15 research outputs found

    Registri bolesnika s hroničnim opstruktivnim bolestima pluća ā€“ zaÅ”to su važni?

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    COPD is most probably not just a single disease, but a syndrome made up of numerous individual overlapping diseases. The concept of phenotyping COPD patients would not be feasible without major population-based studies and patient registries. The aim of setting up a COPD registry has been defined as the need to establish the disease prevalence, phenotype incidence, clinical features, co-morbidities, treatment specificities, together with monitoring of the diseaseā€™s natural course and its outcome on a large sample of patients. In Serbia, an online registry of COPD patients has been operational since 2016, and the recent insight (before the manuscriptā€™s submission) shows over 4,200 entries. Analysis of the population of patients entered shows that an average patient is male (63%), smoker or ex-smoker (90.48%), over 60 years of age (82.01%). Pulmonary function analysis shows that the majority of enrolled patients (82%) have moderate to severe obstruction, with an average FEV1 of 52.82% of the predicted value, while 45% of patients have FEV1 value below 50% of the predicted value. The Charlson Comorbidity Index shows that half of the patients (49.97%) have one comorbidity. Most common comorbidities are arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, liver disease, congestive heart failure, and coronary ischemic disease. Comorbidities such as osteoporosis, depression, and anxiety have been reported very rarely. The phenotype analysis showed equal shares of two predominant groups: non-exacerbators (51.12%), and exacerbators (48.88%) within which there are groups of patients with pulmonary emphysema (34.35%) and patients with chronic bronchitis (14.53%). The data indicate that strategy for COPD treatment in our environment is changing towards adoption of modern recommendations and guidelines for treatment of this disease. The data enable a comprehensive insight into the disease and drawing up of feasible treatment strategies that give us hope for success.HOBP verovatno nije samo jedna bolest već sindrom sačinjen od brojnih, pojedinačnih bolesti koje se preklapaju. Koncept fenotipizacije pacijenata sa HOBP-om ne bi bio moguć bez velikih, populacionih studija i registara pacijenata. Cilj kreiranja registara pacijenata sa HOBP-om je definisan potrebom da se na velikom uzorku utvrdi prevalenca bolesti, učestalost fenotipova, kliničke karakteristike, komorbiditeti, specifičnosti terapije, uz praćenje prirodnog toka bolesti do njenog ishoda. U Srbiji od 2016. godine postoji elektronski (onlajn) registar pacijenata sa hroničnom opstruktivnom boleŔću pluća, koji je u momentu pisanja ovog teksta brojao viÅ”e od 4200 unosa. Analiza populacije pacijenta unetih u registar HOBP-a ukazuje na to da je prosečan pacijent muÅ”karac (63% pacijenata), puÅ”ač ili bivÅ”i puÅ”ač (ukupno 90,48% pacijenata), stariji od 60 godina (82,01% pacijenata). Analiza plućne funkcije pokazuje da većina pacijenata (82%) ima umerenu i srednje teÅ”ku opstrukciju, sa prosečnom vrednoŔću FEV1 od 52,82% predviđene vrednosti, dok 45% pacijenata ima vrednost FEV1 nižu od 50% predviđene vrednosti. Čarlsonov indeks komorbiditeta je pokazao da polovina pacijenata (49,97%) ima jedan komorbiditet. Najučestaliji komorbiditeti su: arterijska hipertenzija, dijabetes melitus, bolesti jetre, kongestivna srčana slabost i koronarna ishemijska bolest. Komorbiditeti poput osteoporoze, depresije i anksioznosti su vrlo retko prijavljivani. U pogledu fenotipova zapaža se da je učestalost dve dominirajuće grupe bolesnika izjednačena: grupa neegzacerbatora (51,12%), zatim egzacerbatora (48,88%), u okviru kojih se nalaze grupe pacijenata sa emfizemom pluća sa 34,35% zastupljenosti i pacijenata sa hroničnim bronhitisom sa 14,53% zastupljenosti. Podaci ukazuju na to da se strategija lečenja HOBP-a u naÅ”oj sredini ipak menja, uz usvajanje savremenih preporuka i smernica za lečenje ove bolesti. Ovakvi podaci nam omogućavaju da sagledamo bolest iz svih uglova i kreiramo realno izvodljive strategije lečenja koje daju nadu za postizanje uspeha

    Impact of inhalation therapy on the incidence of carious lesions in patients with asthma and COPD

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the incidence of carious lesions, the amount of salivary flow rate and pH value in patients with asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD), using inhalation therapy. The obtained results were compared with the results of adult healthy subjects, forming a control group. Material and Methods: The study included 80 participants aging between 18 and 65 years. The experimental group (EG) was comprised of 40 participants, previously diagnosed with asthma or COPD undergoing inhalation therapy for more than five years. The control group (CG), comprised of 40 participants, mirrored the same age and gender status of the EG. Dental status was determined by decayed, missing, and filled teeth (DMFT index). Quantity and pH value of saliva were determined in the laboratory. Results: In the EG, the mean value of the salivary flow rate and pH value were statistically significantly lower than in the CG (p<0.001). Patients in the EG had a higher value of DMFT index when compared with the CG, although the difference was not statistically significant (p=0.199). Mean number of decayed teeth, as well as missing teeth, in the EG was statistically significantly higher than in the CG (p<0.001). Mean number of filled teeth in the EG was statistically significantly lower than in the CG (p<0.001). Conclusion: It was found that patients undergoing inhalation therapy face increasing risk of dental caries due to the lower salivary flow rate and pH value along with the inhalation therapy. They should receive intensive preventive care, including oral hygiene instruction and dietary advice

