85 research outputs found

    Human-Computer Interaction in Electronic Medical Records: From the Perspectives of Physicians and Data Scientists

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    AbstractThis study investigated the most common challenges of human computer interaction (HCI) while using electronic medical records (EMR) based on the experience of a large Russian medical research center. Inadequate HCI may have a dramatic effect on the quality of data stored in the electronic medical system. We identified the most common classes of mistakes that emerge because of poor HCI design in EMR. Possible consequences of such mistakes are discussed from clinical and data science perspectives. Integration of specially designed clinical decision support system (СDSS) is considered as a possible way to improve HCI with subsequent increase of the EMR quality. This study is a part of a larger project to develop complex CDSS on cardiovascular disorders for medical research centers

    Study of aversive and p38 mapk-inhibitory properties of kappa-agonist with analgesic activity-compound RU-1205

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    The clinical use of kappa-opioid agonists, despite their lack of significant drug potential, is limited by the development of severe sedation, dysphoria, depression, and anhedonia. To this date, there are kappa-opioid receptor agonists lacking these side effects due to the selective activation of intracellular signal transmission pathways without p38-MAPK-kinase activatio

    Implications of Cannabis Use and Heavy Alcohol Use on HIV Drug Risk Behaviors in Russian Heroin Users

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    Cannabis and heavy alcohol use potentially increase HIV transmission by increasing risky drug behaviors. We studied 404 subjects entering treatment for heroin dependence, in St. Petersburg, Russia. We used the HIV Risk Assessment Battery (RAB) drug subscale to measure risky drug behavior. Although all heavy alcohol users had risky drug behaviors, their drug RAB scores did not differ from non-heavy alcohol users in unadjusted or adjusted analyses. Cannabis use was significantly associated with drug RAB scores in unadjusted analyses (mean difference 1.7 points) and analyses adjusted for age, sex, and employment (mean difference 1.3 points). When also adjusting for stimulant use, the impact of cannabis use was attenuated and no longer statistically significant (mean difference 1.1 points). Because of the central role of risky drug behaviors in the Russian HIV epidemic, it is important to understand how the use of multiple substances, including cannabis and alcohol, impacts risky drug behaviors

    Integrated solution for very high cardiovascular risk patients. Rationale and design of a pilot study

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    Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the most common cardiovascular disease and the leading cause of morbidity and mortality. Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) as an abrupt destabilization of CAD, multiplies the risk of cardiovascular events. To reduce the incidence of recurrent cardiovascular events, timely tackling potentially reversible risk factors such as hypertension and/or hyperglycemia is imperative. However, a solid basis for a secondary prevention lies in the treatment of dyslipidemia and begins in the first hours of hospital admission. Despite considerable evidence regarding the efficacy and safety of lipid-lowering therapy, averagely only one third of patients maintain control of lipids. The main challenges are low adherence, poor continuity of medical care, and the lack of an ambulatory routine follow-up. Telehealth solutions are believed to address these barriers and may be considered as an add-on to in-person patient care. Telemonitoring of vital and laboratory parameters, remote patient counseling can be introduced into routine care delivery. Telemedicine shows promise for fostering better clinical effect, and provides health-related quality of life improvement.It is planned to conduct a pilot observational study aimed to create and to test an integrated solution, i.e. telemonitoring and remote counseling in patients of very high cardiovascular risk with ACS followed by myocardial revascularization. The goal is to determine the clinical effectiveness, i.e achievement of target values of blood pressure, lipid profile and glycemia, and patient-centeredness of this approach

    Integrated solution for patients of a very high cardiovascular risk. Final results

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    Secondary prevention should be actively implemented at all stages of treatment and rehabilitation of patients after acute coronary syndrome (ACS). The integration of remote monitoring of patients with the transfer of vital and laboratory data into clinical practice seems promising.Aim. To evaluate the clinical and patient-centered effectiveness of the original 12-month combined face-to-face and telecare program in patients with recent ACS.Material and methods. For the present analysis the data from 84 (out of 100) patients (median age, 56 (50;61) years, 70 males) was used. These patients had to have hypertension and/or type 2 diabetes and an ACS with percutaneous revascularization within 12 months. Their low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) had to be above 2,4 mmol/L. Telehealth program supplemented routine care. A program contained electronic self-control diaries for blood pressure (BP) and lipid profile, and teleconsulting service (text chat). Mandatory face-to-face visits were carried out at 3 and 12 months after the enrollment. The primary end point was ∆LDL-C. Additional clinical and patient-specific endpoints were evaluated.Results. At the 12-month visit, there was a significant decrease in LDL-C by 1,6 (-2,3;-0,9) mmol/L. Besides the initial LDL-C value, the decrease in LDL-C was associated with the proper adherence to keeping diaries of BP and lipid profile (β=0,7), and the number of text messages sent by the doctor in the 1st month after the enrollment (β=0,04). In more adherent patients, the ∆LDL-C was greater by 0,49 mmol/L (95% CI (-1,2; -0,1)) after adjustment for abovementioned covariates. In 35 patients (42%), target LDL-C was achieved, in 60 patients (71%) — a decrease ≥1 mmol/l. Other lipids also have changed for the better. Moreover, adherent patients were twice as likely to achieve the target LDL-C (OR 2,2; 95% CI (0,6; 3,8)) than non-adherent ones. A decrease in office systolic BP by 5,8 mm Hg was shown (p=0,03). The number of physician-to-patient messages exceeded those from patients to physician (median 143 and 111 per patient for 12 months, respectively). The quality of life has improved, but only in terms of emotions. Satisfaction with the program remained high at all timepoints of the study.Conclusion. Our study showed the effectiveness of the integrated care in ACS patients with the telehealth tool included. Commitment to BP self-monitoring, as well as active consultative support at the first stages of rehabilitation, contributes to additional dynamic control of lipid profile, timely correction of lipid-lowering therapy with the achievement of the target LDL-C level. Most of the patients did not experience any difficulties in using the program and are ready to recommend integrated approach to other peers

