13 research outputs found

    Postignuća u znanosti o moru tijekom hrvatsko-poljske GIS suradnje (1994-2013)

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    The paper presents a range of research carried out for the marine sciences using the GIS applications, which are documented scientific achievements of twenty years of Croatian-Polish cooperation in the field of geographic information systems. The resultant body of work includes, inter alia, scientific publications that are the effect of twenty international conferences organized in the framework of said cooperation efforts. The study included articles published in 1994 to 2013. An analysis of selected articles was done in accordance with the accepted range of topics in order to categorize and define the research extent. Among the distinguished six subject categories most of the articles were concerned with: marine policy strategy, marine engineering, marine biology, marine physics and some of them in marine fisheries and marine chemistry.Rad daje pregled obavljenih istraživanja u području znanosti o moru upotrebom GIS alata, nastalih tijekom 20-godiÅ”nje Hrvatsko-Poljske suradnje u području primjene zemljopisnih informacijskih sustava. Rezultirajući opus uključuje, između ostalog, znanstvene radove koji su izloženi na dvadeset međunarodnih skupova organiziranih u okviru gore spomenute suradnje. Ovdje je datpregled radova objavljenih u razdoblju od 1994. do 2013. godine. Odabrani radovi su klasificirani po prihvaćenim tematskim područjima, u sklopu kojih su kategorizirani i analizirani po temama. Većina se radova u sklopu Å”est prihvaćenih tematskih područja bavila: strategijom zaÅ”tite mora, pomorstvom, biologijom, fizikom i kemijom mora te ribarstvenom problematikom

    Prilog unapređenju postupaka za održavanje pomorskih karata inavigacijskih publikacija

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    TeÅ”koće u provođenju postupaka za održavanje pomorskih karata i navigacijskih publikacija (reambulacija u procesima hidrografskih organizacija) izravno utječu na usklađenost podataka na pomorskim kartama i navigacijskim publikacijama sa stvarnim stanjem u naravi. Ovaj je rad pokuÅ”aj doprinosa povećanju djelotvornosti reambulacijskih postupaka i u konačnici, viÅ”em stupnju točnosti dokumenata u izravnoj službi sigurnosti plovidbe. Predlažu se stanovite promjene u neposrednom terenskom radu koji obuhvaća akvatorij hidrografske izmjere, te u djelatnostima hidrografskih služba u izboru i obradama podataka iz reambulacija. Doprinos praksi svakako je određivanje odnosa reambulacije i hidrografske izmjere. Primjeren prostor posvećuje se razgraničenju redovitih reambulacijskih i izvanrednih postupaka

    Significance and Role of International Standards in Development of Croatian Nautical Tourism

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    The authors of this paper have systematically studied the trends of increasing demand in nautical tourism. The increasing demand is followed by a significant increase of threats to the environment, but also to boaters and their vessels participating in nautical activities. The authors emphasise the obligation to observe safety requirements through defined and controlled procedures in marinas and at sea and implementation of international standards during the stages of organisation of nautical economy, i. e. nautical tourism with complementary activities. The authors explicate the implementation of international standards for selecting locations for marinas, construction and equipment of marinas and vessels, training of boaters ā€“ skippers, business operations of subjects and objects of nautical tourism and promotion of their services. Special attention is given to safety standards and procedures during emergencies at sea and in the ports. Each vessel is expected to have a GPS (Global Positioning System) device and a box similar to a black box in aeroplanes which could be used for reconstructing accidents. Radar systems, AIS system (Automatic Identification System) and alarm systems will minimise the time for interventions. The intervention procedures at sea are currently being determined aimed at minimising the time, but improvements are still needed. Special attention is also given to activities related to resolving crises, analysis of the existing and the potential causes and to defining of preventive actions

    Planning and Selection of Location for the Nautical Tourism Port for Suistanable Development

