom toku na dionicama dvosmjernih dvotračnih cesta. Na osnovi duljine puta pretjecanja definira se pretjecajna preglednost i zone zabranjenog pretjecanja. Preporučene vrijednosti pretjecajne preglednosti iz pravilnika i preporuka o projektiranju cesta često nisu usklađene s duljinom pretjecanja koja se ostvaruje u realnom prometnom toku. Istraživanjem koje je provedeno za potrebe ovog rada utvrđeno je da su duljine puta pretjecanja u realnom prometnom toku znatno kraće u odnosu na vrijednosti koje se dobivaju prema matematičkim modelima.This paper presents research and analysis of the length of passing distance in the real traffic flow on the sections of two-way two-lane roads. Values of passing sight distance recommended by road design rulebooks and recommendations are often not consistent with the length of passing distance which occurs in the real traffic flow. In the research conducted for this study, it was found that the passing distance in real traffic flow are significantly shorter than the values obtained by mathematical models

    Modeling of dual dry clutch thermal dynamics

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