    Prevalence of professional burnout among practicing cardiologists in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

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    The burnout syndrome among healthcare professionals is a headline problem in the world, as it leads to poor health of medical workers, affects patient satisfaction with health care and the healthcare system as a whole. At the same time, existing preventive measures can improve the well-being of staff.Aim. To study the prevalence of professional burnout syndrome among practicing cardiologists in the Russian Federation (RF).Material and methods. This cross-sectional study was carried out using the method of online anonymous surveying. The inclusion criterion was the current practical activity in the RF. The study involved 452 cardiologists from 8 federal districts (women; n=377, 83,4%), 48,2% of which worked in a hospital. Occupational burnout was assessed using the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) questionnaire in the Russian language adaptation for healthcare workers by N. E. Vodopyanova and E. S. Starchenkova. The score was calculated on three subscales (emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, personal accomplishment), the maximum score for the subscales was 54, 30 and 48, respectively. The personal accomplishment subscale is the opposite as follows: the higher the score, the less the symptom severity. Additionally, demographic parameters, working conditions, the desire to change job and field of activity were taken into account. Regression analysis was used to establish associations of burnout with factors.Results. The median score of the emotional exhaustion subscale was 29,5 (23,0; 35,0) points, depersonalization — 12,0 (8,0; 16,0) and personal accomplishment — 32,0 (28,0; 37,0). Men had higher depersonalization score than women as follows: 15,0 (10,0; 18,0) vs 11,0 (8,0; 15,0), p=0,001. High degrees of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization (burnout) were found in 235 (52%) cardiologists, while all three symptoms simultaneously — in 132 (29,2%) doctors. There were no symptoms of burnout in 84 (18,6%) cardiologists. A high degree of burnout was associated with a desire to change job (p<0,001).Conclusion. A high prevalence of professional burnout among practicing cardiologists in the RF was revealed, which, in turn, is associated with the desire to change job or occupation

    An integrated approach for very high cardiovascular risk patients. Intermediate results

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    The main objective of secondary prevention measures is to modify key risk factors such as hypertension (HTN) and dyslipidemia in patients with established cardiovascular diseases. Its proper implementation improves both short- and long-term outcomes. Telehealth technologies contributes to faster achievement of target levels and better control of key risk factors.Aim. To establish a comprehensive personalized follow-up framework for patients recovered from an acute coronary syndrome (ACS) that integrates telehealth software and to test its clinical and patient-centered efficacy.Material and methods. The three-month follow-up data of 50 patients (50% of planned enrollees; median age, 57 years [53; 61]; males, 84%) who suffered ACS with myocardial revascularization and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) at least 2,5 mmol/L at admission. We introduced the simple and save telehealth software for home BP monitoring and lipid profiling. The basic demographic, clinical and laboratory characteristics of patients were described, as well as the changes lipid profile, office and home BP over this period was analyzed. The primary endpoint was a change in LDL-C after 3 months. In addition, we also focused on pharmacological therapy and its dynamics, as well as on remote counseling and patient’ experience with the mobile application.Results. Three months after inclusion, we have noted significant decrease of total cholesterol (-1,67 mmol/L, p<0,0001) and triglycerides (-0,48 mmol/L, p<0,0001). LDL-C changes were also significant (-1,49 mmol/L, adjusted for age, sex and lipid-lowering therapy; p<0,0001) and was associated only with the baseline LDL-C levels (R2=-0,521, p<0,0001). Thirty-nine (78%) patients achieved at least 1 mmol/L drop of LDL-C. Nine of them reached target LDL-C <1,4 mmol/L (and/or a decrease of 50% from baseline). Both high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (-0,48 mmol/l, p=0,348), office and home BP remained mostly unchanged. The proportion of patients with target office BP levels was almost the same (χ2=3,06, p=0,08). Patients who were recommended combined lipid-lowering therapy with cholesterol absorption inhibitor (ezetimibe) were more likely to achieve target LDL-C (χ2=10,95; p=0,003) than those with single agent (67% versus 17%, p=0,003). No differences were found in subgroups of patients in LDL-C reduction. In each patient an average of 15 remote consultations have been performed (from 1 to 54 per patient per 3 moths). Investigators have had to send reminders to 22 patients regarding the need for regular home BP monitoring. The majority of patients treated telehealth software as easy-to-use and user-friendly.Conclusion. According to the 3-month follow-up of patients after ACS who used the framework integrated with telemonitoring and remote counseling, a positive trend in reducing atherogenic lipid levels was demonstrated, but not in office BP. Only a fifth of patients reached the target LDL-C, but the vast majority had target BP. Despite the fact that the program is convenient to use, almost half of participants require additional reminders from physician on self-monitoring