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    U radu su definirana osnovna načela održivoga razvoja nautičkog turizma i predložene su mjere za prevladavanje negativnog odnosa između ekonomije i zaÅ”tite morskoga i obalnog okoliÅ”a. Determinirani su negativni učinci luka nautičkog turizma na morski okoliÅ” i podmorje, koje, zbog svog zadiranja u prostor, mogu utjecati na ekoloÅ”ki sustav. Polazeći od tehničko- -tehnoloÅ”ke opremljenosti i postojećih mogućnosti luka nautičkog turizma, definirani su osnovni smjerovi razvoja u suglasju s planovima i projektima razvoja, te čimbenici potrebni za njihovu provedbu. Naglasak je na uspostavi razvojne ravnoteže u tehničko-tehnoloÅ”kom, ekonom-skom i ekoloÅ”kom smislu. More i jadransko priobalje najveća su bogatstva Hrvatske u bilo kojem pogledu, pa se oni moraju Å”tititi i čuvati. Lociranje luka i industrijskih objekata na morskoj obali, neodgovarajuća građevinska izgradnja, neposredni ispusti otpadnih voda, naruÅ”avanje kvalitete obalnoga područja, prirodnih ljepota i gubljenje identiteta - glavni su uzročnici i negativni čimbenici pri ugrožavanju mora i priobalja. Jedan od izvora onečiŔćenja je i turizam, pri čemu posebno mjesto ima ubrzani razvoj nautičkoga turizma. Autori istražuju zaÅ”titu i očuvanje morskoga i obalnog okoliÅ”a koji je izložen gospodarskim aktivnostima, uz preporuku da razvojni planovi i projekti izgradnje i eksploatacije luka nautičkoga turizma budu u skladu s prihvaćenim ekoloÅ”kim standardima. Posebno se utvrđuju kriteriji i pretpostavke razvoja luka nautičkog turizma s aspekta zaÅ”tite morskoga i obalnog okoliÅ”aIn this paper the basic principles of sustainable development of nautical tourism have been described, and the measures have been proposed to overcome the negative relationship between economy and sea and coastal environment protection. The negative effects have been determined, which nautical tourism ports have on sea environment and submarine area, and which, because of their incursion in the space, may affect the environmental system. Analysing the technical and technological equipment and the existing possibilities of nautical tourism ports, the basic development directions have been determined, and the factors for their implementation. The emphasis has been put to establishing the balanced development in relation to technical, technological and ecological sense. The sea and Adriatic coast is the greatest Croatian national wealth and therefore has to be protected and controlled. Building ports and industrial objects on the seaside, inappropriate constructions, direct waste waters discharge, devastating the quality of the coastal area and natural beauties and losing identity are the main causes and negative factors of jeopardising sea and coast. One of the polluting sources is tourism and the fast development of nautical tourism in particular. The authors have examined the protection and preservation of sea and coastal environment which is subject to economic activities, with the recommendation that development plans and projects of construction and exploitation of nautical tourism ports should be in compliance with accepted environment standards. Criteria and assumptions of the development of nautical tourism ports in relation to the protection of the sea and coast have been determined


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    Morske granice mogu biti granice pojedinih morskih prostora država ili crte razgraničenja morskih i podmorskih prostora između država, kada se obale država nastavljaju jedna na drugu ili leže sučelice. U ovome se radu analiziraju sve granice u sjevernom Jadranu, dakle granice pojedinih morskih i podmorskih prostora obalnih država, granice morskih područja između država te posebice sporna pitanja razgraničenja između Hrvatske i Slovenije koje su započele pregovore neposredno nakon osamostaljenja, ali joÅ” uvijek nisu postigle konačno rjeÅ”enje. Istraživanje polazi od 1948., kada je donijet prvi jugoslavenski propis, Zakon o obalnom moru Federativne Narodne Republike Jugoslavije, kojim su prvi puta povučene ravne polazne crte duž hrvatskoga dijela Jadranskog mora (čl.3.) i određena Å”irina teritorijalnoga mora bivÅ”e države od 6 milja (čl. 5.), i zavrÅ”ava s 2009., donoÅ”enjem službenog e-Atlasa okolja Slovenije u kojemu je slovenska granica na moru (vanjska granica teritorijalnoga mora) ucrtana ispred hrvatske obale. KronoloÅ”ki je dat kartografski prikaz svih granica pojedinih morskih područja obalnih država u sjevernom Jadranu, utvrđene (povučene) granice morskih i podmorskih prostora između tih država, stajaliÅ”ta Hrvatske i Slovenije o spornom razgraničenju te karte njihovih jednostranih akata.Maritime boundaries can be boundaries of certain maritime areas of states, or delimitation lines of marine and submarine areas among states where the coasts of states continue on from one another or lie opposite each other. In this paper, all the boundaries in the North Adriatic are analysed, that is, the boundaries of certain marine and submarine areas of coastal states, as are the boundaries of maritime areas among states and, in particular, disputable questions of delimitation between Croatia and Slovenia whose negotiations commenced immediately after independence, but which have not culminated into a final solution. Research commenced with 1948 when the first Yugoslav regulation, the Coastal Sea of the Federal National Republic of Yugoslavia Act was enacted by which straight starting lines were drawn for the first time through the Croatian part of the Adriatic Sea (Art.3) and a width of 6 miles of territorial waters for the former state was determined (Art. 5), and ended in 2009 with the implementation of the official Slovenian e-atlas okolja (environmental e-atlas) in which the Slovenian maritime boundary (external boundary of territorial sea waters) was drawn in front of the Croatian coast. A cartographical analysis of all boundaries of certain maritime areas of coastal states in the North Adriatic was chronologically given, the boundaries of the marine and submarine areas among those states were determined (drawn), as were the standpoints of Croatia and Slovenia in the disputable delimitation, and the maps of their unilateral acts