    Chilaiditi's sign and syndrome: Theoretical facts and a case report

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    Introduction. Chilaiditi's syndrome is a rare condition manifested by gastrointestinal symptoms, and radiologically verified by transposition of the large intestine loop. This radiological finding with no manifested symptoms is termed the Chilaiditi's sign. The aim of this case report was to remind the clinicians of the possibility of this rare syndrome, whose symptoms and signs may be misinterpreted and inadequately treated, with consequent diverse complications. Case report. We presented the theoretical facts and a patient in whom the diagnosis of Chilaiditi's syndrome was established incidentally, when hospitalized for an exacerbation of his chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The Chilaiditi's sign was verified as an incidental finding on chest X-ray performed to evaluate the primary disease. Conclusion. Chilaiditi's syndrome is a benign condition which rarely requires surgery. Its clinical importance lies in adequate differential diagnostic approach and timely management of potentially serious complications

    Intrathoracic malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor with poor outcome: a case report

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    We report a case of intrathoracic malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor in a 65-year old woman revealed after a few-month history of progressive dyspnea, appetite and body mass loss. The chest magnetic resonance (MR) examination revealed the presence of a large tumor occupying the mediastinum and a major portion of the right hemithorax. The diagnostic tumor sample was obtained by parasternal biopsy in local anesthesia. The surgical resection of the tumor could not be performed due to its excessive size, intrathoracic involvement and bad respiratory reserves of a patient. The chemotherapy and irradiation were performed as palliative measures. The lethal outcome appeared 10 months after the diagnosis was established

    Patient-related independent clinical risk factors for early complications following Nd: YAG laser resection of lung cancer

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    Introduction: Neodymium:yttrium aluminum garnet (Nd:YAG) laser resection is one of the most established interventional pulmonology techniques for immediate debulking of malignant central airway obstruction (CAO). The major aim of this study was to investigate the complication rate and identify clinical risk factors for complications in patients with advanced lung cancer. Methods: In the period from January 2006 to January 2011, data sufficient for analysis were identified in 464 patients. Nd:YAG laser resection due to malignant CAO was performed in all patients. The procedure was carried out in general anesthesia. Complications after laser resection were defined as severe hypoxemia, global respiratory failure, arrhythmia requiring treatment, hemoptysis, pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum, pulmonary edema, tracheoesophageal fistulae, and death. Risk factors were defined as acute myocardial infarction within 6 months before treatment, hypertension, chronic arrhythmia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), stabilized cardiomyopathy, previous external beam radiotherapy, previous chemotherapy, and previous interventional pulmonology treatment. Results : There was 76.1% male and 23.9% female patients in the study, 76.5% were current smokers, 17.2% former smokers, and 6.3% of nonsmokers. The majority of patients had squamous cell lung cancer (70%), small cell lung cancer was identified in 18.3%, adenocarcinoma in 3.4%, and metastases from lung primary in 8.2%. The overall complication rate was 8.4%. Statistically significant risk factors were age (P = 0.001), current smoking status (P = 0.012), arterial hypertension (P < 0.0001), chronic arrhythmia (P = 0.034), COPD (P < 0.0001), and stabilized cardiomyopathy (P < 0.0001). Independent clinical risk factors were age over 60 years (P = 0.026), arterial hypertension (P < 0.0001), and COPD (P < 0.0001). Conclusion : Closer monitoring of patients with identified risk factors is advisable prior and immediately after laser resection. In order to avoid or minimize complications, special attention should be directed toward patients who are current smokers, over 60 years of age, with arterial hypertension or COPD

    Impact of inhalation therapy on the incidence of carious lesions in patients with asthma and COPD

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    Abstract Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the incidence of carious lesions, the amount of salivary flow rate and pH value in patients with asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD), using inhalation therapy. The obtained results were compared with the results of adult healthy subjects, forming a control group. Material and Methods: The study included 80 participants aging between 18 and 65 years. The experimental group (EG) was comprised of 40 participants, previously diagnosed with asthma or COPD undergoing inhalation therapy for more than five years. The control group (CG), comprised of 40 participants, mirrored the same age and gender status of the EG. Dental status was determined by decayed, missing, and filled teeth (DMFT index). Quantity and pH value of saliva were determined in the laboratory. Results: In the EG, the mean value of the salivary flow rate and pH value were statistically significantly lower than in the CG (p<0.001). Patients in the EG had a higher value of DMFT index when compared with the CG, although the difference was not statistically significant (p=0.199). Mean number of decayed teeth, as well as missing teeth, in the EG was statistically significantly higher than in the CG (p<0.001). Mean number of filled teeth in the EG was statistically significantly lower than in the CG (p<0.001). Conclusion: It was found that patients undergoing inhalation therapy face increasing risk of dental caries due to the lower salivary flow rate and pH value along with the inhalation therapy. They should receive intensive preventive care, including oral hygiene instruction and dietary advice