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    Modern narcology demonstrates a problem of insufficient effectiveness of pharmacotherapy for stabilization of remission in patients with opioid dependence. Effectiveness of the existing pharmacological approaches to solving this problem varies from patient to patient. In Russia, naltrexone is a medication mainly used for stabilization of remission in patients with opioid dependence. The main course of inefficient effectiveness of naltrexone in treatment of opioid dependence could be explained by poor compliance. The effectiveness can be improved by three ways: 1) using extendedrelease formulations of naltrexone; 2) using naltrexone combined with other medications to reduce symptoms resulting in relapse; 3) conducting a pharmacogenetic analysis to provide patients’ stratification by the effectiveness of pharmacotherapy. The main objective of this review is to analyze opportunities for improving pharmacological treatment methods in stabilization of remission in patients with opioid dependence using the combined pharmacotherapy and pharmacogenetic analysis in order to develop individualized pharmacological treatment approach.В современной наркологии существует проблема недостаточной эффективности фармакотерапии для стабилизации ремиссии при зависимости от опиоидов. Эффективность существующих фармакотерапевтических подходов к решению этой проблемы различается от пациента к пациенту. Одним из основных лекарственных средств, применяемых в России для стабилизации ремиссии при зависимости от опиоидов, является налтрексон. Основной причиной недостаточной эффективности налтрексона для лечения опиоидной зависимости является проблема комплаенса. Для улучшения эффективности можно использовать три подхода: 1) применение пролонгированных форм налтрексона; 2) комбинация налтрексона с другими фармакологическими препаратами, позволяющими снизить симптомы, приводящие к рецидиву; 3) фармакогенетический анализ, обеспечивающий стратификацию пациентов по эффективности фармакотерапии. Целью обзора является анализ возможностей повышения эффективности фармакологических методов стабилизации ремиссии при зависимости от опиоидов путем комбинированной фармакотерапии и фармакогенетического анализа для развития персонализированного подхода к фармакотерапии

    ICD-10 code-based definition of heart failure in Saint Petersburg electronic health records: prevalence, health care utilization and outcomes

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    Aim. To analyze prevalence of heart failure (HF), clinical and demographic characteristics, health care utilization, and outcomes according to the used International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems 10th Revision (ICD-10) codes in regional integrated electronic health record database in Saint Petersburg.Material and methods. The retrospective analysis of the Saint Petersburg regional integrated electronic health record database for 2019 was performed. At least one of the following ICD-10 codes has been considered as HF case: I50.x (standard coding) and/or I11.0, I13.0, I13.2, I25.5, I42.0, I42.9, I09.9, I43.0, I43.1, I43.2, I43.8, I42.5, I42.6, I42.7, I42.8 (extended coding).Results. A total of 64070 adult patients with HF had medical encounters in 2019, 34,5% of whom were identified using standard coding, 65,5% — using extended coding. The combination of codes was observed in 9,9% of cases. HF prevalence/mortality was 1,4%/6,8% in general, as well as 0,49%/15,7% and 0,93%/2,1% with standard and extended coding, respectively. HF patients had high healthcare utilization with the mean number of 14 encounters per patient per year. Actually, 24% of patients had more than 20 both inpatient and outpatient encounters and 54% of patients — at least 1 all-cause hospitalization during the year. Encounters of patients with HF accounted for 4,3% of all visits, 6,5% of all hospitalizations, 4,1% of all outpatient visits and 9,7% of all emergency contacts during the year. Patients identified by the standard coding compared with the extended coding had older age and higher incidence of comorbidities, as well as greater hospitalization and death rates, but lower number of outpatient visits.Conclusion. The prevalence of HF among the adult population of Saint. Petersburg in 2019 was 1,4%. HF was characterized by a high health care utilization and mortality rate reaching 15,7 % per year. The use of different approaches to coding presumably could help to identify different groups of patients with HF, which requires the adaptation of healthcare models and an active monitoring system to reduce the risk of adverse events