    Patchy distribution of phytoplankton in a highly stratified estuary (the Zrmanja estuary, October 1998)

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    The abundance, biomass and species composition of phytoplankton were determined in relation to hydrographic conditions in the highly stratified Zrmanja Estuary, eastern Adriatic coast, Croatia, during the October 1998 episode of strong river outflow. Phytoplankton accumulated around the halo- cline in the middle portion of the estuary, where nanoplankton provided the dominant autotrophic constituent. Marine phytoplankton accumulated there due to more favorable light and nutrient conditions along the outflow plume, as well as reduced zooplankton grazing. Orthophosphate was detected as a limiting growth factor in the estuary. The phytoplankton species assemblages at the seaward and riverine ends of the estuary were made up of taxa with corresponding salinity preferences. A subsurface temperature maximum was detected in the middle portion of the estuary, due to the combined effect of radiative heating and reduced heat exchange at the halocline level, as well as the accumulation of suspended matter close to the halocline and selective absorption of solar radiation

    Contribution to the Development of the Model of Managing Reambulation in Ports

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    Maritime safety infonnation1 are also presented in the infonnationcontent of marine charts and navigational publications.From the navigation safety point it is important that duringnavigation ships are aware of all maritime safety infonnationimportant for navigation in ports they are intending to use.Infonnation content of marine charts and navigational publicationsshow the real situation. The real situation is partiallydynamic and changing. In order to monitor the changes hydrographicorganizations collect data about them. The data arecollected by hydrographic survey2 and by reambulation3ā€¢Ports are classified in a special category of hydrographicsurvey4ā€¢ Therefore, applying new methods and technologies inthe development of the system of managing reambulation inports is proposed. In order to develop such a system furtheranalysis is made of"- data to be collected,- necessary technical and technological equipment, and- planned activities of hydrographic organisations

    Contribution to the Development of General Model of Management and Strategic Decision-Making ...

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    It is assumed that in strategic decision-making in managingnautical tourism p01ts (NTP) various decisions are made onthe basis of desc1iptions, calculations, statistic, economic andother indicators, and also of inadequate number of precise indicators(Branch, A. E., 1998). Therefore, strategic decision-making is slightly uncertain, which, it is assumed, may bemodified. This article explores the new measuring elements.They are developed on the sample of 47 NTPs in the archipelagicsea of the Republic of Croatia. It is assumed that by applyingthe new measuring elements it will consequently result inlowering the unreliability of strategic managing, which willeventually increase the profit of NTP

    ā€œControlled and Managed Adventureā€ ā€“ Croatian Approach to the Development of Nautical Tourism in Croatia?

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    Ecological preservation of intact nature, of mystical and genuine Mediterranean cultural environment is the most crucial requirement for the development of nautics, but also for upgrading present capacities and complementary activities in the Adriatic. At the same time, preservation of natural beauties, intact bays, but also development of sufficient amenities in marinas for overnight stay, services and entertainment, requires such development strategy that will balance and show consideration for all these aspects. That could be called a ā€œdiscretely controlled and managed adventureā€ that will always have the price it has deserved. One has to bear in mind, though, that boaters primarily come in order to be at sea, that a marina is a necessary element of navigation, and that boaters want to spend the major part of their time aboard, in the sphere of ā€œadventureā€. The leading part in implementing this decision lies with government bodies that have to be able to adapt the boatersā€™ desire for high services to local specific aspects. Nautics has to be administered, but administrative and expert entities have not proved to be the best solution. It may be assumed that the development one of the institutions into a body permanently responsible for monitoring, analyses and expert proposals could be a solution that would find place in the current vacant space between performers (mostly private companies) and administration (few and inadequately qualified). Also, strict standards have to be determined and controlling system established, so that attractiveness is kept, while sustainable and controlled development of the littoral and islands is enabled